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Interview from 2013 March 17[edit]

Mulholland states, " But I was always going to the Sunday evening Youth Fellowship. And one Sunday, we were told that next Sunday there would be some colored students coming to meet with us, but we were to keep this absolutely quiet. We were not to tell our parents, our friends, anybody. And the reasons being that the American Nazi Party was around the corner, their headquarters, and of course, it was illegal, so the police could come. And some of the church—I don’t know if “elders” is the word in the Presbyterians, but church leaders might be against this and lock us out and fire the minister forthwith." (0:05:00)

  • created a connection with one of the woman she meet on that Sunday
  • first encounter and experience with African American individuals, lead to her future connection with that community


  • 10-year old Mulholland with her friend
    • she noticed the disparity when she walked in an African-American neighborhood
    • the African Americans would "disappear" when they say two white girls coming down the street
  • High school - Spanish class
    • girl next to her was in a jurisdiction where the schools were closed
    • she had to move to live with other families to be able to go to school, only to have to finish 11th grade again.
      • the girl was set back a year
  • seeing the segregation and the hypocrisy of segregation
    • based on legal documents set for the US and what is stated in the Bible

Mulholland grew up with a mother that encouraged segregation and preferred it. Her mother was all about status.

Mulholland attended Duke University because of her mother.

  • Her mother liked that it was a named school that still followed the segregation standpoint

Although her mother wanted her to attend Duke because it was highly segregated, it was there that Mulholland experienced her first sit-in as UNC students came to gather students that wanted to make a change

  • she stated this was "her moment"

Mulholland's mother thought she had been "sucked up into a cult".

mullholland's father was more so concerned about her safety

Attended Duke for first year, dropped out and started getting menial jobs

She joined the Nonviolent Action Group from Howard University