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Tony Eaton believed to be the one in the infamous Tailhook '91 photo showing a stripper dancing over a man lying on his back in the suite for VMFA(AW)-242 McMichael, pp. 120-122; OIG, p. 73

Feminists before 1991 didn't focus that much on the military Zimmerman, p. 39

Binge drinking part of Navy culture because of nature of duty- extended "dry" periods at sea followed by short stays on land Zimmerman pp. 49-51

[1] 2013 Leon Panetta lifts all remaining restrictions on women in combat?

USAF's first female combat pilot Martha McSally?

The scandal, described in several sources as the Navy's "worst embarrassment since Pearl Harbor,"[1]

Conscription issue unresolved. Women not required to register for draft. Zimmerman (p. 281): "Yet there can be little doubt that taken to its logical conclusion, the argument for equal rights also requires a commitment to equal responsibility."

Boorda, upon appointment to CNO, said there should be no limits on women's participation in the Navy. "The goal is all. The goal is everything. Zimmerman, p. 291

  1. ^ Zimmerman, p. xiv states that the phrase was used in a Newsweek article; Sociologist Charles Moskos called Tailhook "the worst disaster for the US Navy since Pearl Harbor" (Vistica, pp. 15, 391)