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User:RoxySaunders/Talk:Trans woman/Definitions (table test)

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An experimental attempt at organizing the sources collected at Talk:Trans woman/Definitions into a useful, sortable table. WIP.

This table is currently broken; turns out trying to run 36+ simultaneous Lua calls iterating across the entire page triggers a timeout error.

Academic publications School / professional organizations Government agencies Other organizations Dictionaries Non-academic publications Total
Is a woman... 31 9 2 6 2 1 51
Is a person... 57 9 4 7 4 1 82
Is a male...
5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Are those... 4 0 0 1 0 1 0
Active voice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0


Caption text
Definition Citation Source type Predicate (see key)
"...a trans woman is a woman who was assigned the sex male at birth" (Cit: 57) Morgenroth, Thekla; Ryan, Michelle K. (May 6, 2020). "The Effects of Gender Trouble: An Integrative Theoretical Framework of the Perpetuation and Disruption of the Gender/Sex Binary". Perspectives on Psychological Science. 16 (6): 1113–1142. doi:10.1177/1745691620902442. ISSN 1745-6916. PMC 8564221. PMID 32375012. Academic publication Woman
"A woman who was assigned male at birth" (Cit: 45) Dimant, Oscar E.; Cook, Tiffany E.; Greene, Richard E.; Radix, Asa E. (1 December 2019). "Experiences of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Medical Students and Physicians". Transgender Health. 4 (1): 209–216. doi:10.1089/trgh.2019.0021. ISSN 2688-4887. PMC 6757240. PMID 31552292. Academic publication Woman
"A transwoman is a woman who was assigned male at birth and identifies as a female" (Cit: 8) Patel, Khushbu; Lyon, Martha E.; Luu, Hung S. (January 2021). "Providing Inclusive Care for Transgender Patients: Capturing Sex and Gender in the Electronic Medical Record". The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine. 6 (1): 210–218. doi:10.1093/jalm/jfaa214. Academic publication Woman
"...while a transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 3) Easterling, Lauren; Byram, Jessica (January 12, 2022). "Shifting language for shifting anatomy: Using inclusive anatomical language to support transgender and nonbinary identities". The Anatomical Record. 305 (4): 983–991. doi:10.1002/ar.24862. ISSN 1932-8486. Academic publication Woman
"A transgender (trans) woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth" (Cit: 62) Joint, R; Chen, Ze; Cameron, S (April 28, 2018). "Breast and reproductive cancers in the transgender population: a systematic review". BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 125 (12): 1505–1512. doi:10.1111/1471-0528.15258. Academic publication Woman
"A woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 5) Kennedy, Jasper; Perchik, Jordan D.; Porter, Kristin K. (1 January 2021). "Systematic Review of Transgender-Related Research in Radiology Over a Decade: There Is Work to Be Done". Journal of the American College of Radiology. 18 (1, Part A): 93–102. doi:10.1016/j.jacr.2020.09.019. ISSN 1546-1440. Academic publication Woman
"Specifically, a “transgender woman” is a woman who was assigned the biological aspects of a male at birth..." (Cit: 3) Currie, Kelli Rodriguez (2021). "If You Build It," They/Them" Will Come: The Misgendering of Transgender Nonbinary Athletes Is Discrimination on the Basis of Sex". Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport. 31: 312. Academic publication Woman
"With this definition in mind, a transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth and who lives as a woman regardless of the intelligibility (or lack thereof) of their identity to cisgender individuals." (Cit: 1) Brown, Haley Marie (Sep 21, 2021). "The forgotten murders: Gendercide in the twenty-first century and the destruction of the transgender body". In Cox, John; Khoury, Amal; Minslow, Sarah (eds.). Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003010708-11. Academic publication Woman
"...a woman who was assigned a male anatomical sex at birth..." (Cit: 129) Waisel, David B. (April 2013). "Vulnerable populations in healthcare". Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 26 (2): 186–192. doi:10.1097/ACO.0b013e32835e8c17. ISSN 0952-7907. Academic publication Woman
"transgender woman (ie, a woman who was assigned male at birth)" (Cit: 118) Riggs, Damien W., Gavriel Y. Ansara, and Gareth J. Treharne. "An evidence‐based model for understanding the mental health experiences of transgender Australians." Australian Psychologist 50.1 (2015): 32-39. Academic publication Woman
"A trans women is a woman who was assigned male at birth" (Cit: 1) Sauerland, William. "Trans Singers Matter: Gender Inclusive Considerations for Choirs." Voiceprints 15.5 (2018): 95-105. Academic publication Woman
"... transgender woman (a woman who was assigned male sex at birth)" (Cit: 2) Zhang, Adary; Berrahou, Iman; Leonard, Stephanie A.; Main, Elliott K.; Obedin-Maliver, Juno (1 January 2022). "Birth registration policies in the United States and their relevance to sexual and/or gender minority families: Identifying existing strengths and areas of improvement". Social Science & Medicine. 293: 114633. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114633. ISSN 0277-9536. Academic publication Woman
"...a trans woman (a woman who was assigned male at birth)" (Cit: 5) Laycock, H.; Bailey, C. R. (August 2, 2019). "The influence of first author sex on acceptance rates of submissions to Anaesthesia Cases". Anaesthesia. 74 (11): 1432–1438. doi:10.1111/anae.14797. ISSN 0003-2409. Academic publication Woman
"...a trans woman is a woman who was assigned a male sex at birth but identifies as female." (Cit: 8) Pienaar, Kiran; Murphy, Dean; Race, Kane; Lea, Toby (26 January 2020). Sexualities and Intoxication: “To Be Intoxicated Is to Still Be Me, Just a Little Blurry”—Drugs, Enhancement and Transformation in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Cultures. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 139–163. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-35284-4_7. ISBN 978-3-030-35284-4 – via Springer Link. Academic publication Woman
"A trans-woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 0) Izzi, Mabel, and Ophelia Umunna. "Critical Examination Of LGBT Rights In Nigeria." Juridica 7.3 (2011): 28. Academic publication Woman
"A woman who was assigned male at birth (may choose to transition from male to female)" (Cit: 0) Hool, Claire (2 October 2019). "Ethics in Aesthetics: Navigating through the gender minefield". Journal of Aesthetic Nursing. 8 (8): 370–373. doi:10.12968/joan.2019.8.8.370. ISSN 2050-3717. Academic publication Woman
"For example, a woman who was assigned female at birth is a cisgender woman, while a woman assigned male at birth is a transgender woman." (Cit: 10) Sanders, Nathan, Pocholo Umbal, and Lex Konnelly. "Methods for increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in linguistics pedagogy." Proceedings of the 2020 Meeting of the Canadian Linguistics Association. 2020. Academic publication Woman
"Broadly speaking, a trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 15) Palkki, Joshua; Sauerland, William (December 12, 2018). "Considering Gender Complexity in Music Teacher Education". Journal of Music Teacher Education. 28 (3): 72–84. doi:10.1177/1057083718814582. ISSN 1057-0837. Academic publication Woman
"...a trans woman is a woman who was assigned a male sex at birth and identifies as female." (Cit: 24) Pienaar, Kiran; Murphy, Dean Anthony; Race, Kane; Lea, Toby (1 April 2020). "Drugs as technologies of the self: Enhancement and transformation in LGBTQ cultures". International Journal of Drug Policy. 78: 102673. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102673. ISSN 0955-3959. Academic publication Woman
"A transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth..." (Cit: 0) Weppler, Brianna. "There’s No “Gender” in Team: Developing State Policies for the Inclusion of the Transgender Interscholastic Athlete." Touro Law Review 38.1 (2022). Academic publication Woman
"A trans woman, for example, is a woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 9) Ashley, Florence. "Surgical informed consent and recognizing a perioperative duty to disclose in transgender health care." McGill JL & Health 13 (2019): 73. Academic publication Woman
"A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." (Cit: 4) Blincoe, Emily. "Sex markers on birth certificates: Replacing the medical model with self-identification." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 46.1 (2015): 57-83. Academic publication Woman
"For example, a transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth..." (Cit: 106) Medicine, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and; Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and; Population, Committee on; Populations, Committee on Understanding the Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse (23 January 2021). Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations. National Academies Press. ISBN 978-0-309-68081-3 – via Google Books.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) Academic publication Woman
"...trans woman means 'woman assigned to the male sex at birth.'" (Cit: 82) Bettcher, Talia Mae (2013). "Trans women and the meaning of 'woman'". In Soble, Alan (ed.). The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings. Rowman & Littlefield – via PhilPapers. Academic publication Woman
"transgender woman (transfeminine, woman assigned male at birth)" (Cit: 1) Nuyen, Brian, et al. "The health burden of transfeminine facial gender dysphoria: an analysis of public perception." Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine 23.5 (2021): 350-356. Academic publication Woman
"trans women are women who were assigned male at birth" Rashid, Abdul; Afiqah, Siti Nur; Iguchi, Yufu (2022-06-01). "Use of Hormones Among Trans Women in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia: A Mixed Methods Study". Transgender Health. 7 (3). Mary Ann Liebert Inc: 242–249. doi:10.1089/trgh.2020.0119. ISSN 2688-4887. Academic publication Woman
"Broadly speaking, a trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." Sauerland, William (2022). Queering vocal pedagogy : a handbook for teaching trans and genderqueer singers and fostering gender-affirming spaces. Lanham. ISBN 978-1-5381-6666-6. OCLC 1290430966.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) Academic publication Woman
"Transgender, or trans, means your gender identity does not align with the sex you were assigned at birth; for example, a trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth" Newton, David E. (2019). Gender inequality : a reference handbook. Santa Barbara, California. p. 147. ISBN 978-1-4408-7286-0. OCLC 1101568194.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) Academic publication Woman
"trans women are women who were designated male at birth and identify as women" Kirby, Jane (2017). Fired up about reproductive rights. Toronto, Ontario Canada. ISBN 978-1-77113-209-1. OCLC 965746720.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) Academic publication Woman
"I maintain that trans women are ontologically real women and in discussing this claim I weigh up whether trans women should be allowed to stand for, or represent, women in the political fight for women’s rights." Summersell, Jason (2018-05-27). "Trans women are real women: a critical realist intersectional response to Pilgrim". Journal of Critical Realism. 17 (3): 329–336. doi:10.1080/14767430.2018.1493884. ISSN 1476-7430. Academic publication Woman
"Gender data should be self-identified, include nonbinary options, and recognize that trans women are women." Legg, Sonya; Wang, Caixia; Kappel, Ellen; Thompson, LuAnne (July 25, 2022). "Gender Equity in Oceanography (preprint)". Annual Review of Marine Science. 15 (1): 22. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-032322-100357. ISSN 1941-1405. Retrieved Oct 16, 2022. Academic publication Woman
"A term to describe a person who was identified male at birth but who identifies and portrays her gender as female" (Cit: 37) Eckstrand, Kristen; Ehrenfeld, Jesse M. (February 17, 2016). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Healthcare: A Clinical Guide to Preventive, Primary, and Specialist Care. Springer. p. 463. ISBN 978-3-319-19752-4. Academic publication Person
"A person assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman or in similar terms (eg, as a “trans woman” or “woman of transgender experience”)." (Cit: 784) Winter, Sam; Diamond, Milton; Green, Jamison; Karasic, Dan; Reed, Terry; Whittle, Stephen; Wylie, Kevan (July 23, 2016). "Transgender people: health at the margins of society". The Lancet. 388 (10042): 390–400. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)00683-8. ISSN 0140-6736. PMID 27323925. Academic publication Person
"A person with a female gender identity and male assigned sex would be referred to as a 'transgender girl/woman,' 'transfemale,' or MTF (male to female)"(Cit: 41) Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender woman (also: trans woman, male-to female, transgender female): This refers to individuals assigned male at birth but who identify and live as women." (Cit: 1397) #invoke:Citation/CS1 Academic publication Person
"Transwoman – A transgender person assigned male sex at birth but whose gender identity is that of a woman (also known as MTF or woman)" (Cit: 10) #invoke:Citation/CS1 Academic publication Person
"Under this umbrella, a trans woman is a person who identifies as a woman and was assigned male at birth, while a trans man is a person who identifies as a man and was assigned female at birth." (Cit: 1) Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"trans women (people categorized as male at birth who later come to identify as women)" (Cit: 202) #invoke:Citation/CS1 Academic publication Person
"trans women (individuals assigned male at birth who identify and present as women)" #invoke:citation/CS1 Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who are transitioning (or who have transitioned) from a masculine to a feminine subjectivity, who conceive of themselves as feminine subjects, and who call themselves trans women as a political statement." #invoke:Citation/CS1 Academic publication Person
"Trans women are individuals who were assigned male at birth, but now identify as women. " Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender females are people assigned male at birth, but who self-identify as female." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who were assigned a male sex at birth and identify and live as women" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are individuals who were assigned male sex at birth and currently identify as women" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender women or trans women are individuals who were assigned male at birth but who have gender identities as women." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who were identified at birth as male and were raised as boys, but the disjunction between their assigned sex and their identity lead them to decide to transition to live as women. " Template:Cite Academic publication Person
"Trans women are individuals who were assigned male at birth but who identify as women" * Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who were assigned a male sex at birth, but identify as female. " * Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Transgender women are individuals who were assigned the male gender at birth and later come to identify and live as a woman or transgender female." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"trans woman / A person usually assigned male at birth who has taken social, medical, or surgical steps to physically or socially feminize her gender expression or body. This term emphasizes chosen gender as opposed to assigned gender." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Template:Sc or Template:Sc or Template:Sc are people who have gender identities as women and who were assigned male at birth. They may or may not have undergone any transition. MTF or Male-to-Female are older terms that are falling out of use." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"transgender females (also called trans women) are individuals who self-identify as females but were assigned male gender at birth." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are individuals who are assigned as males at birth but whose gender identity is female. They identify psychologically and emotionally as women" Template:Cite web Academic publication Person
"Transgender women, or trans women, are individuals who were assigned male sex at birth with the expectation they would have concordant gender identities (e.g., man) and masculine gender expression, yet have gender identities such as transgender woman or woman, and feminine gender expression" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"trans women are people who have been classed as men whilst having a female gender identity, and who often seek to change their social position so that they are classed as women." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
" Trans women are people who claim social and legal recognition as women, or trans-women, or male-to-female (MtF)" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who were assigned a male sex at birth, but identify as female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who now identify as women." Template:Cite web Academic publication Person
"trans women are people who identify as female/woman or on the transfeminine spectrum but who were labelled male sex at birth" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"trans women are people who remain as men at birth but identify themselves as female" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who now identify as women." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"a transwoman is a person assigned male sex at birth but identifying as a woman" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transwoman: A person assigned male at birth who identifies as female" Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"A person assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman or in similar terms (eg, as a “trans woman” or “woman of transgender experience”) " Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
" ‘Transgender women’, sometimes referred to as ‘male-to-female’ (or ‘MTF’) are individuals who were assigned male sex at birth, but who identify as women or as transgender women" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender person assigned male sex at birth but whose gender identity is that of a woman" Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"a person assigned male at birth may identify and present as female (transwoman)" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"A person assigned male sex at birth, but who identifies with femininity to a greater extent than masculinity." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Trans woman (MTF): A person who was assigned male at birth (AMAB) but who lives as a woman or identifies as female. " Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender woman—someone who was assigned the male sex at birth but currently identifies as a woman (also known as male-to-female)." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"Transgender—Describes a person whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth do not correspond based on traditional expectations; for example, a person assigned female sex at birth who identifies as a man; or a person assigned male sex at birth who identifies as a woman. " Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"trans women (male sex assigned at birth, female gender identity)" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"A person assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman or in similar terms (eg, as a “trans woman” or “woman of transgender experience”)." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"A trans-gender female is a person assigned male at birth who has a gender identity of a female" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"A trans woman is someone who was assigned male at birth – in other words, doctors put the letter “M” on her birth certificate – but now she identifies as a woman or female." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"A trans woman is someone who was labeled male at birth but experiences herself as a woman" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Person
"A trans woman is someone who was assigned male at birth but self-identifies as female and therefore transitions from male to female (MTF)." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Analogously, individuals assigned male gender at birth with a female identity sometimes call themselves transgender women, trans women, or women." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Individuals whose assigned sex at birth was male and who have changed, are changing, or wish to change their body and/or gender role to a more feminized body or gender role are often referred to as transgender women, transwomen, or trans women." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Trans women are individuals assigned male at birth but who identify and live as women, commonly using the pronouns she, her or hers, and who may employ medical intervention to feminize their bodies" Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Trans/transgender woman: Individuals assigned male at birth whose gender identity is female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"transgender women (individuals assigned male who identify as female)" Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Transgender woman (also: trans woman, male-to female, transgender female): This refers to individuals assigned male at birth but who identify and live as women." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Transsexual (TS) women are individuals assigned male genders at birth, but who transition to or assume female/woman/feminine gender identities and expressions in order to be congruent with their subconscious sex." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Trans women are people who were identified at birth as male and were raised as boys, but the disjunction between their assigned sex and their identity lead them to decide to transition to live as women." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"Transgender or trans women are persons who were given a sex assignment as male at birth, and in childhood or later they identified as female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"a male-to- female [MTF] transsexual woman [Trans woman] is someone who was labelled male at birth but has a female gender identity, and therefore transitions to live completely and permanently as a woman" Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"A trans woman is a person who identifies as a woman and who lives in a female role, but who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite book Academic publication Person
"a male-to-female (MTF) transsexual, i.e., a “trans woman,” is a genetic male consistent on all five biological definitions who identifies or thinks of herself as a female, and has “taken social, medical, or surgical steps to physically or socially feminize her gender expression or body” (Shultz 2015: 200–201).'" (Cit: 109) Template:Cite book Academic publication Male
"In contrast to Professor Sharpe, we maintain that transwomen are males who are trans, and transmen are females who are trans; transwomen are a subset of the male sex class and transmen are a subset of the female sex class." Template:Cite web Academic publication Male
"Transwoman is a male who feels she is a female inside This person feels like a female and is a biologically male person who identifies as a female. Transwoman feel they should correctly referred to as female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Male
"transwoman: Biological male who identifies as female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Male
"A trans man is a biological female who has transitioned to male; a trans woman is a biological male who has transitioned to female." Template:Cite book Academic publication Male
"A transgender female or transwoman identifies her gender as female, but was biologically considered a male at birth." (Cit: 3) Template:Cite book Academic publication Active voice
"Transgender women (TGW), sometimes referred to as transwomen or trans, self-identify their gender as female or other though they were assigned male at birth" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Active voice
"Trans women are those who were assigned male at birth and identify as women or feminine" Template:Cite journal Academic publication Those
"Transgender women or trans women are those who now self-identify as women who were identified by Active voices as male at birth." Template:Cite web Academic publication Those
"Trans women are those who were assigned male at birth on the basis of genital appearance but who later identify themselves as female." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Those
"Trans women are those who identify as women or primarily feminine, and trans men are those who identify as men or primarily masculine. Template:Cite report Academic publication Those
"a transgender woman was assigned male at birth but identifies as a woman." Template:Cite journal Academic publication Active voice
"A woman or girl assigned a male sex at birth." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"A transgender woman is a woman (lives as a woman, identifies as a woman) and was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"Trans Woman – A woman who was assigned male (or intersex) at birth and identifies as a trans woman." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"A transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth and has a female gender identity." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"Trans Woman - A woman who was assigned male at birth. Signifies that she is a woman while still affirming her transgender history." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"trans woman a woman who was assigned male at birth" Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"Transgender woman: Often shortened to Trans woman. A woman who was assigned male at birth. Some trans women may also use MTF (Male to Female) or M2F (Male to Female) to describe their identity." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"Trans man or trans woman – noun : A transgender man who was assigned female at birth, or a woman who was assigned male at birth. Not all trans people adopt this identity label and prefer to refer to themselves simply as a “woman” or “man.”" Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"Transgender Woman/Trans Woman: A woman who was assigned male sex at birth." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Woman
"MTF: Male-to-female transgender person. Sometimes known as a transgender woman. Someone assigned the male gender at birth who identifies on the female spectrum." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"For example, the term 'trans woman' is used for an individual whose sex at birth was assigned male and whose gender identity is female." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"MtF – A person who was assigned a male sex at birth and whose gender identity is girl/woman." Template:Cite web (Linked by the Princeton Gender + Sexuality Resource Center) School / professional organization Person
"MTF Individuals: Male-to-female transsexual people, transsexual women, or transwomen – individuals assigned male at birth who identify as female." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"A person whose sex assigned at birth was male, but who identifies as a woman (see MTF)." Template:Cite journal School / professional organization Person
"Trans woman: A woman who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"a person assigned male identifying as a girl is a transgender woman" Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"A male-to-female/MTF trans woman is someone who was labelled male at birth but has a female gender identity and transitions to live permanently as a woman." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"Conversely, people who were assigned male, but identify and live as female and alter or wish to alter their bodies through medical intervention to more closely resemble their gender identity are known as transsexual women or transwomen (also known as male-to-female or MTF)." Template:Cite web School / professional organization Person
"Trans woman: A woman who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite web Government agency Woman
"Transgender woman: a woman who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite web Government agency Woman
"A person assigned male at birth who identifes as female." Template:Cite web Government agency Person
"Transgender woman": "This category includes persons whose sex assigned at birth was reported as male and whose current gender was reported as female. It also includes persons whose current gender was indicated as transwoman." Template:Cite web Government agency Person
"The term transgender woman typically is used to refer to someone who was assigned the male sex at birth but who identifies as a female." U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: "Fact Sheet: Bathroom Access Rights for Transgender Employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964"
Template:Cite web
Government agency Person
"We use 'trans woman' for someone who was registered male at birth and now identifies as a woman" Template:Cite web Government agency Person
"a transgender woman may be assigned male at birth, but transition to living as a woman consistent with her gender identity" US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Template:Cite web

Government agency Active voice
"A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth. Some trans women prefer to simply be referred to as women, whereas Active voices feel being trans is an important part of their gender label." Template:Cite web Other organization Woman
"A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite web Other organization Woman
"A trans woman is someone who is a woman, or has a present experience of womanhood, and who was presumed to be male at birth. This can include trans women, trans feminine people, and more." Template:Cite web Other organization Woman
"Transgender Woman: A woman who was assigned male at birth may use this term to describe herself. She may shorten it to trans woman. (Note: trans woman, not "transwoman.") Some may prefer to simply be called women, without any modifier. Use the term the person uses to describe their gender." Template:Cite web Other organization Woman
"A transgender woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth" Template:Cite web Other organization Woman
"trans woman: a woman who was assigned male at birth." Template:Cite news Other organization Woman
"A person whose sex assigned at birth was male but whose gender identity is female." Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"A transgender person whose gender identity is girl/woman/female may use these terms to describe themselves. Some will use the term woman. Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"Transgender Girl – Children assigned male at birth who identify themselves as girls" Template:Cite Other organization Person
"MtF: an abbreviation for male-to-female. It refers to a transgender person who was assigned male at birth, and whose gender identity is that of a woman. This person would also be known as a transwoman." Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"Transgender woman: A term used to describe someone who is assigned male at birth but identifies and lives as a woman. This may be shortened to trans woman" Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"Transgender woman/transwoman/transfeminine individual - Person with a feminine gender identity who was designated a male sex at birth" Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"Trans women are people who were assigned male at birth (their birth gender was registered as male) who identify as female" Template:Cite web Other organization Person
"A transgender woman lives as a woman today, but was thought to be male when she was born" Template:Cite web Other organization Active voice
"‘trans women’ are those born with male appearance but identifying as women." Template:Cite web Other organization Those
"Transgender Female or Transwoman: A transgender female or transwoman identifies her gender as female, but was biologically considered a male at birth." Template:Cite book Other organization Active voice
"a transgender woman : a woman who was identified as male at birth" Template:Cite Merriam-Webster Dictionary Woman
"a transgender or transsexual woman" Template:Cite Collins Dictionary Dictionary Woman
"A person whose birth sex was male but who lives and identifies as a woman; a transgender woman." Template:Cite Lexico Dictionary Person
"an adult who was assigned male at birth but whose gender identity is female." Template:Cite Dictionary.com Dictionary Person
"A transgender person who identifies as a woman." Template:Cite American Heritage Dictionary Dictionary Person
"transwoman, n. – A male-to-female transgender or transsexual person." Template:Cite OED Dictionary Person
"Trans women are women who were assigned male at birth and identify as women." Template:Cite book Non-academic publication Woman
"those assigned male at birth but living as a woman may call themselves a 'transgender woman'" Template:Cite news Non-academic publication Those
"Transgender describes someone whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth (this can also be shortened to “trans”). For example, a transgender woman is someone who was listed as male at birth but whose gender identity is female." Template:Cite news Non-academic publication Person