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User:Rossm1234/Mountain fish

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The Northern Mountain Fish (septentrionali montis piscium)is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. It is most commonly found in puddles atop of high altitude mountains in British Columbia, Canada.



Mountain Fish have metallic scales, similar to goldfish. The Mountain Fish's deep body, broad and curved back, and tail placement has been merged with the large head-growth, Mountain Fish do not have dorsal fins.



In ancient Japan thought to be the home of the Mountain Fish, their metallic scales were used for religious ceremonies. Mountain Fish once flourished world wide, until climate change began to slowly diminish their population. They were thought to be extinct until 1981, when they were found on Mount Shani, Russia. They were than exported to British Columbia, Canada in 1982. They have spread to a few other mountains in Russia, they are spread by certain birds drinking water and than they cause the bird to vomit. In British Columbia they only live on one mountain currently (where they were exported to) The Stawamus Chief in Squamish.



Mountain Fish are known to stay in their parent's pond for up to 4 months until carried away by a bird (see history). They are very non-agressive but are known to protect themselves or their fry from predictors.



Mountain Fish usually range from 7-15cm depending on the size of the puddle they live in. The largest Mountain Fish ever was found by Ava Mundy at the Stawamus Chief and it measured 27cm in length.



Mountain Fish eat the moss the grows on the surface of the mountain and algae. They reach the moss when it rains and the puddle expands, the fish can last up to one month without food due to their fatty deposits surrounding their bodies.



Mountain fish can have a memory-span of at least three years and can distinguish between different shapes, colors and sounds. Mountain Fish have one of the best visions of all fishes. By using positive reinforcement, Mountain Fish can be trained to recognize and to react to light signals of different colors or to perform tricks and even recognize people.



Mountain Fish may only grow to sexual maturity with the right nutrition. Breeding usually happens after a significant temperature change, often in Winter unlike most fish. Males chase females, prompting them to release their eggs by nudging them and using a special sound by emptying their air bladder. A pregnant Mountain Fish is called a "noob".Mountain Fish, like all cyprinids, are egg-layers. Their eggs are adhesive and attach to rough surfaces. The eggs hatch within 70 to 100 hours. Within a week or so, the fry begins to assume its final shape. In their first weeks of life, the fry grow quickly to cope with the cold waters