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User:Roman Spinner/CBS News Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood year-end tribute ("Hail and Farewell") in memoriam of those who died in 2013

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Text copyrighted by CBS News Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood. Hosted and narrated by Charles Osgood on Sunday morning, December 29, 2013

Complete list (77 names as broadcast December 29, 2013)[edit]

"They led us and inspired us. They were singers and actors, writers and poets. They gave us advice and inventions, and so many memorable moments."

  1. Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 — 5 December 2013) walked out of prison after 27 years with his head held high and his mind fixed not on revenge, but on a more difficult task — a reconciliation. [Nelson Mandela]: "The time for the healing of the wounds has come." Thank you, Nelson Mandela, for showing us that, in the right hands, courage, grace and forgiveness are more powerful than any weapon. And thank you,
  2. Van Cliburn (July 12, 1934 — February 27, 2013). With your two hands you struck a chord of camaraderie in Moscow in 1958, warming Soviet and American hearts with your music. Chinese ping pong champion
  3. Zhuang Zedong (August 25, 1940 — February 10, 2013) reached out a hand of friendship to American Glenn Cowan in Japan in 1971 and got a gift in return. [Glenn Cowan]: "I gave him a T-shirt with the American flag, the hippie peace symbol in the corner and the words 'Let It Be' on the bottom." Their gestures opened the door between our two countries that had been closed for decades. [President Nixon]: "Friendship between our two great peoples will mean a better chance for peace for all the world." Thank you, Zhuang Zedong, for your ping-pong diplomacy. [David Frost]: "Reviewing now your conduct over the whole of the Watergate period…" Goodbye to
  4. David Frost (7 April 1939 — 31 August 2013) whose interviews often made headlines — none more famously than this, [David Frost]: "And I think, unless you say it, you're gonna be haunted for the rest of your life." Former President Richard Nixon's first, and only, apology. [President Nixon]: "I let the American people down. And I have to carry that burden with me for the rest of my life." British Prime Minister
  5. Margaret Thatcher (13 October 1925 — 8 April 2013) left office with no regrets. [Margaret Thatcher]: "It is because we, on this side, have never flinched from difficult decisions, that this house and this country can have confidence in this government today." Goodbye to you, Iron Lady. [Muriel Siebert]: "If the doors didn't open, I just reared back and pushed them open." And to you,
  6. Muriel Siebert (September 12, 1928 — August 24, 2013), as the first woman to hold a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, you opened doors for women on Wall Street. [Interviewer]: "Helen, how long have you been covering the White House?" [Helen Thomas]: "Since the start of the Kennedy era".
  7. Helen Thomas (August 4, 1920 — July 20, 2013) pushed open the door to the White House Press Room and stayed there, front and center, asking the tough questions of ten administrations. [Helen Thomas]: "You know of any money that could have gone in?… Why did you really wanna go to war?…" Thank you, Helen Thomas. [Ed Koch]: "Hi, everybody… I'm Ed Koch… How'm I doin'?" And you,
  8. Ed Koch (December 12, 1924 — February 1, 2013), you asked the same question for three terms as New York's pugnacious mayor. And weren't afraid of the answer. [Ed Koch]: "There are very few people in public office who would invite someone to say, 'you're doin' terrible'… heh, heh, heh…" "Hello…" Ed Koch left the world a little less colorful this year.
  9. Al Neuharth (March 22, 1924 — April 19, 2013) thought our newspapers should be more colorful. And that news stories should be simpler and more bite-sized. He gave us USA Today. [Puppet singing]: "Oh, I'm a gummi bear…"
  10. Hans Riegel (10 March 1923 — 15 October 2013) transformed his family's brightly-colored, bite-sized gummi bears into international superstars. He left the world a little sweeter.
  11. Annette Funicello (October 22, 1942 — April 8, 2013) was irresistibly sweet. As a Mouseketeer and, later, when she lost the mouse ears, donned a bikini and headed to the beach. Even when MS made walking difficult, Annette Funicello kept her winning smile, showing us all how to move through life with courage and grace.
  12. Esther Williams (August 8, 1921 — June 6, 2013) plunged into life with daring, grace and style, swimming her way to fame with a smile no amount of water could wash away. [Ricardo Montalban peering out of the water in a clip from from 1949's Neptune's Daughter]: "Shall we dance?" Her movies inspired a whole new Olympic sport — synchronized swimming. So many varied gifts they gave us.
  13. Ray Dolby (January 18, 1933 — September 12, 2013) helped to invent the world's first videotape recorder. It used enormous reels like this. And then Dolby went on to revolutionize sound. Chances are you're hearing me better right now thanks to Ray Dolby.
  14. Amar Bose (November 2, 1929 — July 12, 2013) put his name on some of the world's finest speakers and earphones. Our thanks to him. And
  15. Doug Engelbart (January 30, 1925 — July 2, 2013) gave us this — the computer mouse, opening up a universe of information with just a click. [Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton]: "Boy, the way Glenn Miller played. Songs that made the hit parade..."
  16. Jean Stapleton (January 19, 1923 — May 31, 2013) was a fine actress, in the movies and on stage. But, we'll remember her most fondly as Edith Bunker, Archie's loving and long-suffering wife. [Carroll O'Connor]: "The only thing anybody could ever pin on you, and so's far as I know, it ain't no crime, is bein' a dingbat." [Jean Stapleton]: "Oh, thank you, Archie." She made us laugh, with her big heart and earnest struggles. [Priest]: "D'ya ever wish you were somebody else?" [Jean Stapleton]: "No, but when I was a little girl I used to pretend to be somebody else." [Priest]: "Oh, yeah? Who?" Jean Stapleton: "Deanna Durbin." ["…Life is sweet and gay…" Deanna Durbin singing "Spring in My Heart", based on a Johann Strauss medley]
  17. Deanna Durbin (December 4, 1921 — circa April 20, 2013) was the girl many little girls dreamed of being, in the 1930s, smart and spunky and with a voice like an angel [Deanna Durbin hitting the final high note from Madama Butterfly's "Un bel dì"]. Deanna Durbin charmed America through those dark Depression days, then walked away from the spotlight, and died quietly this year, at 91. [The Andrews Sisters singing "Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me…"]
  18. Patty Andrews (February 16, 1918 — January 30, 2013) and her sisters lifted our spirits during World War II. If there's a canteen in heaven, The Andrews Sisters are together there now, teaching the angels to swing. [Patti Page singing "I was dancin' with my darlin' to The Tennessee Waltz"] Goodbye to
  19. Patti Page (November 8, 1927 — January 1, 2013), who waltzed us through the fifties with her sweet, silky voice. [Eydie Gormé singing "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars"] and to
  20. Eydie Gormé (August 16, 1928 — August 10, 2013) with her sophisticated style. [Countdown voice: "five, four, three, two, one..."]
  21. Scott Carpenter (May 1, 1925 — October 10, 2013) never made it to the moon, but... he did bring us closer. He rode a rocket into orbit in 1962. [Scott Carpenter's voice: "It is go, baby, go, all the way"] He had... the right stuff. [Announcer: "For innovation in rocket propulsion systems…"]
  22. Yvonne Brill (December 30, 1924 — March 27, 2013) was a rocket scientist who managed to raise a family and invent a propulsion system to keep satellites in orbit… in her spare time.
  23. Ruth Benerito (January 12, 1916 — October 5, 2013) gave us permanent press fabrics. She saved us countless hours of ironing. Time we could spend on the Etch A Sketch, thanks to
  24. André Cassagnes (September 23, 1926 — January 16, 2013). Hats off to them. And hats off to
  25. Kenneth Battelle (April 19, 1927 — May 12, 2013), known to everyone as "Mr. Kenneth". He was a genius of hair. [Voice of Dennis Massa singing, "It's Stan the Man, St. Louis Stan, is loved by every baseball fan…"] In baseball,
  26. Stan Musial (November 21, 1920 — January 19, 2013) was "Stan the Man", one of the greatest hitters of all time and a true gentleman. Hats off to him. [Voice of Louis Jordan singing, "There's something' 'bout the deacon that I want to make clear. Who's honored and respected? Lordy, Lordy, Hallelujah, Deacon Jones!!!] And to
  27. Deacon Jones (December 9, 1938 — June 3, 2013), football's "Secretary of Defense". And to the Baltimore Orioles manager
  28. Earl Weaver (August 14, 1930 — January 19, 2013) whose record for ejections from ballgames will probably never be beaten. "On my tombstone, just write 'The sorest loser who ever lived'" was what Earl Weaver had to say about that. Doctor
  29. Robert Edwards (physiologist) (27 September 1925 — 10 April 2013) created a sensation in 1978 when... Louise Brown was born, the first test tube baby. Millions of people now have a chance to raise a family, thanks to Robert Edwards.
  30. Virginia Johnson (February 11, 1925 — July 24, 2013) created a sensation of her own, in 1966, when she and her partner, Dr. William Masters, published their scientific study… of sex [Virginia Johnson speaking: "Our work will contribute to a change in the attitude toward sexuality, to the extent that it will be more practical and wholesome."] [Voice of Lou Reed singing: "I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side. And the colored girls say… Doo doo doo doo doo too"] Goodbye to
  31. Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 — October 27, 2013), the dark poet of rock. And, to
  32. Allan Arbus (February 15, 1918 — April 19, 2013), who played a shrink on M*A*S*H* [Allan Arbus in excerpt from M*A*S*H*: "Sex is why we gamble, sex is why we drink, sex is why we give birth". Alan Alda: "Thank you, doctor". Allan Arbus: "I'm taking a five-dollar chip. That was a house call."] [Image of Dr. Joyce Brothers speaking: "If you're a woman, are you as feminine as you think you are? If you're a man, as masculine as you think you are?"] Doctor
  33. Joyce Brothers (October 20, 1927 — May 13, 2013) made house calls in our living rooms, as the first television psychologist. [Voice of Pauline Phillips: "Now here is a letter from a man who wrote me in care of Milwaukee Sentinel. His wife doesn't understand him, but his bookkeeper does."]
  34. Pauline Phillips (July 4, 1918 — January 16, 2013) shot off sage and snappy answers for nearly half a century. Thanks for the advice, Dear Abby. And, thanks to you, Surgeon General
  35. C. Everett Koop (October 14, 1916 — February 25, 2013), for your good advice about the dangers of tobacco. [C. Everett Koop speaking, "If I had my way, I would say it is just as addictive as heroin or cocaine."] [Cory Monteith singing "just a small-town girl..."]
  36. Cory Monteith (May 11, 1982 — July 13, 2013), you sang your songs for far too short a time. As Finn Hudson on Glee, you inspired teenagers to find their own voices… then broke their hearts when you succumbed to your own darker angels. "I will not be a common man",
  37. Peter O'Toole (2 August 1932 — 14 December 2013) wrote in his journal at age 18, "I will stir the smooth sands of monotony." [Peter O'Toole in scene from Lawrence of Arabia: "I am extraordinary. What of it?"] And did he ever! Dashing across the Arabian desert, playing warriors, kings, and swashbuckling leading men [Peter O'Toole in a scene from My Favorite Year: "I'm not an actor, I'm a movie star!"], characters that will live forever. [Peter O'Toole in a scene from Goodbye Mr. Chips: "So, you see, it won't really be goodbye... at all"]
  38. Seamus Heaney (13 April 1939 — 30 August 2013) died this year. He was a great poet from a country of poets, Ireland. He wrote this, a poem called "Digging": "Between my finger and my thumb, The squat pen rests; snug as a gun. Under my window, a clean rasping sound, When the spade sinks into gravelly ground: My father, digging." Seamus Heaney's lyrical digging won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995. When
  39. Doris Lessing (22 October 1919 — 17 November 2013) won that coveted prize 12 years later, she greeted the news in her own unconventional manner. [News clip: "Reporter: "You've won the Nobel Prize for literature." Doris Lessing. "Oh, Christ!"] Doris Lessing defied convention all her long life, a life she chronicled with visionary zeal and a skeptic's honesty. The Golden Notebook is considered a feminist Bible, although she never considered herself a feminist, or any other kind of "-ist". She was one of kind. [Doris Lessing: "It's a real fact."] [Richie Havens singing, "Freedom, Freedom…"]
  40. Richie Havens (January 21, 1941 — April 22, 2013), you were one of a kind. You gave a new generation an anthem at Woodstock in 1969. [Karen Black to Dennis Hopper in a scene from Easy Rider: "I mean, is this really your hair?"] Goodbye to
  41. Karen Black (July 1, 1939 — August 8, 2013), a uniquely talented actor [Eileen Brennan in a scene from Private Benjamin: "I have been assigned to a new post". A good post. Let's not keep in touch, shall we?] and you,
  42. Eileen Brennan (September 3, 1932 — July 28, 2013) [Milo O'Shea serving tea to attorneys in a scene from The Verdict] and you,
  43. Milo O'Shea (2 June 1926 — 2 April 2013), with your bushy eyebrows and Irish charm. [East of Eden theme is heard as film clips of Richard Griffiths, Eleanor Parker and Lisa Robin Kelly are shown without Charles Osgood speaking their names, with the theme continuing to play through Julie Harris' segment] Farewell to the many fine actors who died this year, whose talents, humor and grace will live on.
  44. Richard Griffiths (31 July 1947 — 28 March 2013)
  45. Eleanor Parker (June 26, 1922 — December 9, 2013)
  46. Lisa Robin Kelly (March 1970 — August 14, 2013) [Julie Harris and James Dean in a clip from East of Eden] Our love to
  47. Julie Harris (December 2, 1925 — August 24, 2013) who rode the ferris wheel with James Dean, and to
  48. Joan Fontaine (22 October 1917 — 15 December 2013) [Joan Fontaine to Laurence Olivier in a scene from Rebecca: "I wish there could have been an invention that bottled up a memory, like perfume, and it never faded, never got stale."] and a sad farewell to
  49. Paul Walker (September 12, 1973 — November 30, 2013) who raced to superstardom in six Fast and Furious movies. When Paul Walker's life came to a tragic end in a fast car this year, it was all too real.
  50. Rodolfo Hernandez (April 14, 1931 — December 21, 2013) was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1952 for valor under fire in Korea, and then devoted the rest of his life to helping his fellow veterans. A salute to him. And to all the brave men and women who gave their lives for their country this year, thank you.
  51. Tom Clancy's (April 12, 1947 — October 1, 2013) military thrillers extolled the virtues of those who serve, in stories so real some suspected he stole government secrets. "I made up stuff that turned out to be true", he said. "That's the spooky part." [clip of Roger Ebert saying, "I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie."]
  52. Roger Ebert (June 18, 1942 — April 4, 2013) loved movies, even when he hated them. Thumbs up to you, Roger Ebert! [Musical theme from One Day at a Time plays as clips are shown] And thumbs up to
  53. Bonnie Franklin (January 6, 1944 — March 1, 2013) who won our hearts as a single mom. [Bonnie Franklin saying, "We'll make it. I promise."] She was part of our TV family. And so was
  54. Conrad Bain (February 4, 1923 — January 14, 2013), the doting dad on Diff'rent Strokes [Conrad Bain saying, "You guys don't know how much happiness you bring me."] [Clip of Frank Bank saying, "Don't call me Lumpy".] And
  55. Frank Bank (April 12, 1942 — April 13, 2013), who played Wally Cleaver's friend on Leave It to Beaver. [Clip of Marcia Wallace with Bob Newhart from The Bob Newhart Show]
  56. Marcia Wallace (November 1, 1942 — October 25, 2013), you made us laugh as Bob Newhart's receptionist, and then tickled the funny bones of a whole new generation [Clip from The Simpsons: Bart: "I can't take the test. I have a stomach ache." Schoolteacher Edna Krabappel: "Well, that's a lame excuse for an excuse. Hah!"]. She was a funny lady. [Jonathan Winters, in drag as Maudie Frickert, to Dean Martin on The Dean Martin Show: "Whadda you wanna do? Huh?" Dean Martin: "I don't know. What's your pleasure?" Jonathan/Maudie: "Well, if I told you that, we'd be off the air! Heh, heh, heh!"]
  57. Jonathan Winters (November 11, 1925 — April 11, 2013) was a very funny man. He left us... laughing this year. "Bad guys are the fun guys",
  58. Elmore Leonard (October 11, 1925 — August 20, 2013) wrote. He was a master of crime. [Clip from Get Shorty, with Dennis Farina saying, "the name is Barboni, not Barbono, OK?"] One of those bad guys was Ray "Bones" Barboni, played by
  59. Dennis Farina (February 29, 1944 — July 22, 2013), a real-life cop who played both sides of the law in the movies and on TV. We will miss him. [In a clip from Get Shorty, John Travolta asks James Gandolfini, "So, how many movies have you been in?" Gandolfini replies, "About sixty". Travolta: "You any good?" Gandolfini: "Am I any good?"] And we will miss you,
  60. James Gandolfini (September 18, 1961 — June 19, 2013). You were very good indeed, winning our hearts as the unlikely hero Tony Soprano, a mob boss with a questioning soul and a shrink. You were part of our family. [James Gandolfini in a scene from The Sopranos: "Someday soon, you're gonna have families of your own and, if you're lucky, you'll remember the little moments, like this, that were good. Cheers." [Accompanied by the sound of Marian McPartland's jazz piano rendition of "Get Happy", Charles Osgood speaks the closing words, while small and medium-sized uncaptioned photographs of the departed (16 photos, as listed below, and a video image, at the end, of Marian McPartland continuing to play "Get Happy") are displayed on screen, one or two at a time] What an amazing company of men and women left us this year, who gave of their hearts and their souls and their hands.
  61. Maria Tallchief (January 24, 1925 — April 11, 2013)
  62. James DePreist (November 21, 1936 — February 8, 2013)
  63. Phil Ramone (January 5, 1934 — March 30, 2013)
  64. Pat Summerall (May 10, 1930 — April 16, 2013)
  65. George Jones (September 12, 1931 — April 26, 2013)
  66. Shakuntala Devi (November 4, 1929 — April 21, 2013)
  67. Ray Manzarek (February 12, 1939 — May 20, 2013)
  68. JJ Cale (December 5, 1938 — July 26, 2013)
  69. Bruce Dunning (April 5, 1940 — August 26, 2013)
  70. John Palmer (TV journalist) (September 10, 1935 — August 3, 2013)
  71. George Rodrigue (March 13, 1944 — December 14, 2013)
  72. Michael Ansara (April 15, 1922 — July 31, 2013)
  73. Dale Robertson (July 14, 1923 — February 27, 2013) [clip of Marian McPartland at the piano, as she continues to play "Get Happy"]
  74. Marian McPartland (20 March 1918 — 20 August 2013) We will miss them all and be grateful for the times we had together that were good. Cheers.
    2013 HAIL and FAREWELL

Actors only (in chronological order)[edit]

  1. Patti Page (November 8, 1927 — January 1, 2013)
  2. Conrad Bain (February 4, 1923 — January 14, 2013)
  3. Patty Andrews (February 16, 1918 — January 30, 2013)
  4. Dale Robertson (July 14, 1923 — February 27, 2013)
  5. Bonnie Franklin (January 6, 1944 — March 1, 2013)
  6. Richard Griffiths (31 July 1947 — 28 March 2013)
  7. Milo O'Shea (2 June 1926 — 2 April 2013)
  8. Annette Funicello (October 22, 1942 — April 8, 2013)
  9. Jonathan Winters (November 11, 1925 — April 11, 2013)
  10. Frank Bank (April 12, 1942 — April 13, 2013)
  11. Allan Arbus (February 15, 1918 — April 19, 2013)
  12. Deanna Durbin (December 4, 1921 — circa April 20, 2013)
  13. Richie Havens (January 21, 1941 — April 22, 2013)
  14. George Jones (September 12, 1931 — April 26, 2013)
  15. Joyce Brothers (October 20, 1927 — May 13, 2013)
  16. Jean Stapleton (January 19, 1923 — May 31, 2013)
  17. Esther Williams (August 8, 1921 — June 6, 2013)
  18. James Gandolfini (September 18, 1961 — June 19, 2013)
  19. Cory Monteith (May 11, 1982 — July 13, 2013)
  20. Dennis Farina (February 29, 1944 — July 22, 2013)
  21. Eileen Brennan (September 3, 1932 — July 28, 2013)
  22. Michael Ansara (April 15, 1922 — July 31, 2013)
  23. Karen Black (July 1, 1939 — August 8, 2013)
  24. Eydie Gormé (August 16, 1928 — August 10, 2013)
  25. Lisa Robin Kelly (March 1970 — August 14, 2013)
  26. Julie Harris (December 2, 1925 — August 24, 2013)
  27. Marcia Wallace (November 1, 1942 — October 25, 2013)
  28. Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 — October 27, 2013)
  29. Paul Walker (September 12, 1973 — November 30, 2013)
  30. Eleanor Parker (June 26, 1922 — December 9, 2013)
  31. Peter O'Toole (2 August 1932 — 14 December 2013)
  32. Joan Fontaine (22 October 1917 — 15 December 2013)

All others (in chronological order)[edit]

  1. Pauline Phillips (July 4, 1918 — January 16, 2013)
  2. André Cassagnes (September 23, 1926 — January 16, 2013)
  3. Stan Musial (November 21, 1920 — January 19, 2013)
  4. Earl Weaver (August 14, 1930 — January 19, 2013)
  5. Ed Koch (December 12, 1924 — February 1, 2013)
  6. James DePreist (November 21, 1936 — February 8, 2013)
  7. Zhuang Zedong (August 25, 1940 — February 10, 2013)
  8. C. Everett Koop (October 14, 1916 — February 25, 2013)
  9. Van Cliburn (July 12, 1934 — February 27, 2013)
  10. Yvonne Brill (December 30, 1924 — March 27, 2013)
  11. Phil Ramone (January 5, 1934 — March 30, 2013)
  12. Roger Ebert (June 18, 1942 — April 4, 2013)
  13. Margaret Thatcher (13 October 1925 — 8 April 2013)
  14. Robert Edwards (physiologist) (27 September 1925 — 10 April 2013)
  15. Maria Tallchief (January 24, 1925 — April 11, 2013)
  16. Pat Summerall (May 10, 1930 — April 16, 2013)
  17. Al Neuharth (March 22, 1924 — April 19, 2013)
  18. Shakuntala Devi (November 4, 1929 — April 21, 2013)
  19. Kenneth Battelle (April 19, 1927 — May 12, 2013)
  20. Ray Manzarek (February 12, 1939 — May 20, 2013)
  21. Deacon Jones (December 9, 1938 — June 3, 2013)
  22. Doug Engelbart (January 30, 1925 — July 2, 2013)
  23. Amar Bose (November 2, 1929 — July 12, 2013)
  24. Helen Thomas (August 4, 1920 — July 20, 2013)
  25. Virginia Johnson (February 11, 1925 — July 24, 2013)
  26. JJ Cale (December 5, 1938 — July 26, 2013)
  27. John Palmer (TV journalist) (September 10, 1935 — August 3, 2013)
  28. Marian McPartland (20 March 1918 — 20 August 2013)
  29. Elmore Leonard (October 11, 1925 — August 20, 2013)
  30. Muriel Siebert (September 12, 1928 — August 24, 2013)
  31. Bruce Dunning (April 5, 1940 — August 26, 2013)
  32. Seamus Heaney (13 April 1939 — 30 August 2013)
  33. David Frost (7 April 1939 — 31 August 2013)
  34. Ray Dolby (January 18, 1933 — September 12, 2013)
  35. Tom Clancy (April 12, 1947 — October 1, 2013)
  36. Ruth Benerito (January 12, 1916 — October 5, 2013)
  37. Scott Carpenter (May 1, 1925 — October 10, 2013)
  38. Hans Riegel (10 March 1923 — 15 October 2013)
  39. Doris Lessing (22 October 1919 — 17 November 2013)
  40. Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 — 5 December 2013)
  41. George Rodrigue (March 13, 1944 — December 14, 2013)
  42. Rodolfo Hernandez (April 14, 1931 — December 21, 2013)
  43. [unidentified]
  44. [unidentified]
  45. [unidentified]

Comparison with overlapping timespan on December 17, 2013 list broadcast by Turner Classic Movies (TCM) and the list broadcast on the March 2, 2014 Academy Awards; the Academy list spans January 26, 2013 — February 24, 2014; the TCM list spans December 22, 2012 — December 15, 2013; the overlapping timespan is 2013, January 26 — December 15[edit]

Overlapping names (in chronological order) from all three lists (Academy list has a total of 47 names [34 from 2013, 13 from 2014]; TCM list has a total of 69 names [5 from 2012, 64 from 2013]; CBS Sunday Morning list has a total of 77 names [all from 2013])[edit]

  1. Richard Griffiths (31 July 1947 — 28 March 2013)
  2. Roger Ebert (June 18, 1942 — April 4, 2013)
  3. Annette Funicello (October 22, 1942 — April 8, 2013)
  4. Deanna Durbin (December 4, 1921 — circa April 20, 2013)
  5. Esther Williams (August 8, 1921 — June 6, 2013)
  6. James Gandolfini (September 18, 1961 — June 19, 2013)
  7. Eileen Brennan (September 3, 1932 — July 28, 2013)
  8. Karen Black (July 1, 1939 — August 8, 2013)
  9. Elmore Leonard (October 11, 1925 — August 20, 2013)
  10. Julie Harris (December 2, 1925 — August 24, 2013)
  11. Tom Clancy (April 12, 1947 — October 1, 2013)
  12. Eleanor Parker (June 26, 1922 — December 9, 2013)
  13. Peter O'Toole (2 August 1932 — 14 December 2013)
  14. Joan Fontaine (22 October 1917 — 15 December 2013)

See also[edit]