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User:RockemSockem38/Choose an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1



Article Evaluation:

-The lead section is clear but could be simplified

-The lead section does not give an overview of the subsections

-Unclear about the "names" section

-More sourcing is needed within the theory section

-Not clearly stating facts as a statement

-Not enough information on the human section

Overall, this site lacks strong writing but has a good foundation for correction


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4690898/. gives a good definition of acclimatization and explains how humans undergo this process.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/acclimation. is another strong definition of the word and an explanation for how animals process it.

Option 2


Tap dance

Article Evaluation:

-The lead section has some inaccurate information on the history of tap dance

-The lead section is very vague and does not introduce all subcategories clearly

-Does it acknowledge oppressed groups properly

-Needs additional citations in subsections

-Could have more information in the section about shoes, and styles

Overall, this article could use more accurate information but has some strong areas of knowledge


https://www.atdf.org/hall-of-fame-bios. Provides a bio of tons of famous tap dancers.

https://ums.org/2019/06/21/from-margins-to-mainstream-tap-dance-history/. Accurate information on dancers and the art itself.

Option 3


Fishing lure

Article Evaluation:

-Strong definition in the lead section

-History only goes up to the 1900's, could be more current

A few, specific types of fishing lures were discussed. There could have been more variety and information within the different types of fishing lures there are.

Overall, this article is strong and has lots of accurate information


https://www.afrikaiswoke.com/evolution-of-fishing-lures-from-ancient-times-to-rapala/. describes the purpose behind fishing lures.

https://blog.history.in.gov/tag/lure-collectors/. In-depth look at the history behind fishing lures and the culture behind it.

Option 4


Paperless office

Article Evaluation:

-Strong lead section, good definition, and looks into future topics that will be discussed

-Talks about the pros and cons, there seem to be some issues with tone and balance as it could be more neutral with stating facts.

-More citations could be used to support fact-based evidence

-Up to date with information in the 20th century

Overall, this article seems to have good information and clear organization. There could be improvements in tone to give facts rather than opinions.


https://pmg-pm.co.uk/blog/downsides-of-paperless-office/#:~:text=Paperless%20offices%20employ%20digital%20devices,petrochemical%20products%20or%20heavy%20metals. This article talks about the disadvantages of having a paperless office. A good counter point to the positivity in the Wikipedia article.

http://iiisci.org/Journal/CV$/sci/pdfs/HA544MP15.pdf; How paperless offices do compared to not paperless offices and further goals with the project.

Option 5


Animal sanctuary

Article Evaluation:

-Strong definition of the concept with further explanation of the topic

-Looks into all the subcategories and goes into depth on each one

-More sources need to be cited in specific sections

Overall, this article has a good tone and definitions. There could be improvement with extra information and citing sources.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10647514/. :Explains why it is important for animals to have a place to go when their living conditions have been compromised.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9812903/. : viruses are more easily transmittable when animals are in these sanctuaries.