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Thought experiment
Thought Experiments
Braitenberg vehicle
Buttered cat paradox
Coherence (philosophical gambling strategy)
Demon (thought experiment)
Desert Island Discs
Doomsday argument
Dyson sphere
Gettier problem
Ideological Turing Test
Kavka's toxin puzzle
Laplace's demon
Levinthal's paradox
Martian scientist
Newcomb's paradox
Norton's dome
Pascal's mugging
Pascal's Wager
Prisoner's dilemma
Quantum suicide and immortality
Quasi-empirical method
Rotating locomotion in living systems
Simulated reality
Teletransportation paradox
The Lady, or the Tiger?
The Library of Babel
The Planiverse
Vanishing Sun model
Thought Experiments in Philosophy
Artificial brain
Bellum omnium contra omnes
Big Book (thought experiment)
Brain in a vat
Brainstorm machine
Buridan's ass
China brain
Chinese room
Experience machine
Hayy ibn Yaqdhan
Inverted spectrum
Knowledge argument
Max Velmans
Molyneux's problem
Original position
Philosophical zombie
Plank of Carneades
Rudolf Lingens
Ship of Theseus
Social contract
Sydney Shoemaker
Taxation as theft
The survival lottery
Transparent eyeball
Twin Earth thought experiment
Wax argument
Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments
Zeno's paradoxes
Étienne Bonnot de Condillac
Thought Experiments in Physics
Bell's spaceship paradox
Bohr–Einstein debates
Brownian ratchet
Bucket argument
Cosmic catastrophe
Double-slit experiment
Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester
EPR paradox
Feynman sprinkler
Galileo's Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment
Galileo's ship
GHZ experiment
Heisenberg's microscope
Ladder paradox
Maxwell's demon
Moving magnet and conductor problem
Newton's cannonball
Popper's experiment
Quantum pseudo-telepathy
Renninger negative-result experiment
Rotating spheres
Schrödinger's cat
Sticky bead argument
Temporal paradox
The Monkey and the Hunter
Twin paradox
Wheeler's delayed choice experiment
Wigner's friend
Thought Experiments in Ethics
Heinz dilemma
Lecherous millionaire
Lifeboat ethics
Living High and Letting Die
Mere addition paradox
The Case of the Speluncean Explorers
Ticking time bomb scenario
Trolley problem
Tunnel problem
Utility monster
Thought Experiments in Computer Science
Dining philosophers problem
Halting problem
Turing machine
Two Generals' Problem
Thought Experiments in Mathematics
Gabriel's Horn
Infinite monkey theorem
Lottery paradox
Ross–Littlewood paradox
Sleeping Beauty problem