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User:Robert.darragh/Choose an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Politics Using Social Media to Thrive[edit]

Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1[edit]

Article title: Social media use in politics
Article Evaluation:
In this article, it highlights Social media Use among people in the US. It talks about how it has grown to be a key aspect of our daily lives. It quickly highlights the key topic it is trying to cover which is how Politics have learned to benefit from this addiction to sway the popularity of the people. Politicians and groups have begun to use social media platforms to reach followers and gain new ones at rates they never have seen before. there have been many cases when politicians have gone viral off one of these apps increasing their following and likeness. Politics realize that ages 18-29 rely on social media as their key intake for news, politics, and new laws. Boy, do they take advantage of this.
Sources:https://www.cbsnews.com/news/social-media-political-polarization-60-minutes-2022-11-06/ I have chosen this link for its main points relate heavily to the article I have chosen above. They have very similar ideas but are different in some aspects. I believe this CBS article could only strengthen their argument and the credibility of the article, It almost takes some of the central ideas or concepts from the wikipedia article and provides greater informcation, ideas and raises new information as well.

Option 2[edit]

Article title
Social media
Article Evaluation
After reading over this article I thought It was well-written and credible enough to choose as one of my sources. This article does a great job of providing detailed descriptions and breaking down the world of the political use of social media. I also talk about almost the history aspect of politics and how much social media has given a leg up for advertising themselves and getting their name or company out. It has benefitted politics and has allowed them to reach new demographics that were not possible before. Social media is a true game changer and it’s crazy to see the shift in time. Sources https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi806-d3uP8AhVzGK0GHbWRBR4YABAAGgJwdg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESauD2gr9R3AfRPvwc7Mw7346XSOsITdH9SNSv7W78fQVu4J6FckhR_QV3M2thOrnYyqo5oWDiZM-_FhdlPVNcm47DGfe0RQdjDUi2XhmZCiExn-cKKRZOxRq76GqIU0hVFrrZdp4dhTOxPIY&sig=AOD64_0KfAUOl8odUSaJUzc36QR4bHllPw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwju96Od3uP8AhUtGTQIHfnPDWYQ0Qx6BAgbEAE I personally really like this link that I have found. I think it would strengthen this article and add a great argumental question which is does social Media threaten democracy? I mean I believe it does. When you read these articles show how much politics exploit social media for personal gain. It almost acts as a cheat sheet they know they can brainwash and sway the opinions of the youth of a 15-second tik-tok. Its a scary times when entering

Option 3

Article title: Political communication
Article Evaluation:
The article I chose for my third evaluation is titled Political Communication. I like this article for a couple of reasons. The reason is I believe it provides great context into Political communication as a whole. It gets down to the deep roots of where the term comes from, what it means, and how it is applied to our country. It then moves on to giving spot-on examples in certain periods of time. For instance one part of the time the article covers the Bush Administration's use of political communication even talking about the torture-for-intelligence policy. It talks about how the government can science stories or scandals from the people. It then moves on to talking about peace within nations through media. It then highlights how much of a role social media has in political communication and how much it has developed and change it. Over the last 1-10 years the shift in the meaning, methods, and views have shifted drastically. This article is a great reference to strengthen our team’s main topic Sources
https://dmexco.com/stories/social-media-political-communication/ The source I have chosen that would benefit my article the greatest is titled "Governing on Twitter and others: social media as a political communication form" written by Digital Marketing. I think this source would benefit me chose the article the greatest because of its main concepts. I believe this source could provide stronger and more detailed examples of just how Politics are using social media. It will also provide great context into how politicians use social media to profit

Option 4[edit]

Article title: Social media use by Donald Trump
Article Evaluation: I chose this article for a couple of reason. For one, this article represents the perfect example of my groups overall topic. Second reasons is this article does a deep dive on most notorious social media using politician. I felt like I would ve doing a deserves if I did not talk about the whole Donald trump social media era. This article goes on a descriptive run talking about Donald Trumps use of social media. It talks about how much publicity, views or attentions he got by saying crazy things witch only drew the light more on him. The article talks about how much his following grew by the millions in just 4 years. It shows information about all the attention he got while using these platform. It also provides whopping statistics of Donald Trumps tweets and how much attentions and growth they got each month. The final conclusion from these stats are eye opening. If these stats were a stock it would be everyones dream. Never ending line in an upward trending direction. This article is important because it shows just how much social media is used to manipulate people to gain a fallowing in politics. Donald Trump was a master at this and perfected the algorithm
Sources: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111341161/how-trumps-will-be-wild-tweet-drew-rioters-to-the-capitol-on-jan-6
The source I provided above from NPR would be a great addition to this article and could strengthen it greatly. This articles main point, objective and purpose it to express the idea that Donald trumps tweets on January 6th did draw rioters to the capital. It provided compelling information showing that because of Trumps tweet. This article shows just how dangerous and how effective or persuasive politicians post can be. It also shows that there are no rules, laws or do's and donts for these powerful political candidates within social media. We need to make this a top priority