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Rakesh Singh is the very simple man by nature and always tries to remain considerate about others.He feels better to take trouble on himself rather see others in trouble.Once people come near Rakesh, they don't want to break relationship with him ever.Presently he is doing job in Judiciary since 1997 at Madhepura, a small district town in the state Bihar(India). He has qualification of M.Sc.(Botany) & LLB.In 1997,and joined this service as an Assistant in Civil Court,Madhepura, though later he was also selected as an Assistant in Secretariat in Patna,but refused to join there. Initially He thought Computer very boring,but in 2006 He bought it and learnt on his system himself and also Internet and now according to him," I can live without life but can't live without Internet".Surprisingly He is doing well in study & knowledge in this field.He also instructs people about net.He has very special interest in security features on Internet.He also helps people to get knowledge about working and myriads of uses of Internet,always in a positive manners.Some net-savvy people take his help online and also on cellular phone. 26th October 2007 was a remarkable day in his life of Internet,when he was shown on T.V.,taking his views as an Internet expert on Cyber Crime,where he described method how a particular computer can be traced by location,by which the crime has been committed. In these two years of his Internet life,he taught more than 200 students and still he is doing well on net.