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User:Riyaaarul/Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua/Shreya.C123 Peer Review

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@Riyaaarul Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua

Link to draft you're reviewing
User:Riyaaarul/Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua

Evaluate the drafted changes


Hi Riya - here's my peer review:

Overall, it's a great draft, but here are some suggestions on what could be added!

  • I feel that there could have been some inclusion of the lead section to help build the following section and give greater context.
  • When referring to the term "Modelo de Gestion Descontentrado", I think you could try to translate this from Spanish to English to help readers understand what this means.
  • You mention the "broader trends observed within several other regions of Latin America", but I feel like this could be the start of the new paragraph that leads into the next one instead of starting the next paragraph with "For instance,".
  • In your first sentence of the third paragraph which begins with "For instance", there are a few phrases and participles which make the sentence pretty lengthy - I think you could try to divide it up to make it easier to understand.
  • Also, in a few sentences there is a space before the period.
  • You mention the legacy of colonialism, but I think it would be good to expand on this or even turn it into another section since it is integral to understanding the reason behind water inequity in Latin America.
  • This inequity from colonialism has disproportionate impacts on present-day Indigenous societies within Latin America as well - this would be something else that might be important to include.
  • This is just an idea but in your last section, it might be relevant to incorporate the concept of "buen vivir" and other Indigenous-led water protection movements.
  • I think overall, your new sections are lacking citations, most of it is addressed as fact without citation, so including those would add credibility.
  • While I agree with you entirely about the impact of water distribution inequity, your tone in the new section could be more nuetral to fit into wikipedia's guidelines.
  • A lot of potential action is referred to in the last section, but maybe adding more detail to this would clarify exactly what you mean by these actionable steps.
  • The sentence on ETAP is not clear, so breaking this up and diving more into it would help in this.