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User:RetiredSkeptic/Books/Animal Minds

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Animal Minds

Vision in toads
Hearing range
Cat senses
Blindness in animals
Infrared sensing in snakes
Animal echolocation
Vocal learning
Perception of Infrasound
Ultrasound avoidance
Animal cognition
Animal consciousness
Theory of mind in animals
Animal model of autism
Brain size
Brain-to-body mass ratio
List of animals by number of neurons
Mirror test
Tool use by animals
Encephalization quotient
Animal navigation
Bird intelligence
Elephant cognition
Fish intelligence
Cetacean intelligence
Dog intelligence
Social learning in animals
Cephalopod intelligence
Dinosaur intelligence
Primate cognition
Animal faith
Observational learning
Bee learning and communication
Swarm intelligence
Evolution of human intelligence
Emotion and Pain
Emotion in animals
Passive electrolocation in fish
Empathy in chickens
Laughter in animals
Animal grief
Grimace scale (animals)
Pain in animals
Pain in cephalopods
Pain in amphibians
Pain in crustaceans
Pain in fish
Pain in invertebrates
Animal communication
Animal language
Great ape language
Talking bird
Clever Hans
Bumblebee communication
Cat communication
Dog communication
Lizard communication
Interspecies communication
Frog hearing and communication
Social caterpillars
Social animal
Social facilitation in animals
Animal song
Twilight bark
Talking animal
Human–animal communication
Collective animal behavior
Seismic communication