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Predrag K Nikolić[edit]

Predrag K. Nikolić is Serbian born interaction designer and media artist. He is one of the pioneers in using artficial inteligence as creative media and internationlly known for his project Syntropic Counterpoints exhibited worldwide at the most prestigious event in the field such as Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH and ISEA. He is a founder of Syngularity Dadaism creative practice and Human-Robot-Robot Interaction Design aesthetical concept. In his artworks Robosophy Philosophy, Botorikko and Metaphysics of The Machines he is creating AI philosophers clones and confronting them in discussions related to ethernal questions about existency, moral, ethic, orginis and humanity in general. Artifical Intelligence generated questions and answers are utterly novel view on human knowelidge in posthuman society, sometimes through absurdity and nonsense. Nevertheless, created discussions are new domain knowledge which tends to futher emanicipate robot creativity and its thinking beyond predefined algorithms and predictive patterns.