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User:Radh/Kerouac's Characters

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A directory of some of the real-life characters who appeare in disguise in Jack Kerouac's novels

Alan Ansen: Rollo Greb (Road);// Austin Bromberg (Subt.); Irwin Swenson (Book of Dreams); A. J. in: Burroughs: Naked Lunch

Justin W. Brierly: Justin G. Mannerly (Cody)

Iris Brodie: Roxanne (Subt)

David Burnett (poet):// (Subt)

William S. Burroughs: Will Dennison (Town); Old Bull Lee (Road); Bill Hubbard (Cody; Duluoz; Vanity: Will Hubbard; Dreams); Frank Carmody (Subt);

Jean Vollmer (Adams): Mary Dennison (Town); Jane Lee (Road); Jane (Subt); June (Cody; Vanity)

Bill Cannastra: Finistra (Cody)

Lucien Carr: Kenneth Wood (Town); Samion (Road); Julien Love (Cody); Sam Vedder (Subt); Claude de Maubris (Vanity)

Neal Cassady: Dean Moriarty (Road); Cody Pomeray (Cody; DB; Dreams; Big Sur; Duluoz); Leroy (Subt)

Carolyn Cassady: Camille (Road); Evelyn (Cody; DB; Sur; Duluoz)

Billy Chandler: Dickie Hampshire (Sax); Dickie Hampshire (Vaniy)

Hal Chase: Chad King (Road); Val Hayes (Cody)

Duke Chungas: Telemachus Gringas (Vanity)

Gregory Corso: Yuri Gligoric (Subt); Raphael Urso (Duluoz; Dreams; Desolation Angels)

Elise Cowen: Barbara Lipp (Desolation Angels)

Henri Cru (old friend of Kerouac's): Remi Boncoeur (Road); Deni Bleu (Cody; Duluoz; Vanity; Lonesome Traveller; Desolation Angels)

Claude Dalenberg: Bud Diefendorf (DB)

Robert Duncan: Geoffrey Donald (Duluoz; Desolation Anfgels)

Allen Eager (saxophonist): Roger Beloit (Subt)

Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Lorenzo Monsanto (Big Sur)

Tom Field (painter): Lanny Meadows (Big Sur)

Bea Franko: Terry (Road)

William Gaddis (writer): Harold Sand (Subt)

Bill Garver: Harper (Cody); Old Bull Gaines (Duluoz; Mexico City Blues; Trist; Desolation Angels)

Allen Ginsberg: Leon Levinsky (Town); Carlo Marx (Road); Irving Garden (Cody; Duluoz; Vanity; Dreams; Desolation Angels; Big Sur); Adam Moorad (Subt); Alvah Goldbook (DB);

Joyce Glassman: Alyce Newman (Duluoz/DA)

Diana Hansen: Inez (Road); Diane (Cody)

Alan Harrington: Hal Hingham (Road)

Joan Haverty:// Laura (Road)

Luanne Henderson (Neil Cassady's first wife): Mary Lou (Road); Joanna Dawson (Cody); Annie (Subt)

Al Hinkle: Ed Dunkel (Road); Slim Buckle (Cody); Ed Buckle (Dreams)

Helen Hinkle: Galatea Dunkel (Road); Helen Buckle (Cody)

Jim Holmes: Tom Snark (Road); Tom Watson (Cody)

John Clellon Holmes: Tom Saybrook (Rod); Tom Wilson (Cody); Balliol MacJones (Subt); James Watson (Book of Dreams)

Herbert Huncke: Junky (Town); Elmo/Elmer Hassel (Road); Huck (Cody; Dreams)

Sandy Jacobs: Joey Rosenberg (Big Sur)

Nathalie Jackson (Neal Cassady's girlfriend): Rosie Buchanan (DB); Rosemarie (Book of Dreams)

Randall Jarrell: Varnum Random (Duluoz/DA)

Frank Jeffries: Stan Shephard (Road); Dave Sherman (Cody)

David Kammerer: Waldo Meister (Road); Dave Stroheim (Cody); Franz Mueller (Vanity)

Lenore Kandel: Ramona Swartz (Big Sur)

Bill Keck: Fritz Nicholas (Subt)

Jack Kerouac: Peter Martin (The Town and the City); Sal Paradise (On the Road); Leo Percepied (The Subterraneans); Ray Smith (The Dharma Bums); Jack Duluoz (Visions of Gerard; Visions of Cody; The Vanity of Duluoz; Desolation Angels; Doctor Sax; Maggie Cassidy; Tristessa; Book of Dreams; Big Sur; Sartori in Paris)

Caroline Kerouac:// Nin (Maggie Cassdy; DBums); Catherine "Nin" Duluoz (Doctor Sax)

Philip Lamantia: Francis DaPavia (DB; Tristessa); David D'Angeli (Duluoz)

Robert LaVigne ("The Beatnik Painter"): Robert Browning (Big Sur); Levesque (Duluoz/DA)

Alene Lee (K's Afro Amrican girl friend): Mardou Fox (Subt)

Norman Mailer: Harvey Marker (Duluoz/SA)

Michael McClure: Ike O'Shay (DB); Pat McLear (Big Sur); Patrick McLear (Duluoz/DA)

Locke McCorkle: Sean Monahan (DB); Kevin McLoch (Duluoz/DA)

Jackie Gibson Mercier: Willamine "Billie" Dabney (Big Sur)

James Merrill Merrill Randall (Desolation Angels)

John Montgomery: Henry Morley (DB); Alex Fairbrother (Duluoz/DAngels)

Jerry Newman (record producer; store owner): Danny Richman (Cody; Dreams); Larry O'Hara (Subt)

Peter Orlovsky: George (DB); Simon Darlovsky (Duluoz/DAngels; Book of Dreams)

Edie Parker: Judie Smith (Town); Elly (Cody); Edna "Johnnie" Palmer (Vanity)

Will Petersen: // Rol Sturleson (DBums)

Gene Pippin: Gene Dexter (Road)

Kenneth Rexroth: Rheinhold Cacoethes (DB)

Albert Saijo: George Baso (Sur)

Gary Snyder: Japhy Ryder (DB); Jarry Wagner (Big Sur; Duluoz); Gary Snyder (Vanity)

Ed Stringham: Tom Saybrook (Road)

Al Sublette: Al Damlette (Trist)

Allan Temko: Roland Major (Road); Irving Minko (Dreams), Allen Minko (Cody)

Bill Tomson: Earl Johnson (Cody)

Helen Tomson: Dorothy Johnson (Road)

Ed/Don??? Uhl (friend of Cassady's from Colorado): Ed Wall (Road); Ed Wehle (Cody)

Gore Vidal: Arial Lavalina (Subt)

Alan Watts: Arthur Whane (DB); Arthur Wayne (Sur); Alex Aums (Duluoz/Desolation Angels)

Lew Welch: Dvid Wain (Sur)

Philip Whalen: Warren Coughlin (DB); Ben Fagan (Big Sur)

Phil White://Jack the Hoodlum (Town)???Chart.

W. C. W.: Dr. Williams (Duluoz/Desolation Angels)

Victor Wong: Arthur Ma (Sur)

PPS Ruth Fuller Sasaki /married to Alan Watts