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User:Popv!p/Evaluate an Article

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regarding Pycnopodia helianthoides, a type of sea star found in pacific ocean throughout the coast of North America.

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?


Related to study material in a university course I am taking. Recommended by my ecology professor.

Evaluate the article


Overall Impressions


I think that the article is easy to understand for the average reader. The article gets to the point of most statements, however, this can make for some stunted sentences that don't flow well. Additionally this article is very USA centric, in many sections they exclusively discuss American populations, when much of the species range can also be found in Canada's waters. The article could likely be improved with a bit of copy editing and additional sources.


  • In the Description section of the article, the Midgardia xandaros (another type of sea star) is mentioned, and its size and dimensions are discussed in more detail than necessary on the page considering their only relationship is both being large. It seems unnecessary and deviating from the subject of the article, the Sunflower Sea Star.
  • The Distribution and Habitat section is generally good, could potentially be improved from a graphic of their range, if such an image exists. Additionally in the diet section urchin barrens are mentioned, this seems relevant to the habitat section, but remains unmentioned here.
  • The first paragraph in the Diet section is well written and on topic. The second paragraph regarding its predators should likely be its own section with more information.
  • The Reproduction section is where I felt that some sentences felt stunted and ruined the flow, particularly the first two. Some copy editing here might be productive.
  • Conservation Efforts is an excellent section to have, and overall I like i's inclusion and the topics covered. This is however the section that feels the most USA centric. Perhaps some efforts being made in Canada if any could help with that. In the sub-section Threats, the first part discusses the important roll of Sunflower Sea Stars in the ecosystem, which seems like an odd place to put it and somewhat off topic. I think the information here is relevant to the page and should be included somewhere, but this place doesn't feel correct.



The tone of the article is consistent, and remains neutral throughout. Facts are presented without opinion and are for the most part relevant to the topic.

Images & Layout


the layout of the article is attractive, additional images or graphics might be beneficial to some points made in the article but it doesn't currently feel lacking. One image however is missing a description and I'm unsure of it's purpose (located in the bottom right of the article).