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Amchok Gompo

Amchok Gompo Dhondup (also known as Amchok Gompo Dhondup) is a Tibetsinger and musician.

Amchok Gompo Dhondup is a Tibetan Canadian artist who has performed internationally in over12countries.Asinger/songwriter with traditional Tibetan instruments, his original performances are both inspiring and meditative. He has performed with Grammy-nominated artist Nawang Khechog, and for the Dalai Lamas official visit to Canada. Amchok is a well-known musician from Amdo, Tibet, and is now living in Canada. He fled Tibet in 2000 and lived in Dharamsala, India, for several years. There he was encouraged by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to join the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) and teach traditional Amdo music to young Tibetans. During Amchok’s tenure at TIPA he released numerous CDs under his distinctive OM label, and also produced the first video VCD by a Tibetan in exile. In 2005 he performed at The Banff Centre’s “Cultures at Risk” Summit, and has since been performing in many locations in Canada and the United States.

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