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User:Owais Al Qarni/Notes

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Legitimacy can be based on a variety of factors, such as democratic processes, historical tradition, religious or cultural values, or the perception of effective and efficient governance. Some terms related to legitimacy are:

  1. Popular sovereignty - The principle that the people are the ultimate source of political power.
  2. Mandate - The authority to govern that is given to a leader or government by the people or a higher authority.
  3. Consent of the governed - The idea that a government's power comes from the agreement of the people it governs.
  4. Rule of law - The principle that all people, including those in power, are subject to the law.
  5. Democracy - A system of government in which power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
  6. Authoritarianism - A system of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a small group or individual without the consent of the governed.
  7. Legitimation - The process by which a government or leader establishes and maintains their legitimacy.
  8. Accountability - The expectation that those in power are responsible for their actions and can be held to account by the people they govern.
  9. Transparency - The principle that government actions should be open and visible to the public.
  10. Fairness - The idea that government actions should be impartial and just, treating all people equally under the law.