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System Testing

Test Case ID Requirement to test Req ID Assumptions Test Data Steps Expected Result Actual Result Pass / Fail Comments
STC-01 Translating raw Data RCF-1.1, RCF-1.2 -
  • Samples per File: 1000
  • Sample Delay msec: 0
  • Data Selection: X Gyro, Y Gyro, Z Gyro, X Accel, Y Accel, Z Accel
  • User swing motion while holding sensor board.
  1. Run ADIS1640 Evaluation Software, select Datalog
  2. Specify total number of samples and sample delay
  3. Initiate data sampling via ADIS1640 Evaluation Software.
  4. Execute swing motion while grasping sensor board
Data file (.CSV format) with specified no. of samples is created in default directory .CSV with correct number of samples is created in default directory. Pass
STC-02 " RCF-1.3 Default file directory remains static
  • DATALOG_1.csv input file
  1. Run game executable
  2. Feed input file located in default directory with keypress UP
Reading of input file progresses onto on-screen action. Pressing up results in reading of data file and on-screen action Pass
STC-03 Simulating the auto release of the bowling ball RCF-2.1 -
  • DATALOG_1.csv input file (including a minimum y_gyro parameter)
  1. Run game
  2. Run ADIS1640 Evaluation Software, select Datalog
  3. Record motion capture of a normal swing, with sharp flick at intended point of release.
  4. Feed resulting .csv file into the game.
Motion analysis algorithm scans through data points of file and returns ideal release point (high x-acceleration corresponding to minimum y_gyro value) . Ball on screen moves with relatively greater velocity due to sharp swing, command console returns parameters which correspond to ideal point of release (min y_gyro as observed from .csv file). Pass Current implementation is not real-time, thus a static file is fed.
STC-04 " RCF-2.2 -
  • DATALOG_1.csv
  • X_Accel, Y_Accel & Z-Accel parameters from Motion Analysis algorithm.
  1. Pass in .csv file into game
  2. Algorithm will provide in-game physics engine with initial conditions X_Accel, Y_Accel & Z-Accel
  3. In-game ball should move due to force.
Once point of release is determined, ball will start rolling from start of alley Ball moves with force proportional to initial acceleration conditions (according to F = m*a) and moves down the alley, from start to finish. Pass -
STC-05 Simulating the graphics and physics of the game RCF-3.1 -
  • Motion data (.csv) of swing to hard left.
  1. Run game and input previously saved motion data.
  2. Observe simulation.
Ball should maintain a certain trajectory based on raw data collected, and in this case - veer left. Ball moves towards left side of alley after data input. Pass -
STC-06 " (Lane & Pin collision) RCF-3.2, RCF-3.3.1, RCF-3.3.4, RCF-3.3.5 -
  • Motion data (.csv) of a proper, straight bowl action with the intention of hitting the pins.
  1. Feed input file (.csv) into game.
  2. Observe simulation for ball-lane, ball-pin interactions.
Ball should smoothly collide with objects such as the lane and pins, the collisions and resulting displacements of which should be governed by appropriate physics. Bullet physics engine correctly handles collision detection between ball & lane / ball & pins, while convex hulls are displaced and fall over according to speed and mass of ball colliding with them. Ball moves smoothly across flat lane. Pass -
STC-07 " (Gutterball) RCF-3.3.2, RCF-3.3.3 -
  • Motion data of a hard, violent swing to the sides (left and right).
  1. Feed resulting data into game.
  2. Observe simulation for ball-gutter interaction.
Ball falling into gutter should not fall out, nor should they become stuck. Any ball veering outside of the lane should be directed back into current lane and into gutter when appropriate. Ball veers violently into side of lane, yet remains within current lane; falling into the gutter with insufficient speed to fall out, ball proceeds down to end of gutter. Pass -
STC-08 Scoring system RCF-4.1, RCF-4.2 -
  • Series of motion data samples to demonstrate score, for example - a 7,3 spare with two bowls.
  1. Feed in motion data samples to input.
  2. Observe command prompt for score update.
Command prompt update score on a bowl-by-bowl basis, and conforms to the scoring rules of Ten Pin Bowling, i.e. first turn: [7, 0, 7], second turn: [7, 3, 10], Spare. Command prompt prints score to screen on each turn, and correctly updates score to reflect official scoring rules. Pass -