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Marina Jirotka is Professor of Human Centred Computing at the University of Oxford. She leads a team focused on responsible innovation in a variety of advanced technologies - machine learning and AI, quantum technologies, social media technologies and the digital economy.

Early in her career she collaborated with BT to develop a video-based ethnographic method for use in Requirements Engineering. This work helped address socio-technical challenges for City of London trading rooms, service centres and control rooms and served as the foundation for her doctoral thesis at Oxford: An Investigation into Contextual Approaches to Requirements Capture.

From 2003, her research focused on e-Research applications, particularly e-Health. As a requirements engineer on a flagship e-Science project, eDiaMoND, she became interested in notions of collaboration and trust in clinical practice and in the sciences more generally. Her research projects included:

More recently, through collaborations with industry, government and other organisations, her work has focussed on the digital economy. Early EPSRC Digital Economy work included

Expert opinion


Professor Jirotka has frequently given evidence to Select Committees, Advisory Boards, All-Party Parliamentary Groups and industry bodies. These include: the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence; the APPG on Artificial Intelligence and the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications (for their inquiry into Children and the Internet). She was an Expert Witness to assist the Open Innovation meets Big Data consortium (Nissan, GE, Airbus, Ordnance Survey, Ferroviale ++) who are working together to generate new revenues from data. She is a Working Group member of the IEEE P7000 standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design, a member of the Steering Committee for the Society for Computers and Law and sits on the Steering Committee for the APPG on Data Analytics.

Novel contributions


The Digital Wildfire project initiated youth panels and competitions on important topics such as Bias in Algorithms, What it means to be a Good Digital Citizen and How to stay safe on the Internet. These were highly successful exercises where young people were able to express their views, either through artwork or on panels, on a variety of internet-related issues. The work submitted provided a valuable resource to identify how to support digital maturity and resilience among young people.

With other members of her team, she developed the idea of the Ethical Hackathon during work on the FRRIICT project. This innovative method engages stakeholders from different backgrounds and disciplines to work together on addressing an ethical issue as a problem-solving activity. This has also been extended to work in Africa on frugal innovation through a GCRF award.