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User:Noted Seven/disc

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General forms[edit]

Ableism · Ageism · Caste · Classism · Colorism · Genism · Heightism · Heterosexism · Linguicism · Lookism · Mentalism · Racism · Rankism · Religious · Sexism · Sexualism · Sizeism · Speciesism · Weightism · Xenophobia

Specific forms[edit]


Adultism · Androphobia · Anti-Albinism · Anti-homelessness · Anti-intellectualism · Antisemitism · Anti-Masonry · Audism · Biphobia  · Cronyism · Elitism · Ephebiphobia · Fatism · Gerontophobia · Heteronormativity · Heterophobia · Heterosexism · Homophobia · Homonegativity · Leprosy stigma · Lesbophobia · Misandry · Misanthropy · Misogyny · Nepotism · Pedophobia · Reverse discrimination · Transphobia

Against cultures[edit]

Albanian · American · Arab · Armenian · British · Canadian · Catalan · Chilean · Chinese · English · Estonian · European · French · German · Haitian · Hispanic · Igbo · Indian · Iranian · Irish · Israel · Italian · Japanese · Jewish · Korean · Malay · Mexican · Manchu · Polish · Portuguese · Quebec · Romani · Romanian · Russian · Scottish · Serb · Turkish · Ukrainian

Against religions[edit]

Atheisism · Bahá'í · Buddhism · Catholicism · Christianity · Hinduism · Islam · Jehovah's Witnesses · Judaism · Mormonism · Neopagans · New religious movements · Protestantism · Rastafari · Shi'a Islam · Zoroastrianism


Blood libel · Compulsory sterilization · Disability hate crime · Economic · Eliminationism · Ethnic cleansing · Ethnic joke · Ethnocide · Employment · Forced conversion · Freak show · Gay bashing · Gendercide · Genocide (examples· Group Libel · Hate crime · Hate speech · Homeless dumping · LGBT Hate Crime · Lynching · Mortgage · Pogrom · Pregnant Murder · Occupational segregation · Race war · Religious persecution · Scapegoating · Slavery · Stereotype · Trans-bashing · Violence against prostitutes · Victimization · Witch hunt



Age / Racial / Religious / Sex segregation · Age of Consent · Age of Majority · Age of Candidacy · Legal drinking age · Marriageable age · Voting age · Blood quantum · Apartheid · Ethnocracy · Cleanliness of blood · Jim Crow laws · Internment · Racial quota · Redlining · Ghetto benches · Jewish quota · Numerus clausus · Nuremberg Laws · Gender Apartheid · Gender roles · Gerontocracy · MSM blood donor controversy · Defense of Marriage Act · Sodomy law · Ugly Law


Civil rights · Desegregation · Emancipation · Equal opportunity · Gender equality · Indigenous rights · Integration · Social integration · Universal access


Affirmative action · All-women shortlists · Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) · Employment equity (Canada) · Forced busing · Racial quota · Reparation · Reservation (India)

International law[edit]

CDE · CEDAW · CERD · CRPD · Crime of apartheid · ILO C100 · ILO C111 · ILO 169 · Protocol No. 12 ECHR · EU directives: 76/207/EEC, 2000/43/EC, 2004/113/EC, 2006/54/EC

Other forms[edit]

Adultcentrism · Afrocentrism · Americentrism · Androcentrism · Anthropocentrism · Black supremacy · Chronocentrism · Economic · Ethnocentrism · Eurocentrism · Genetic · Gynocentrism · Housing · Indigenism · Jingoism · Linguistic · Neurodiversity · Pregnancy Discrimination · Sinocentrism · White supremacy · Xenocentrism

Related topics[edit]

Assimilation · Autism rights · Bigotry · Diversity · European ethnics in the US · Etiquette · Eugenics · Integration · Missing white woman syndrome · Morality · Multiculturalism · Oppression · Police brutality · Political correctness · Prejudice · Race and ethnicity in the United States · Racialism · Respect · Religious intolerance · Southern United States · Stereotypes · Tolerance · Workplace incivility · Welsh-English relations