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The Dinah


The Dinah is a name or a title of a concept of an idea, that in the German language we may describe it as Begriff, and which combines the following basic topics.

The basic topic is actually help: help, support, helping you doing something that for sure would have take your time and power, doing something for you that for sure you could't do better - probably worst... Another basic topic added to it is with care: all that is mentioned above that is being made with fully awareness for your needs, with completely care of your situation. The third basic topic is and Responsibility: no matter what this help is all about, no matter how hard and complicated is the mission: a full responsibility for the things that are being made is granted.

Dinah Kübeck[1] is also a real person - a bachelor design and art student (Soon will graduate her studies and start her Master degree in MICA,Maryland Institute College of Art[2]) whom is acting also as an assistant person in the HAW Hamburg[3], Faculty DMI International Office.