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User:Nights-rengoku13/National Development Party

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The NDP logo

The National Development Party (NDP)is an active political party in The Bahamas with moderate political views. They believe in the fundamental concept of Nation-Building and that national development in the Bahamas has been "ad-hoc at best". They party seeks to improve this by implementing "true democracy" in order to develop the nation socially, physically and economically. Their slogan is currently: "A New Party, A New System, A New Country, It Is Possible". They were officially announced as a political party on October 23rd, 2008 and does not yet have a leader. The presiding body of the party is an Executive Steering Committee. Members of this committee include Mr. Renward Wells, Dr. Andre Rollins and a number of other passionate and patriotic Bahamians. The NDP, following a debate and primary election entered political newcomer Dr. Andre Rollins as a candidate for the Elizabeth By-Election of the 16th of February, 2010. The NDP managed to gather 73 votes in this election, but has not yet contested a General Election in The Bahamas.

Elizabeth By-Election (2010)[edit]

On Wednesday, January 27th 2010, the NDP hosted an unprecedented primary debate in order to select a candidate for the Elizabeth By-Election.


External links[edit]
