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1.  "Alice Bailly- Artworks." The Aethenaeum. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.


This article lists Alice Bailly's works in alphabetical order, showing pictures of the work, when it was made, what it was made out of, and where it currently resides. It relates to Alice Bailly's Wiki page because it provides content on her artwork. This is considered a reliable source, because it is an unbiased secondary source.

2. "Alice Bailly." Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press. World Heritage Foundation, n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.


This article discusses Bailly's early and later life, as well as the methods that she used in her artwork (including fauvism and cubism). It relates to Alice Bailly's Wiki page because it describes her artistic style and gives some info on her personal life. This is considered reliable because it is a secondary source published through the research of the World Heritage Foundation.

3. "National Museum of Women in the Arts." Alice Bailly. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.


This article from the National Museum of Women in the Arts gives a detailed biography on Bailly's life and of her exhibitions in their museum. It relates to Alice Bailly's Wiki page because it provides background information on her life. This is reliable because it is a secondary source from a museum.

4. "National Museum of Women in the Arts." Self-Portrait. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.


This article from the National Museum of Women in the Arts shows one of Bailly's more famous works, titled "Self-Portait", that they have displayed in their museum and gives background information on it. It relates to Alice Bailly's Wiki page because it describes and analyzes one of her paintings. This is reliable because it is a secondary source from a museum.