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User:Mrothroc/Choose an Article

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Article Selection[edit]

Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1[edit]

Article title: Transition state theory
Article Evaluation:
I think the theory section could be better written. For example. the section mentions quasi-equilibrium but never goes on to define what that means or how it impacts/is a result of the theory. Further in that section, it mentions Lewis' findings agree with experimental result but never show how or why. There are several claims made in the article with no appropriate sourcing, there are undefined terms, and overall there are mentions of important concepts but the article doesn't expand further on them to provide a comprehensive understanding of TST.
Will find sources regarding development and use of TST through SciFinder Scholar.

Option 2[edit]

Article title:Avogadro's law
Article Evaluation:
The information presented in this article is written in weird chunks, I think that the connection of ideas could be written better. In the molar volume section, the abbreviation STP is used with no definition. To someone unfamiliar with this terminology this section could become confusing. I also think that the introduction could use some improvement on introducing the topic and maybe providing more context of where Avogadro's Law fits into the overall picture of chemistry more directly.
Will find sources regarding history of Avogadro's Law, definitions, etc. through SciFinder Scholar.

Option 3[edit]

Article title: Chemical safety
Article Evaluation:
The article is in the starting stages. It mentions some common safety practices but doesn't talk about why they are used or how they are implemented. It also mentions major chemical accidents but not really their impact, dates, or how the affected how chemical safety practices were implemented. Overall, I feel like there is a lot of missing information, from things like how to understand chemical warnings, how to access safety data sheets, etc.
Would look for peer-reviewed resources on chemical safety through SciFinder Scholar and also maybe include information from OSHA.

Option 4[edit]

Article title: Dihydrogen phosphate
Article Evaluation:
The article mentions the basic structure of dihydrogen phosphate and mentions that it is used in fertilizer and cooking but does not expand on either point as to where in the environment it is found, if it can be synthetically made for other uses etc. Overall, there is a lot of missing information and some research into this compound could fill in the knowledge gaps.
Peer reviewed sources through SciFinder Scholar and Project Chemical (I think you mentioned this as a source in class.)

Option 5[edit]

Article title
Article Evaluation