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Rahul Amin


Police also found a rudimentary explosive device at 32-year-old Ruhul Amin's Vancouver Road home.

Amin had earlier pleaded guilty to eight charges, including firearms and drugs offences.

The city's crown court heard he stored the bullets and machine gun parts to repay debts to drugs dealers.

Police searched Amin's home on the St Matthew's estate in February 2003.

They found bullets, a magazine clip, a machine gun silencer and a home made explosive device made from a perfume bottle with flash powder and gunpowder.

The machine gun parts would have fitted an illegal weapon commonly used by drug dealers and terrorists, the court heard.

Sentencing him, Judge Collis said: "I am looking at you on the basis of your plea and that is that the ammunition and prohibited weapon were being stored to repay debts to drug dealers.

"These parts of a gun can be easily associated with terrorists."

At the beginning of April. Rahul’s establishment , which seemed like a drug house, got raided and multiple sachets of marijuana was seized. He was given 7-10 years but if during his sentence he carries out good behaviour, he will be looking at around 71 months.