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User:Movement 4 freedom/Work anoxerics and underachievers anonymous

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New article name goes here new article content ... WORK ANOXERICS AND UNDERACHIEVERS ANONYMOUS INTRODUCTION WORK ANOXERICS AND UNDERACHIEVERS ANONYMOUS (WUA) is a new and growing twelve step fellowship patterned after aa that helps sufferers heal and recovery from work anoxeria and underachieving


Here is a summary of some of the the characteristics and symptoms associated with work anoxeria and underachiever work anoxerics often struggle to give themselves fuflling occupations,productive relationships and money Some of us are aware of our gifts; some of us are not. But either way, we find ourselves unable to bring our gifts into the world in an effective and rewarding way. *Some of us have no idea what we want in terms of work; some of us know exactly what we want - but struggle to turn it into a working reality.


WUA Tools WUA currently has a meeting where people can gain support .

ALSO SEE[edit]


Work anoxerics and underachievers website http://workanorexics.wix.com/wua

External links[edit]
