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Non-Conventional Teaching in Math


Teaching Methods


A teaching is a profession where an individual experts on particular subject and provide students proper guideline and knowledge for their learning process. Teacher provides students feedback on their assessments and quizzes where students can learn from their mistakes and it counts as experience for them to improve further [1]. Also, teacher provide motivation and solutions to the most difficult and complex problems by giving examples. They provide students homework where they can work independently to solve their complex problems. However, with the changes in curriculum and skills involved in both teaching and learning make it difficult to the most of the teachers to use appropriate methods in order to attract students especially children in math subjects. Now, a days, a large interest is shown toward those methods which are simple and provide healthy environment to the children. There are two methods these days teachers are utilising such as conventional teaching method and non-conventional method. In conventional method, teacher uses old methods such as text based studies in the classroom with very little interaction either technology or activities. However, in non-conventional method of teaching involved interaction with technology.

The middle school curriculum for math include following important topics

  1. Geometry
  2. Business Math (including graphs, percent's, and formulas)
  3. Algebra
  4. Measurement of ratios, whole numbers and expressions
  5. Importance of Math curriculum

The main purpose of this curriculum is that student learn the most fundamental skills in the mathematics subjects which not only required to improve their critical thinking but also needed to understand many complex equations. However, due to complex nature of math subject and content need more understanding and knowledge. Also, both students and teachers need to be equipped with knowledge of maths which can help them in colleges and universities.

Challenges of Teaching Methods in Math Subject


There are several challenges and concerns currently teachers faces while teaching maths with conventional methods. A conventional methods are mostly based on text book and solving problems on white boards and exams oriented teaching methods [2]

The problems include

  1. The lack of prerequisite knowledge of maths among students.
  2. Teacher cannot explain well how maths are connecting with real life such as algebra and other important concept in maths.
  3. There are varying instruction techniques which also confused students in their learning approaches.
  4. Students absentees are major concerns because teacher cannot repeat the lecture every time and all lectures are connected with each other.
  5. There are some students who may need after school tutoring as well to understand the concepts of maths.

Cognitive Science and Teaching Methods in Math Subject


A cognitive science is related to mind and its functions [3]. There are several elements which linked with cognitive science in teaching perspectives such as:

  1. Education: How people learn
  2. Philosophy: Study of knowledge, reality and existence
  3. Artificial intelligence: Thinking like machines and systems
  4. Psychology: Study of nervous system
  5. Neuroscience: Study of nervous system
  6. Linguistics: Study of different languages
  7. Anthropology: Study of human society and culture.

As cognitive science can effectively focuses on different learning techniques for effective engagement of students with their math learning [4].

Cognitive science help to understand and translate about how students can process information with more effective design principles in their revision of existing curriculum [5].

There are four major design approach which reflects cognitive science for more effective and efficient learning maths curriculum [6]

  1. Integrating Visual Images and Verbal Information (as shown in video in next slide)
  2. Through sensing techniques (as shown in video in next slide)
  3. Practice that student provide an opportunity to solve math problem of worked-out problems.
  4. Use of multisensory learning and student’s movement which can help to understand different numbers, formulas, and even algebra with more interest and effectively engagement with course contents.
  5. Movement help to mapping the brain and enhances the learning process and sharpness memory. For example, a skipping with rope game can improve the multiplying concept in maths with using different numbers.



Finally, math teaching is not an easy task for most of the teacher because students have a large number of problems with conventional methods. They faced problems such as lack of knowledge in maths, low interest to study maths subjects, also, low engagement rate of students with maths subjects, most of the students increases their absences, different teaching methods also make thing more complex. Cognitive science directly worked with the human main features of learning and daily life. It is a study of thought, learning, and mental organization, which draws on aspects of psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and computer modelling. Therefore, with the use of cognitive science in teaching methods of maths subject can improve the overall teaching prospects. For this purpose. different pattern can be used in the teaching process in math curriculum in order to make it more interesting and attractive.


  1. ^ Mann, E. (2006). Creativity: The essence of mathematics. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 30 (2), pp. 236–260.
  2. ^ Csepe, V. and Szu¨cs, D. (2003) Number Word Reading as a Challenging Task in Dyslexia? An ERP Study, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 51, pp. 69–83.
  3. ^ Howard-Jones, P. (2007) Neuroscience and Education: Issues and Opportunities. Commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (London, TLRP).
  4. ^ WestEd. (2014). Merging cognitive science and curriculum to strengthen middle school math. R&D Alert, 15(1). San Francisco, CA
  5. ^ Dehaene, S. (1997) The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics (New York, Oxford University Press).
  6. ^ Dehaene, S., Spelke, E., Pinel, P., Stanescu, R. and Tsivkin, S. (1999) Sources of Mathematical Thinking: Behavioral and Brain-Imaging Evidence, Science, 284, pp. 970–974.