User:Mindo Damalis

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Mindo Damalis, born Mindaugas Damalis (May 20, 1985 - Present) is an Enlightened teacher. He is a founder of New Humanity School, helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment and Full Consciousness.


Mindo Damalis was born in Lithuania in 1985. His interests from the early days were history, physics and information technology. He also practised the martial arts of Kyokushin Karate and kung fu Wing Chun. Mindo travelled around Europe and participated in international folklore music festivals with the ensemble “Zemaitukas”.

At the age of 19 Mindo went to live in the United Kingdom. He studied information systems development and graduated with a first class degree.

Enlightenment Journey[edit]

Mindo started to practice meditation and learned about the functioning of the Mind via Buddhist Philosophy. He practiced Single Pointed meditation, 5 Tibetan Rites and Pranayama.

In 2009 at the age of 24 Mindo went to live in New Zealand. He was residing on a hilltop in Wellington where a spontaneous Re-Awakening occurred. After this Awakening he went to live in Auckland where he began an intensive spiritual training.

While residing in New Zealand he met many spiritual teachers and healers, and spent many hours immersed in a deep meditation every day.

In 2012 he was guided to live in Malta, where he settled and started to teach publicly.

While living in Malta he spent a few years taking time to mature into Presence Consciousness and Non-Dual Realization, deepening and integrating into the higher Levels of Consciousness. In this time he was exploring all aspects of the Levels of Consciousness including meditation techniques, practices and energy work.

In 2014, at the physical age of 29, Mindo realized the first state of Enlightenment.

In 2016 at the age of 30 he awakened into the fourth state of Enlightenment, the Full Consciousness.


Mindo was mainly influenced by Mahavatar Babaji, Serapis Bey, Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Ramana Maharshi and Papaji, who supported his journey into awakening.

Spiritual Teaching[edit]

Mindo helps others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment and Full Consciousness. His timeless teachings and modern insights have given birth to the Map of Spirituality, in which all Levels of Consciousness are clearly brought forward. He gives Full Consciousness Transmissions and private counselling sessions. Mindo holds regular meetings and retreats in Malta, Asia, Europe, and online.

Mindo teaches about the Inner Sun, Amrita Nadi the Heart on the Right and the Root Cause of Un-Enlightenment.

He founded an International New Humanity School in order to raise humanity’s consciousness.


Mindo's website

New Humanity School's website

Lyonne Sundari about Mindo

Renata Be about Mindo

Saeed Khan featuring Mindo's Map of Spirituality