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Against Malaria Foundation is a United Kingdom-based charity that provides mosquito nets to populations at high risk of malaria, primarily in Africa. Since its founding in 2004, the foundation has raised $6.9 million and distributed 1.6 million long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs).[1] One hundred percent of the all-volunteer organization's funds go directly to purchasing mosquito nets. The average cost of nets to-date has been $4.36.[2]

LLINs are distributed through partnerships with the International Red Cross, the Malaria Consortium and others, with partners responsible for all costs of distribution. Every distribution is documented through photos or video and includes malaria education for the local population. Post-distribution surveys are carried out six, 18, 30 and 42 months after the initial distribution to assess net usage and conditions.[3]

The Against Malaria Foundation has nine trustees and an advisory committee drawn from leading malaria experts around the world.[4] The charity is registered in the United Kingdom and governed by the laws of England and Wales. It is also registered in the USA, Germany, Canada, Japan and other countries.[5] Givewell, an independent charity evaluator, has rated AMF as the world’s best malaria charity.[6]


The Against Malaria Foundation was set up in August 2004[7] with the purpose of handling money raised through the World Swim Against Malaria, a global fundraising event scheduled for Dec. 3, 2005. More than 250,000 people participated in the swim, which raised $1.3 million to buy mosquito nets. The money was used to buy 270,000 nets, which were distributed to protect an estimated 540,000 people from the risk of mosquito-borne malaria infection.[8]

The World Swim Against Malaria was the brainchild of Rob Mather, a London-based strategy consultant. Mather had earlier organized a swim to raise money for a 2-year-old girl who was badly burned in a housefire. Held in December 2003, the “Swim for Terri” started as a three-person fundraiser and grew to include 10,000 swimmers in 73 countries.[9]


The Against Malaria Foundation is an entirely volunteer-run organization. All distribution and education costs are covered by distribution partners. Any administrative costs are covered by donations. The foundation also benefits from in-kind contributions of services from lawyers, accountants, advertising agencies, professional translators, web technologists and others.[10]

The sequence for each distribution is as follows[11]:

  1. A distribution partner submits to AMF a proposal to distribute mosquito nets in a targeted high-risk area.
  2. AMF’s Malaria Advisory Group reviews the proposal with requests for further information if necessary. The Group approves, amends or rejects the proposal based on available funding and the needs of the target area .
  3. AMF and the distribution partner sign a contract laying out each parties’ obligations.
  4. AMF raises the funds for the nets and purchases them directly from the manufacturer, while the distribution partner covers all non-net costs. The nets constitute the majority of the distribution’s costs. In some cases, the partner will raise funds through AMF's website, in which case all funds raised are ring-fenced for the partner's proposed distribution. All details of each distribution are made available to the public on dedicated “distribution pages.”
  5. After sufficient funds have been raised, the distribution partner arranges the distribution logistics with the targeted community and pays for the nets to be shipped and stored nearby.
  6. The distribution partner distributes the nets in the targeted community, and offers education on proper usage of the nets as well as general malaria education. As per the agreement with AMF, the partner documents the distribution via photo or video.
  7. The distribution partner files a post-distribution report with AMF.
  8. The partner carries out post-distribution surveys six, 18, 30 and 42 months after the distribution to monitor net usage and conditions.

Partners and Supporters[edit]

Independent Reviews[edit]


  1. ^ "Website home page". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 11 July 2011. Running counter on website. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  2. ^ "Why US$5 per Net?". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 12 July 2011.
  3. ^ How we work with Distribution Partners, Against Malaria Foundation. This document is shared with potential distribution partners
  4. ^ "Malaria Advisory Group". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  5. ^ "About Us: Charity Status". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  6. ^ "Against Malaria Foundation". Givewell. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  7. ^ "About Us". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  8. ^ "FAQ". World Swim Against Malaria. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  9. ^ "About Us". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  10. ^ "Our Approach". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  11. ^ "Distribution Strategy". Against Malaria Foundation. Retrieved 11 July 2011.

External links[edit]

Category:Nonprofit Organization