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This is the list of characters in the anime Kyo Kara Maoh!

The fictional Great Demon Kingdom is where most of the Demon Tribe reside. There are ten noble families which rule over their specific feifdom in the Great Demon Kingdom. "Von" is the surname of each of the noble family, followed by the name of their land.[1]

Earth is a different world, and its flow of time is noticebly shorter than the Great Demon Kingdom. For this reason, when Yuri travels between both, a lot of time passes by in the Great Demon Kingdom whereas in Earth less than a moment goes by.[2] However, due to the influence of all four boxes gathered in the Temple of the Great One, time seems to go much faster than normal in Earth.

The first Demon King, the Great One's rule took place 4000 years before the present storyline.[3]

Main characters


Yuri Shibuya

The Two Forms of Yuri: Maoh and teenager

Name: Yuri Shibuya (渋谷有利 Shibuya Yūri).
Alias: Yuri (ユーリ Yūri), Your Majesty ("Heika" in Japanese), Wimp or Hennachoko (Wolfram's preferred nickname), Yu-chan (Yuri's mothers preferred nickname), Shibuya (Murata Ken's preferred nickname), Shibuya Yūri Harajuku Fūri (By the bullies)
Race: Half human, half Mazoku
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Status: Maoh ("Demon King"), engaged to Wolfram von Bielefeld
Clothing: Japanese School Uniform

A high school student who enjoys baseball more than textbooks. He was 'named' by Conrad when he mentioned to Yuri's mother how, where he comes from, Yuri means July. Early in the show, bullies make fun of Yuri's name by calling him "Shibuya Yūri, Harajuku Fūri" (advantage Shibuya, disadvantage Harajuku) — a reference to popular districts of Tokyo. In the English dub, this becomes a pun on "Yuri is short for urine."

When Yuri arrives in the Great Demon Kingdom, he is declared the 27th Demon King of the Demon Tribe.[4][5] He has a strange power that suddenly transforms him into the Demon King proper, deliverer of justice, this form can be recognised mainly by the longer hair and Demon eyes.[6] Throughout the story, Yuri gets dragged between the two worlds at inconvenient times.

Yuri's soul was once the soul of the healer Suzanna Julia von Winncott,[7] who died during the war against humans 20 years ago.[8] The pendant Conrad gave to him belonged to her. Very close to the end, it turns out that Julia was a key to one of the four Forbidden Boxes, which means Yuri, himself, inherited the key to the final box, 'Bottom of the Mirror'.

Yuri has many allies and friends. His closest allies are Wolfram, Conrad, Günter, Gwendal, Murata, and Jozak. They help Yuri throughout the series.

At his first encounter with Wolfram von Bielefeld he ends up engaged to him due to a mishap: Wolfram, angry that Yuri has been chosen as the Demon King, makes the mistake of insulting Yuri's mother - which earns him a slap. Slapping another noble on his or her left cheek is the way in which demons propose marriage[9] (some consider the slap as unmanly, but Yuri explains in the light novel that he only slapped Wolfram because he has a beautiful face, otherwise he would have punched him). Incensed by this insult, Wolfram challenges Yuri to a duel, which is also mistakenly accepted because of Yuri's unfamiliarity with demon custom (he picked up the knife that fell off the table). During the duel Yuri transforms into the true Demon King for the first time, proving that he has a right to the throne - much to his own surprise.

Yuri can transform into this true Demon King form whenever he feels great anger, usually when some great injustice or cruelty is being carried out by others.[10] In this form he can summon powerful magic, even in the human territories[11] (a notable feat as most demons cannot perform magic outside their country). Yuri's magic is manifested in various shapes - usually one or more great water dragons,[12] or some messy magical "creature" made from mud, food morsels etc. After spending time in this form, Yuri becomes worn out and in some cases passes out and doesn't remember what happened afterwards. Later, Yuri learns to control his power and uses it to close the first of the Forbidden Boxes.[13]

Throughout the series, his main goal is to create a world in which Mazoku and humans can live together in peace, something that progresses slowly but surely as the series goes on.

Yuri is said to be the greatest Demon King after defeating the Originator and freeing the Great One from the dark power. Because of that, Yuri is able to travel between worlds even without the help of the Great One.

A running gag throughout the series reflects the first episode, where Yuri stands up to people who are harassing a victim, but said victim runs away. This leads Yuri to a feeling of déjà vu.


Morgif's current form.

The Demon Sword (maken, 魔剣) which can only be handled by the Demon King. Yuri sets out on a journey to find it and, once he's found it, reluctantly takes it with him on most adventures. Morgif originally had a jewel on its 'forehead', that served as the source of his power. It fell out, and Yuri gave it to Josak and tells him to do what he wants with it. The jewel is not returned until much later when Morgif has to fight a powerful Holy Sword. That's not to say Morgif is helpless without his jewel. The extent of his powers without that source are a mystery, and his powers with it are said to be limitless.

Since he is the Demon King's sword, and nothing the Demon King owns is ever ordinary, Morgif is a sword with a personality of a cheerfully lecherous old man. When the "Stone of the Dragon King", a jewel was "stolen", Yuri uses Morgif to help find it, reasoning that Morgif saw the thief. However, it just turns out that Celi took it to use it as a centerpiece of her necklace, leaving an IOU for it in the treasure room.[14]

Erhard Wincott, the ancestor of Suzanna Julia von Wincott, was an inventor who carried out many test. One of them included Morgif and its history. Morgif was created from powerful lava streaming from a particular volcano on Bandadine Island. If Morgif is thrown into the lava again, it would assume its original form, a heavily decorated black sword,[15] which Yuri uses to defeat the Originator.[16]

Conrad Weller

Conrad Weller

Name: Lord Conrad Weller
Alias: The Lion of Lütenberg, The Patriot of Lütenberg, Commander, Captain, Conrad
Race: Half human, half Mazoku
Gender: Male
Age: Appears 30+, 19-20 (Novels)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Status: Second son of the previous Demon King, Commander
A swordsman ("the best swordsman in the Great Demon Kingdom" - Wolfram) who looks after Yuri. Conrad possesses no magic due to his mixed heritage of human and demon. Eventually it is discovered that Conrad's left arm is one of the keys to the 4 magical boxes ('End of the Wind') that have the power to destroy the world. His ancestor, Lawrence Weller, fought along the Great One.[17] As Conrad's father was not a noble nor a demon, he doesn't have "von" in his name.[18]

After he loses this arm in a battle, he disappears. Later, he reappears with a new arm, and seems to have betrayed Great Demon Kingdom by joining their human enemies, Big Cimarron, who were after the four boxes. However, it is learned that Conrad only betrayed them to learn about the whereabouts of the boxes. His plan was, when the four boxes were gathered, to steal them and return to Great Demon Kingdom. He went as far as pushing Jozak off the edge of the cliff to show his alliance to Big Cimarron. When King Belar orders Conrad to execute Yuri, Conrad instead frees them, and protects Yuri from arrows.[19]

His given name is Conrart; Yuri nicknames him "Conrad," which is "closer to English" and easier to pronounce with a Japanese tongue. Conrad is the second child of the previous Demon King, Cecilie von Spitzberg. His father was human (also considered the greatest swordsman in the Great Demon Kingdom; Dunheely Weller). On his 16th birthday, he decided to live as a demon instead of a human.[20] He fought on the front lines for the Demon Tribe during a war against the humans. He was also put in charge of the soul that was to be the new Demon King (Julia von Wincott), and brought it safely to Earth so that it could be born.

Furthermore, he was the one who was the inspiration for Yuri's name. He stated that "Where I come from, the month of July is called Yuri", which made Yuri's mother name him Yuri because he was born in July. For this reason, Yuri dubs him his godfather (なずけ親, Nazukeoya), a title given to one who names another. Conrad is also known as Yuri's Godfather by his mother. His mother named the blue flowers she grew "Conrad Stands Upon Earth", though in the official translation, the name is rendered "Conrad in the Field".[21]

When Yuri first came to the Great Demon Kingdom, Conrad was the one to find him (after some humans and Adelbert) and bring him safely to the castle. He acts as Yuri's bodyguard and vows to protect Yuri with his life.

Wolfram von Bielefeld

Wolfram von Bielefeld

Name: Lord Wolfram von Bielefeld
Alias: Spoiled Brat, Little Lord Brat (by Gwendal and Anissina), Selfish Loafer ('Wagamama puu) (by Günter), Bishōnen (by Yuri), Sannan Boy ("The Third Son" by Adelbert), Wolfie (By his mother)
Race: Mazoku
Gender: Male
Age: 82 [22][23], 16 in earth years
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Emerald Green
Height: 171 cm or 5.7 feet
Weight: 59 kg
Status: Third son of the previous Demon King, engaged to Yuri
Clothing: United States Officer's Uniform from during the Mexican American War

A young man who finds himself engaged to Yuri after a mistake. He is a 'bishōnen', which means a pretty or beautiful boy. Wolfram possesses fire magic, as well as being adept with a sword. He is the half-brother of Conrad and Gwendal. He has extremely high pride and is hot-headed. He is arrogant and short-tempered but can also be quite compassionate at times. Wolfram is obsessed with Yuri and insists on following him everywhere as he claims it is his duty to protect his fiancé though he also seems to want to prevent him from cheating on him. His ancestor, Rufus Bielefeld, fought along the Great One.[24]

Near the end, there is a time when Wolfram is possessed by Original King, who in turned was possessed by the Originator. The key he possesses, his heart, is ripped out by the Great One in order to open one of the four boxes, 'Hellsfire in frozen land' ('Hellsfire on frozen tundra' in Japanese translation). Because of this, Wolfram temporarily dies, but is revived when the Great One returns the keys to their owners.

Wolfram is the youngest son of the former Demon King, Cecilie von Spitzberg. He dislikes humans, even Conrad's father. Because of his demon pride, he does not like to admit that Conrad is his brother, even though he cares for Conrad. In the graphic novels, it is hinted that this hatred towards humans stems from his late father's prejudice against humans. His liking for humans improves throughout the series, progressing to the point that he adopts the human girl Greta as his daughter, and runs into a raging fire to save some human children.

Years ago when he was a child, Wolfram accidentally slapped Elizabeth, Raven's niece, on her left cheek. Elizabeth never forgot this incident, insisting that they swore everlasting love that day, while Wolfram insists he forgot why he slapped her in the first place. Some time after collecting three of the Four Forbidden Boxes, Elizabeth becomes Stoffel's tool to separate Yuri from the three brothers, pronouncing an engagement proposal to Yuri. Elizabeth's real goal is to marry Wolfram Oni-sama, but Wolfram says that his only fiance is Yuri. During the duel which ensues, (as Yuri picked up a knife and a fork; symbolizing a fight to settle a triangle love affair), Yuri turns into the Demon King, protecting Wolfram from being hurt by fire magic that Elizabeth summoned. He proclaims the two go on the date and remember their childhood memories. It is eventually learned that Wolfram slapped Elizabeth because he wanted to touch a butterfly that flew past, and Conrad was watching the entire event.[25]

Wolfram is an extremely 'pretty' person - Yuri even calls him so upon first meeting him (specifically using the term 'bishōnen' in the Japanese version and very often in the light novel). This is also why Yuri slapped Wolfram when he badmouthed Yuri's mother instead of punching him, stating that it's a pity to dirty such a pretty face (from the novels).This image is enhanced by his choice of nightwear - a rather frilly pink nightgown that contrasts violently with his rather quick temper.

When he first becomes engaged to Yuri he is extremely upset but the idea quickly grows on him. He takes the engagement much more seriously than Yuri does. He follows Yuri practically everywhere so he can keep an eye on him and even sneaks into Yuri's bedroom at night. He gets extremely jealous when Yuri talks to a girl or good-looking guy and often accuses him of being unfaithful. Even if he does not like to admit it, the series hints that Wolfram deeply cares about Yuri. He tends to think Yuri can be saved from bad situations because of his cuteness. By the end of the anime, he is making blatant declarations of love.

A major weakness is that he gets sea-sick. Yuri also says that Wolfram cannot paint well, even though he insists on painting (e.g. He tries to paint Yuri, although it turns out unintentionally impressionistic.)[26]

Gwendal von Voltaire

Gwendal von Voltaire

Name: Lord Gwendal von Voltaire (some translations erroneously use "von Walde")
Race: Demon Tribe
Age: Appears 40+
Gender: Male
Hair: Dark Grey
Eyes: Indigo
Status: First son of the previous Demon King, Commander of the Demon Army
Clothing: WWII British Officers Great Coat

The eldest son of Cecilie. From the beginning, Gwendal has objections to Yuri becoming the Maoh. He is a skilled tactician and is capable of using earth magic and can cast barriers.[27] When not otherwise busy, Gwendal indulges in his hobby of knitting and sewing but often his creatures look nothing like what they're supposed to (for example a bear got mistaken for a black pig or a cat that looks like a raccoon). He is also quite fond of cute objects such as the dolphin keychain (Bandou-kun) Yuri received at the dolphin show and later gave to him.[28] His childhood best friend is Anissina von Karbelnikoff, an inventor who often tests out her inventions on him, much to his displeasure. Anissina is also the one who taught Gwendal how to knit.[29]Gwendal's left eye is a key to one of the four Forbidden Boxes, the "End of the Earth".

Gwendal is a tough guy except when it comes to his childhood friend, Anissina, and his brothers. He is afraid of Anissina and often hides from her so he can prevent being used in one of her crazy experiments. He is even seen sweating at the thought of her.[30][31] While he does not outwardly show much affection towards his brothers, he shows in times of great stress that he does care, an example being his decision to stand against the Great One to save his little brother (Wolfram). Jozak, who was sent to locate one of the Four Forbidden Boxes, tells Conrad that Gwendal really cares for Conrad's wellbeing and doesn't want Conrad to worry despite the Great One's wishes for Conrad to find the Boxes.[32] His ancestor, Seigbert Voltaire, fought along the Original King.[33]

When he was younger, Gwendal despised humans, a habit called the Demon Pride by Dunheely Weller. On Dunheely's last journey to the nameless village, he told Gwendal to enjoy the ride before their last duel. Upon arriving in the village, Gwendal is shocked that the village isn't recognized by the Great Demon Kingdom, and leads the attack on the bandits which targeted the village. In this duel, Gwendal sees Dunheely for who he really was, an old man, not the agile man he knew when he was younger. Dunheely later dies of old age, and Gwendal buries him near the tree where Dunheely told Gwendal what he was looking for. Years later while on a picnic with his family and Yuri, Gwendal admits that Dunheely was a larger existence than anyone else within him, because he hated that man.[34]

When he and Yuri were alone in the desert following a sand trap that sucked in Wolfram and Conrad, Gwendal showed certain care he tried to hide towards Yuri. It was at that time Yuri later commented to Conrad that all of the siblings have similar kind smiles, even though Gwendal's is covered up by his "scary face".[35]

Gwendal has no interest in love affairs, and even points out that issues coming from love affairs are beyond his abilities to influence.[36] He does occasionally shows care towards Greta, often being in charged of her while Yuri and Wolfram are in one of their adventures. Gwendal knows how to bake, as he does so for Greta when Gunter, who would usually bake cookies for Greta, leaves the castle for a short journey. Greta comments that Gwendal's cookies look cute while Yuri comments Gwendal is good at baking as Gwendal's cookies are made into animal shapes, similar to the ones he knits.[37] When Greta asks Gwendal if she is disturbing him while he is doing work, Gwendal says "Since it's you, I don't mind".[38]

He is the commander of the demon army and often comes with reinforcements when Yuri finds himself in big trouble. He is also the one who does the paperwork and essentially runs the kingdom for Yuri.[39] Often enough, when Yuri leaves the castle, Gunter is seen barging into Gwendal's office, demanding where Yuri is. Gwendal would usually look tired and suggest an idea which sounds appealing to Gunter, for example locking Yuri up in a room where no one will interfere.[40]

Günter von Christ

Günter von Kleist

Name: Günter von Christ
Race: Demon Tribe
Gender: Male
Age: Appears 30 (Novels)
Hair: Lilac
Eyes: Violet
Status: Adviser to the Maoh
Clothing: No historical reference

A teacher and swordsman who adores Yuri. Günter is a skilled swordsman and magician, but has retired to teach Yuri about Shin Makoku and his future duties as the Maoh. When Günter accidentally travels to Earth, he becomes a model in New York City for a brief period of time so that he can earn money to find Yuri. Günter is another test subject of Anissina.

Günter, along with the three brothers, helps Yuri run the country. He is Yuri's adviser and mentor, teaching Yuri various aspects of the Great Demon Kingdom.[41] He usually spends his time doing numerous duties for Yuri and the Great Demon Kingdom.

Günter's personality is usually bubbly and emphatic, but when he puts on his serious face he can be awe-inspiring. He has an extremely strong attachment to Yuri and tends to pine when Yuri has been gone from the Shin Makoku for any considerable amount of time. He is very popular among females and males because of his good looks.

Günter's political views make a radical change due to Yuri's influence. In the beginning, he was the one pushing most strongly for the war that would exterminate the human race. As the series goes on, Yuri's views are impressed upon him, and he begins to truly believe in and work for a peaceful alliance between Mazoku and humans.

Günter's only family seems to be his adopted daughter Gisella.[42]

Ken Murata


Name: Ken Murata (村田健, Murata Ken)
Alias: MuraKen, Mura-Mura, The Great Wise Man ("Daikenja" in Japanese), The Great Wise Man of Double Black (Soukoku), Your Excellency ("Geika" in Japanese), Your Eminence (by Yosak) Mr. Straight A's (by bullies in episode 1)
Race: Half human , Half Demon
Gender: Male
Age: 15-16 years
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Clothing: Whatever he wants

An acquaintance of Yuri's (serves as the manager of their baseball team), Ken is known to smile often and keep relatively quiet. He later finds himself involved with Yuri and the other world when it is discovered he houses the soul and memories of the Great Wise Man. Dr. Rodriguez was responsible for handling his soul, around the same time when Conrad transported Julia's soul.

Ken is very smart and calculating. He was the Great Sage in his past life - the right hand man, tactician and strategist to Shinou, the Original King of Shin Makoku. He still remembers things from that life and other lives that he has had. He is a good friend and ally to Yuri and helps him a lot throughout the series, though it often seems he's working on his own agenda. He even constantly repeats to the Oringal King that he "likes Shibuya", and won't let anything bad happen to him.

Ken was actually the reason Yuri was given a swirly, since he was the kid the bullies had been picking on. He is always around when Yuri travels between worlds and later on in the anime travels together with him, he actually helps get Yuri to and from worlds although Yuri does not know this for most of the anime until Ken lands up in Shin Makoku with Yuri.

Later on, near the finale of the anime, Ken seemed to have "betrayed" Yuri and his friends by not telling them vital information concerning the keys and what he had anticipated on what would come to pass. However, what he did was needed to help free the Oringal King. He is also seen scolding the Oringal King in his past life and normal life now, and sees himself as sort of a babysitter for the Oringal King.

Yozak Gurrier/Grie


Name: Yozak Gurrier
Alias: The Spy, Ms. Biceps, Warrior of Lütenburg, Ōniwaban (by Yuri)
Race: Half human, half Mazoku
Gender: Male
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Blue
Status: Spy of the Demon army, Maoh's personal guard
Clothing: Plain Cloths or Drag

He was introduced by Conrad to Yuri during the episode where they are captured on a ship (episode 5). He originally doubted Yuri, but Yuri eventually gaines his trust by entrusting him with Morgif's Jewel.[43] This is Morgif's source of power, and Yozak later returns it so Morgif can help Yuri defend a human village from a stolen Holy Sword and its not-quite-human wielder.

He goes back a long way with Conrad: they've known each other since they were children. Yozak and Conrad are the only suvivors of the Rütenburg army, a portion of the army of Shin Makoku that fought in the past war with the humans for the Mazoku. The Rütenburg warriors were all half-human half-mazoku fighters that wished to proved their loyalty to Shin Makoku. Halfbloods were - and are - looked down upon by both mazoku and humans because of the hatred between the races.

It can only be assumed that as relations between the species change, so will the treatment of halfbreeds. Yuri's efforts to unite humans and mazoku are one of the main reasons Josak supports Yuri.

He's a kind hearted man despite his huge appearance, and no matter how masculine he looks, he seems to enjoy cross-dressing as he frequently dresses as a woman in his work as a spy. He carries a dress around as a good-luck charm because dressing as a female has saved his life many times.

Supporting characters


Shin Makoku

Cecile von Spitzberg
Cecilie von Spitzberg.

The previous Maoh and mother of Wolfram, Conrad and Gwendal, each with different fathers.[44] Although initially, Cecile seems to be rather airheaded, she is actually very astute and intelligent and a very caring person. Having been replaced as the Maoh by Yuri, Cecile takes advantage of her open schedule to hunt for men on her "free and easy quest for love." She has displayed interest in Yuri, his older brother Shori,[45] and even her childhood friend Raven. At one time, she wanted to marry him,[46] much to her brother's chagrin. Cecile is also quite powerful, and has admirable skill with the whip. When fighting, she has the uncanny ability to quickly dress in red leather and mask. This form and her skill tends to scare her enemies, and if they ever meet her the second time, they are usually unwilling to fight her again.[47]

Cecile likes flowers and grows new types of them in the Blood Pledge Castle. She also names them, examples being "Beautiful Wolfram", "Secret Gwendal" and "Cheri's Red Sigh".[48]

Cecile goes by the name Celi, which is pronounced "Cheri" in Japanese. Because of that some fans call her "Cheri" while others use "Celi" (Pronounce as "Tseri" accurately in Romanization of Japanese). Both spellings are acceptable however, and thus depend on personal preference.

She cares for her sons deeply, despite her cheerful personality. When Wolfram temporarily dies, she is seen to be extremely upset.[49]

Anissina von Karbelnikoff

Anissina is an inventor and is also Gwendal's childhood friend. She often uses him to test out her inventions. It is for this reason that Gwendal seems to fear Anissina. When Gwendal is not around, Günter becomes her test subject. She's the one who taught Gwendal how to knit and later Greta too.

If the men are away from the castle, it is usually Anissina who takes control. When she does so, her inventions are usually seen everywhere. The names of her inventions often end in 'kun', and usually state what they are supposed to do. Her inventions often requires the use of maryoku and does more harm than good. An example of this is an invention where the user can communicate with animals, instead of keeping them under control Nicola's child summoned the dragon Pochi who wreaked part of the castle. These inventions make Greta entertained and she even thinks that Anissina is so cool.

Aside from her inventions, she spends her time writing adventure story books involving herself as a superhero figure. These books usually keep Greta entertained, though Yuri and Wolfram often doubt whether they are appropriate for children.

She belongs to one of the 10 noble families and her brother rules their country.

Her title is written in a Japanese original as "von Karbelnikoff" (フォンカーベルニコフ卿).


An 800-year old Genshi Miko with the form of a young girl. Ulrike comes from a long line of priestesses each chosen by the "Original King" to act as a channel between him and the people of Shin Makoku. She succeeds Ondine, whose final assignment after retirement was to get Yuri to form a pact with the elements. Ulrike is the one who, at the order of and with additional powers from the Original King, transports Yuri to and from his world to Shin Makoku. Just as all other priestesses, she is not allowed to leave the Original King's castle. Yuri however, once tried to take her out to show her the beautiful world outside but Wolfram barged in thinking he was flirting with her.

At one point in the anime, her 'childhood spirit' escaped from her body and went outside to play. Her skills frightened the other children and caused chaos in the village. Ulrike chased after her younger form, and revealed her ability to take on the form of a young woman (as opposed to her current child-like one) to 'comfort' her younger self.

When all four boxes were gathered in the Original King's temple,

Adelbert von Grantz

Adelbert is the first important character that Yuri meets in Shin Makoku. He is Julia's former fiancé and abandons Shin Makoku upon her death, as he feels that the way of the Mazoku is wrong. He believes that the Mazoku are simply toys of the original king. Though in the beginning he is considered an enemy, as the series progresses he begins to protect Yuri after discovering he has Julia's soul but he still wants Yuri to show him what he is worth as the new king.

Susannah Julia von Wincott

Julia is a kind women who gave up her happiness for the sake of others.[50] Her father remarked that she, like the previous Wincotts, inherited the trait of being mischieve, but she often sacrificed herself for other people. Many around her, such as Gisela and Cheri, have commented that Julia pushed herself over the limit when trying to help people on the battlefield, which resulted in her death. Gisela was one who remained by Julia's final moments.

Julia's soul was given to Yuri when she accepted the fate given to her by the Original King. She was Adelbert's fiancé, Wolframs teacher, and incredibly skilled at medical maryoku. She appears to have the same views on humans and Mazoku as Yuri, wanting both races to be at peace with each other, which signifies their similarities. Conrad was one of her close friends, and she gave him her necklace, which Conrad then gave to Yuri. Her blood is the key to the forbidden box, "The Mirror at the Bottom of the Sea". Yuri inherited the key from her.

When Yuri's body is taken over by the Oringal King, whose soul is taken over by Soushu, she saves Yuri by letting him remember that he has courage to fight and change the world.

Stoffel von Spitzberg

Cecile's older brother; he was the former regent of the former Maoh and was kicked out of the castle when Yuri arrived for trying to forcefully assert his influence on the kingdom. His own nephews do not trust him, as he was responsible for the last war against the humans. Stoffel tried to regain his authority by kidnapping Yuri and trying to convince him that his three nephews were just using him to control Shin Makoku. This action almost resulted in a civil war with his nephews when they tried to rescue Yuri. Luckily, with Josak's help Yuri escaped and prevented war from breaking out. The Maoh made Stoffel's punishment for waging war house arrest in his own castle and lands. Later, he tries to win back Yuri's trust by celebrating Yuri's visit, though the plan backfires when his sister returns instead. By the end of the anime, he has given up his power struggles, and instead becomes a faithful noble willing to fight and protect the Maoh against Soushu's armies. Stoffel's favorite food is sautéd Neguroki no Mayakishi.


Raven, a chilhood friend of Celi and Stoffel, advises Lord Stoffel and executes orders on the ex-Regents behalf. Raven's strategies and ruthlessness endanger Yuri, however in his heart Raven is more loving than malicious.


Greta is the adopted human daughter of Yuri Shibuya and Wolfram von Bielefelt. At first she tried to kill Yuri by posing as his illegitimate daughter because her uncaring foster parents hated the Maoh and she believed she could earn their love by assassinating him. Not much later Yuri forgives and adopts her. Wolfram follows suit, reasoning that as Yuri's fiancé he is also Greta's parent. She meets a woman who is almost definitely her birth mother at one point, but her mother does not reveal herself to her.


She is the adopted daughter of Günter and was a close friend of Julia von Winncott. She is usually sweet and caring, but is strict and commanding when it comes to work. Her attitude toward work and her ability to order people around earned her the nickname "Sergeant". Her 'Sergeant moments' have earned her respect and fear from Dakoskos, Keenan, Wolfram and many others. A military physician, she was with Julia when she died on the battlefield.


One of the men-at-arms of Covenant Castle, Dakoskos sacrificed his hair for one of Günter's schemes but ultimately remains a loyal subject-even as he's often the source of comic relief. Dakoskos often becomes emotional over good food.

Darkoskos travels to Bandarbine Island with Günter to help Morgif regain its original form.[51]

Lord Grisela Geigen Huber

Years ago, Hube's bigotry and ambition led to many deaths forcing Gwendal, his cousin, to banish Hube from the Demon Kingdom to search for a lost artifact, the Great Demon Flute. Twenty years later, Yuri discovers Hube in Conansia Svelera from the human woman, Nicola, who is bearing Hube's child. Yuri struggles to learn details about Hube's past but no one wants to talk about the acts that were so terrible, even Conrad is content in watching him die. Hube becomes the bodyguard for a corrupt lord who swindles people into gambling and taking their shop deeds. When Yuri eventually discovers the truth, he forgave Hube for unintentionally trying to kill him, and begs for Gwendel not to kill Hube. Gwendel eventually does, and Hube leaves for his own castle, but not before he tells Gwendel about a box he saw in Suberera.[52] The incident left Hube without his left eye, indicating this box was one of the Four Fobbidden Boxes.

Hube swore loyalty to Yuri because Yuri chose spare his life despite Hube's crime. As such, Hube would go to extreme lengths to protect Yuri, such as leaving Nicola to kill the Original King.


Nicola's rescue from Conansia Svelera led Yuri to the Great Demon Flute and created both hints and additional mystery regarding her baby's father Lord Grisela "Hube" Gegenhuber.

Human Lands

Lady Flynn Gibit

Lady Flynn Gibit assumed the role of Lord Norman Gibit to protect her small country, Caloria, and its lands after his death. She chose to wear a mask and pretend to be her husband because Small Cimaron had conquered Caloria and, under their laws, women cannot inherit lands or titles and adoptions are valid before the death of the husband.

The original owner of Caloria was the Wincott family, and because of Flynn's ancestors, the Wincott family was forcefully removed from their rule. Due to this incident, Flynn is troubled when Julia's father visits Blood Pledge castle on Yuri's request.

Lord Nigel Weiz Maxine

Lord Maxine and Adelbert encounter Yuri in Caloria during Maxine attempt to bully Lord Gilbert around. While Maxine appears to triumph, Yuri continually frustrates Maxine's ambitions.

He is called Pony-buzz or Mullet head.

Dunheely Weller

The Weller family have been close to the king of Big Cimaron for generations, but not necessarily by choice. Dunheely Weller kept the family secret and became a wandering swordsman of amazing prowess. Later in his travels, he met Celi, the Maoh of Shin Makoku. Despite resistance from many corners, they married and had a son Conrad. Celi herself admitted that their wedding was approved by the Oringal King. Dunheely later traveled with his son and constantly trained in fencing to prepare Conrad for the life ahead of him. Dunheely championed the rights of half-human, half-Mazoku and spent decades in making their lifes better.

Dunheely wanted to make proof of his life. Gwendal detested him, having the pride of a Mazoku Dunheely stated. However, after taking Gwendal along for a trip to settle their duel, Gwendal changes his opinions of Dunheely. While appearing young to Gwendals' eyes, Dunheely was actually an old man by the time he and Gwendal fought off bandits to keep the nameless village safe.[53]


The power-hungry monarch of Big Cimaron knows no limitations to his ambitions of or the measures he will take to achieve them. However his lust for power, Belar's cowardice undermines his chances for success. Belar is possessed by the Soushu for a time.


Original King

The Original King (known as the Shinou in Japanese) is the first King of Shin Makoku. His soul watches over the lands of Shin Makoku, and priestess such as Ulrike can communicate with him in a limited fashion, one they call "hearing His Majesty's voice".

4000years ago, the Original King sealed the Soushu into four boxes, which became known as the "Four Forbidden Boxes". However, while part of the Soushu was sealed in the boxes, a small part of the Soushu infected the Original King to the extent where his right arm seemed slightly decayed.[54] The Original King knew that the Soushu would evenutually take over his mind and body completely, so the Original King came up with a plan along with his Great Sage to completely eradicate the Soushu in the future. This involved sealing the Soushu with a pure soul, and destroying it.[55] This soul turned out to be the Original King, but Yuri manages to eradicate the Soushu without harming the Original King, earning Yuri the title of the greatest Maoh. The Original King commented that he was glad he chose Yuri as the Maoh.[56]

The Original King appears to be well alive in the OVAs, having seem to regain a physical body unlike his soul form at the end of Season 2.[57]


The Soushu according to Ken Murata, is a formless being which has all negative emotions of human.[58] Due to its state, it can easily enter people's hearts who have negative feelings. When the people of Shin Makoku began to rebel against the Original King, the Soushu infected the Original King even more due to the negative feeling the Original King was feeling.

The Great Sage and Original King came up with a plan to completely eradict the Soushu. This involved sealing the Soushu with a pure soul, and destroying it.[59] This soul turned out to be the Original King, but Yuri manages to eradicate the Soushu without harming the Original King, earning Yuri the title of the greatest Maoh.

The Soushu's shadow was a tall gigantic masked figure which possessed Belar for a short time. When Yuri breaks the control spell on Yozak, Aldabert and Kaleen, the shadow of the Soushu disappears, but not before it possessed Wolfram. When the Soushu possessed Wolfram, Wolfram was forced to disrupt the sealing ceremony, and stay still while the key, Wolfram's heart, was ripped out by the form of the Original King.



The Maoh of Earth. A businessman who owns several prosperous companies and is even called "the Maoh in the business world" and "The Mazoku who looks like a movie star" by Hamano Jennifer. He met Yuri and his brother when Yuri was a little child and saved them from some bullies. He is the keeper of the fourth box, which is hidden on earth.

Jose Rodriguez

Associate of the Maoh of Earth and also a friend of Conrad. He lives on earth and transported the Great Sage's soul (who ended up being Ken Murata) to Japan at the same time Conrad transported Julia's. He became Ken's pediatrician when Ken was younger and began to remember his previous lives. Later on he is seen working for the Maoh of Earth.

Shibuya Family

Shori Shibuya

Name: Shori Shibuya (渋谷勝利, Shibuya Shōri)
Alias: Sho-chan (young Yuri)
Race: Half human, half Mazoku
Gender: Male
Age:18 (Novels)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Status: Successor to the Maoh of Earth

Yuri's older brother who is apparently a genius, likes to play dating simulators and is very protective of Yuri (once described by Murata as having a "brother-complex"). He is to become Bob's successor as the Maoh of Earth.[60] When he was younger, he met Bob who rescued Yuri and him from some bullies. While initially despising his parents for having a divorcement argument, he also resented the fact that Yuri will have to go to Shin Makoku eventually. Bob explained to him it will happen in the future, and Shori was contented being with Yuri for the time being. Shori wanted Yuri to call him "oni-chan" but Yuri refused to and became more independent when he went to elementary school. It is seen that Shori communicates regularly with Bob, who he complains emphasizes his age more than anything else. Apparently his short term ambition is to become the Mayor of Tokyo.

Often carrying a cold attitude, he did not welcome having Wolfram and the others in his house. He seems especially distasteful to Conrad, and makes a point of demanding that Conrad returns his clothes to him properly cleaned (since the two of them are about the same build and size, Jennifer usually lends Shori's clothing to Conrad). Later, he and Conrad form an understanding based on their mutual desire to protect Yuri.

Once Shori ends up in Shin Makoku, he becomes suspicious about the Original King, Ken Murata, and the four forbidden boxes. He correctly deduces that Ken would betray them, but nobody believed Shori until Ken betrayed Yuri by allowing Yuri to be possessed by the Original King.[61]

Shori eventually goes to Shin Makoku where he learns to use the powerful maryoku he possesses. Wolfram gave Shori a pact to the elements, somewhat like how Odine gave a pact to Yuri to gain control of his maryoku. Shori's maryoku is like of Yuri's, the control of water, but initially Shori's maryoku takes the form of a giant hand.[62] He is, however, seen to be able to shape his maryoku into water dragons after some training with Ulrike, who comments that Shori is extraordinary because he learnt to control his maryoku slightly in a short span of time.[63]

Miko Shibuya

Miko Shibuya (渋谷美子, Shibuya Miko) also know as Jennifer of Yokohama is Yuri and Shori's human mother. She has known about Yuri becoming Maoh since before Yuri was born but did not tell him. She is very energetic, loves fantasy and has a big imagination. (Example: When she was first told that Shoma was a Mazoku, she thought he had been born with wings) Miko had always wanted to have a baby girl, so when Yuri was young she let his hair grow long and dressed him in girls' clothes. Through the series little is learned about her, but she is known to be an excellent fencer, always ready and willing to defend her family.

Miko often gives strange advice to Yuri, and in some situations it really helps Yuri out. She likes to be called "Mama" instead of "Mom" or "Mother" by her sons, and "Jennifer" by other people. The only ones who actually call her "Mama" are not her sons, but Murata and Wolfram.

Shoma Shibuya

Shoma Shibuya (渋谷勝馬, Shibuya Shōma) is the father of Yuri and Shori. He is a Mazoku from Shin Makuko. He originally knew about Yuri becoming Maoh when he met with Conrad shortly after Conrad came to Earth. Shoma was originally angered by Conrad's cold attitude, and told him to never let his son or wife see that unsmiling face. Conrad takes those words to heart, and later grows to become the 'smiling godfather' Yuri often sees. Shoma is much more soft-spoken than his wife, and a fan of the Boston Red Sox.


  1. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 8
  2. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 66
  3. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 72
  4. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 1
  5. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 38
  6. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 2
  7. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 35
  8. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 24
  9. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 2
  10. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime episode 2
  11. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 36
  12. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime episode 2
  13. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 31
  14. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 9
  15. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime. episode 77
  16. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  17. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 68
  18. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 8
  19. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 40
  20. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 21
  21. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 52
  22. ^ Drama CD's,
  23. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! OVA episode 1
  24. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 68
  25. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 45
  26. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 18
  27. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 2
  28. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 12
  29. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 34
  30. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 9
  31. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 34
  32. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 54
  33. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 68
  34. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 47
  35. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 12 & 13
  36. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 45
  37. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 53
  38. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 54
  39. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 44
  40. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 54
  41. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 16
  42. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 21
  43. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 7
  44. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 2
  45. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 72
  46. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 21
  47. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 51
  48. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 52
  49. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 73
  50. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, Snow Gunter again
  51. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh anime, episode 77
  52. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 26
  53. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 47
  54. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 77 & 78
  55. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  56. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  57. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  58. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  59. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 78
  60. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 42
  61. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 75
  62. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 71
  63. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 76