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Jungle metal is a term used to describe the style started by Jerry Lightning. The jungle metal movement is a revival of true heavy metal and rock music, with a new mark of rebellious persona. It arose in 2009 in Australia, particularly on the Canberra music scene.


Jungle metal takes influence from heavy metal and hard rock styles of the 1970s to 1990s. The most influential scene on jungle metal is the new wave of British heavy metal. From this comes a wide range of musical feels and tones, including fusion of punk and disco (hear "Heavy Metal Testosterone" by ジェリーさま), and also speed and raw production (hear "Too Hard for Rock 'n' Roll (Too Fast for Love)" by ジェリーさま). Glam metal is highly influential on jungle metal, which takes sleaze and aggression. Also important influences are thrash and power metal, not to forget classic heavy metal, hard rock, pop rock and dance music. Jungle metal songs tend towards catchy hooks, aggressive guitar riffs, and powerful drumming. Jungle metal has no association with fake metal sub-genres, and takes no traits from them - nothing "brutal".[1]
The attitude of jungle metal is generally individuality, self-reliance and aggressive protection of right interests. Themes of jungle metal songs often include mayhem, destruction, heavy metal lifestyle, life on the streets and love of women.
The jungle metal look is tough, athletic and sleazy. Dress, hair and make-up should take elements from any of the heavy metal influences. The most popular fashion items are tight leather pants, high-cut boots, kneepads and aluminium foil gauntlets. The colour green is most popular as a highlight. Male jungle metallers usually grow hefty facial hair and body hair.[2]


The term jungle metal was coined by Jerry Lightning in 2009 while he was completing a Diploma of Music at the Canberra Institute of Technology. It came as he worked on his version of the Billy Idol song, "Flesh for Fantasy", after having researched the jungle genre of dance music. His version was to be jungle metal, adding fast, jungle beats and traits of heavy metal to the song, and using tribal instrumentation and big reverb. (His version can be heard as "Flesh for Fantasy (Mix for Schoolgirls behind Closed Doors)" by ジェリーさま.) Later, the term jungle metal adapted to include all of Lightning's musical style.
The first jungle metal album to be released was Jerry Lightning and Associates' Presentation of Human Research Project by ジェリーさま. It was well-received by the public, smashing MICfest sales records.


A jungle metaller is many things: human being, warrior, rocker, athlete, partier, and often scientist and more. Jungle metallers do not care for the ways of the world, preferring instead to do things the right way. They often engage in anti-social activities (such as mayhem and destruction), which is not bad because world society is malevolent towards humanity and nature, and should [in the view of jungle metallers][3] be abolished. As a favourite activity of jungle metallers is to party in parks, and because this often leads to sleeping in the streets or forest, along with appearing different, they are not well-received by society. This is mostly because the majority of the [developed world’s] social mass is shallow, stupid, self-righteous and misguided[4] – all traits which jungle metallers reject.

Notable Artists[edit]

  • ジェリーさま

See also[edit]


  • Fordham, Ben (2010). What About Me? An Encounter With Ben Fordham. Grubby Publications.


  1. ^ Fordham 2010, pg. 23, "Their genre was fake metal. They considered themselves to be so brutal. The jungle metallers thought their music was pussy - the bad kind."
  2. ^ Fordham 2010, pg. 17, "I looked at those jungle metallers, with their green kneepads, high-cut boots, tight leathers and aluminium foil gauntlets. They looked tough, especially those with thick sideburns. They looked sleazy. I wondered if I could outrun them. They were an athletic bunch."
  3. ^ Fordham 2010, pg. 3, "They [jungle metallers] taught me that world society should be abolished."
  4. ^ Fordham 2010, pg. 3, "The majority of the social mass is shallow, stupid, self-righteous and misguided."

External links[edit]