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Sugorf is a verb that the Left Imaginarist Ensamble (in short L.I.E.) coined in 2014, to satisfy the need for a classification of the human imagination. The term is first used by Avia Lavine, the vice-president of L.I.E. to describe the differences in cognitive processes and recreation of past experiences between active and passive imagination; where Sugorf-ing is a specific form of active imagination. The approach to building a theory of distinct imagination was named dual imaginative theory and the division between imagination is criticized by many between 2014-2016, during the debates between dual and monic imagination occurred.



Before the definition of Sugorf, the terminology of active and passive imagination and fantasy should be given; since the definition of Sugorf lies in the small gap between the definitions of active imagination and fantasy.

Difference Between Active and Passive Imagination


The human cognition of imagination is divided into two main processes: the recurrence and reiteration of previously acquired experiences and the formation and construction of new memories. The type of imagination which thrives with the latter process is named Constructive imagination and the former is associated with the term Reproductive imagination. The main difference between reproductive and constructive imagination is reproductive imagination is only based on the activation of already existing object-encoding neuronal ensemble (objectNE) in the posterior cortical hot zone, constructive imagination, on the other hand, modifies the structure of the objectNE by assembling different pathways and neural connective networks in objectNE.

An active imagination is a form of constructive imagination where the person aims to perceive outside of the mental box or reflects the unconscious mind onto his thoughts. In contrast with fantasy; active imagination strives to perceive what is already there, whereas fantasy aims to create where nothing now exists. An example presenting the differences between active imagination and fantasy is that where the active imagination is imagining the existence of a wormhole while trying the answer the entanglement paradox; and the fantasy would be to imagine a faraway future with spacetime travel through wormholes.

Definition of Sugorf


Although Sugorf has a variety of definitions coined by the members of Left Imaginarist Ensamble; the most used formal definition is that Sugorf is a form of active imagination where the neural correlates of unconsciousness form abstractedly an image representing the absurd, which similar to fantasies cannot exist under the laws and postulates of our physical world. This formal definition of Sugorf by Esther Runa mainly advocates a manifestation of the philosophical absurd, through the unconscious reflections of the mind. It is a form of active imagination since it actively reflects unconscious material to the conscious similar to the imagination theory of Carl Jung. However, it deviates from fantasy by its sense datum ordinary content. The absurdism of the fantastic nature of everyday content is what separates Sugorf from both active imagination and fantasy.



Here are some of the main examples to which the verb Sugorf corresponds:

  • Ordinary buildings that have zero connection to the ground and that are flying. This is a representation of an ordinary object adjoined to the property of "flying". This mental representation of the flying building is Sugorf, and the impossibility and unfeasibility of the building create the absurd element.
  • Imagining oxymoronic ordinary object pairs under the light of the physical world is also Sugorf since oxymoronic features include the property of absurdness with them.



The word Sugorf was first coined in 2014, but it was first introduced in 2011 with the long "Synthesis of Usual and General with Opposing REM-Sleep Fantasy", as in 2011 the absurd of Sugorf was attributed to the randomness of REM-Sleep, however, it was then noticed in 2013 that the "absurd" was not due to the arbitrariness of the REM-Sleep dreams but due to the feebleness of neuron-neuron communication networks, and due to the superposition-induced neural connections. In the later years the long "Synthesis of Usual and General with Opposing REM-Sleep Fantasy" was abbreviated and reduced to S.U.G.O.R.F. or just Sugorf as used in 2022. Sugorf is both used as a noun and verb, in accordance with the standard English grammar.