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User:Mburgon/Canthotomy/Azbeartx Peer Review

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Lead- The lead is concise, well organized, and contains an introductory sentence that appropriately describes the article . It does not contain information that is not present elsewhere in the article. However, the lead does not contain information from each of the article's major sections. Specifically, there is no information in the lead from the contraindications, complications, or history sections. I think adding a few sentences in the lead to describe contraindications and potential complications would be helpful. Additionally, it may be helpful to include some of the other potential causes of orbital compartment syndrome besides trauma.

Content - The added content is extremely relevant to the topic and appears to be up-to-date with ongoing research. There was not any extraneous information within the article and there does not appear to be any significant information missing from the body of the article. Overall, I thought the article did a good job covering the major aspects of the topic without favoring any particular section.

Tone and Balance- The content of the article is well balanced and has appropriate tone. There was no attempt to persuade the reader to believe a certain way. When presented with the challenges of the current procedure, an alternative procedure was discussed as a topic of ongoing interest without specifically favoring one procedure over another.

Sources and References- The sources used to generate this article appear to be peer-reviewed review papers covering the topics. There are an appropriate number of sources and they are cited appropriately. The links within the reference page work and there appears to be sources cited ranging from the 1950s to as recently as last month. Overall, I think the cited sources are appropriate for the topic and I do not believe there is anything to add or change.

Organization- Overall the article is well organized and follows the pattern of many other wikipedia articles. My only recommendations are to consider moving the history section to below the lead. This would be optional but something I have seen elsewhere. In terms of stylistic changes to consider, the sentence: "Due to the emergent nature of this procedure and the possibility of restoring or preventing the loss of vision, globe rupture is the only absolute contraindication." may be changed to "Due to the emergent nature of this procedure and the possibility of restoring or preventing vision loss, globe rupture is the only absolute contraindication." The change is minimal but makes the sentence slightly easier to read. Finally, I think the technique section would be easier to organize and follow if organized using a table.

Images and Media - The added images definitely contribute to the article in a positive way. The images are well positioned in chronological order adjacent to the technique section. My only recommendation here is to consider adding which step of the procedure is being demonstrated within the image. I think the captions are appropriate but clearly labeling each picture with the numerical step may be helpful. Alternatively, if you organize your steps in a table like you mentioned you may just add the pictures to the appropriate row.

New Article Notes- This article uses several (11) appropriate sources which I believe qualifies as an exhaustive search through the literature. The article follows a similar format to other similar articles and links several other pages so that the page will be more discoverable. Overall, this will be a great addition to wikipedia.

Overall Impression- Overall this article was very well constructed and provides a concise yet thorough description of the topic. I think this will make a great addition to Wikipedia with only minimal modifications to consider.