User:MactheTeach/Books/Scientists for High School

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Scientists for High School[edit]

What Makes a Scientist[edit]

Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists
Hispanic Scientist of the Year Award
List of African-American inventors and scientists
Male Scientists
Albert Einstein
Albert Turner Bharucha-Reid
Alfred Wegener
Arlie Petters
Arno Allan Penzias
Benjamin Banneker
Bruce C. Heezen
Carl Sagan
Charles Darwin
Charles Henry Turner (zoologist)
Drummond Matthews
Eduard Suess
Edwin Hubble
Emmett Chappelle
Enrico Fermi
Ernest Everett Just
Fernando Caldeiro
Fred Hoyle
Frederick Vine
Friedrich Mohs
Fritz Zwicky
Galileo Galilei
George Edward Alcorn Jr.
George Gamow
Georges Lemaître
George Robert Carruthers
George Washington Carver
Harold Amos
Harry Hammond Hess
Hermann von Helmholtz
Inge Lehmann
Isaac Newton
James Cook
James Hutton
James McLurkin
Jan Oort
Johannes Kepler
John Dabiri
John Harrison
Joseph L. Graves
Leonardo da Vinci
Louis Pasteur
Luigi Galvani
Michael Faraday
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Nicolaus Copernicus
Niels Bohr
Norman L. Bowen
Percival Lowell
Ralph Asher Alpher
René Descartes
Robert Woodrow Wilson
St. Elmo Brady
Sylvester James Gates
Tycho Brahe
Vesto Slipher
Warren M. Washington
Female Scientists
Women in science
Women in engineering
Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World
Association for Women in Science
Ada Yonath
Adriana Ocampo
Alice Ball
Ana Maria Rey
Annie Easley
Annie Jump Cannon
Annie Russell Maunder
Antonia Novello
Beatrice Tinsley
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin
Chien-Shiung Wu
Dian Fossey
Dorothy Vaughan
Elizabeth Blackburn
Grace Hopper
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Inés Cifuentes
Katherine Johnson
Laura Bassi
Lise Meitner
Lydia Villa-Komaroff
Margaret Geller
Marie Curie
Maria Margaretha Kirch
Marie Maynard Daly
Marie Tharp
Mary Jackson (engineer)
Nora Volkow
Rachel Carson
Sally Ride
Willie Hobbs Moore
Ancient Scientists
Aristarchus of Samos
Ibn al-Haytham