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About Me[edit]

AerosmithNation002, next in line from User:AerosmithNation001

Has many friends

Loves the band Aerosmith

Favourite websites are YouTube and South Park Studios

Is obsessed with Michael Jackson

Favourite Songs[edit]

Dream On (Aerosmith)

Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson)

Sweet Emotion (Aerosmith)

Janie's Got A Gun (Aerosmith)

Falling in Love (Is Hard on the Knees) (Aerosmith)

Taste of India (Aerosmith)

Sunshine (Aerosmith)

Pink (Aerosmith)

Favourite TV Shows[edit]

South Park


The Jeff Dunham Show Why did they end this show? It was AWESOME!

This Hour Has 22 Minutes

Random Weirdness and Favourite Quotes by Random People[edit]

It will make your face all pointy!- Willow Upper (friend)

No, Annie is NOT okay. Annie is screwed.- Ruba Osman (friend)

I am a trooper from Star Wars!- Kristen Knight (friend)

Joe is gone, Steven.

Michael, are you okay? Where is my nose?

I like chocolate milk.


No, that′s ignorant, you′re being ignorant!

Ideas that I and my friends come up with[edit]

The Michael and Steven Show

Also known as the weirdest fake animated show EVER!!!

Let me give you a summary. So there are Michael Jackson and Aerosmith on a very weird show thing, and they do random stuff and be weird.

Favourite Animated Characters[edit]

Mr. Jefferson

Fake Steven Tyler

Mung Daal (Chowder)

Michael Jingleman Jackson

Sally Wilson (inside joke)

The Fake Steven Tyler Facility: Jacko's Arrival: The Month Of July[edit]

July 5th, 2010

It has happened. I am being taken away. This makes no sense. Why do I HAVE to go to this "Fake Steven Tyler Facility"? My mom thinks about him, so why is she not coming with me? I am so confused and upset at the same time. I mean, I am being removed from my own home and lead to a place no one I know has ever heard of. Where is this place? If anyone knows, PLEASE HELP ME!!! I NEED TO KNOW!

I am now on this random bus-thing, and now in the middle of pretty much NOWHERE. There are no buildings, no animals, no ANYTHING. All I have to keep me company are my journal, a few photos, and my MP3 player with some 91 Aerosmith songs, 5 Michael Jackson songs and a few assorted others. Am listening to Taste of India right now. Love the ending. Love Steven Tyler vocals.

This ride is taking so FREAKIN LONG. I have been on this stupid piece of crud bus since 9am and it's now 1pm. IT'S DRIVING ME UP A WALL. This bus smells like old cheese and dirty socks. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE cheese, but OLD CHEESE IS GROSS. It's disgusting. Like, they need some air freshener in here or SOMETHING. Do the people who own this bus even know the meaning of the word CLEAN???? I mean, SERIOUSLY...I AM GONNA HURL.

This guy cannot even freakin DRIVE. He just drove into a building, reversed the bus, ran it into a tree, reversed it again, and then drove us off a bridge. Don't even ASK how I survived. They are calling in a spare bus now because I think this driver is hammered.

THIS NEW SPARE BUS IS WORSE THAN THE HAMMERED GUY'S BUS!!!!! IT SMELLS LIKE DOG POOP MIXED WITH MUD AND OLD CHEESE THAT SAT IN THE FREAKIN FRIDGE FOR TEN YEARS!!!!! Can't they even get a decent bus around here? I think they have now driven me out of Canada. I think I'm in the USA. Never been out of the country before. I always pictured it, but not like THIS.

JUST HIT A GUY!!! Oh my gosh. We just hit some hitchhiker when the bus swerved and rolled in a ditch. The bus then did a 360 and landed on its wheels and stood up with some guy stuck to the side of it screaming, "I'M BEING ASSULTED!!!". We had to literally PULL the guy off the side of the bus and drag him to the side of the road. Then the bus driver did CPR, because the guy became unconscious, and he even did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation! I almost threw up, but it was to save some guy, so I held it down.