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MCRLPHHGC is a user on http://www.wikipedia.org/. The user name may look like complete gibberish, but it actually stands for the user's favorite bands in the order he likes them.

MCR(My Chemical Romance)[edit]

The user's favorite band is My Chemical Romance. He began liking them after he attended Projekt Revolution in 2007. He didn't like My Chem at the time, but after hearing Gerard Way's 'I suck way more dick than that guy!' comment, he found it funny and decided to check them out. He first fell in love with their song 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)'. He listened to it gradually until he checked out 'Welcome to The Black Parade', which became his favorite song. Soon after, he bought 'The Black Parade', an MCR album. He loved the whole CD and listened to it extensively. For Christmas of 2007, he got 'Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge', and also loved it. He became a huge MCR fan, and just recently got 'I Brought you my Bullets, you Brought me your love.'

LP (Linkin Park)[edit]

The user's second favorite band is Linkin Park. He began listening to them when he was in 7th grade, and has since been in love with their CDs. He can't recall when he got any of the CDs because he's liked them for so long, but we know his favorite song by them is 'Given Up'.

HH (Hawthorne Heights)[edit]

The user's third favorite band is Hawthorne Heights. He started listening to them in January, and just a week or two ago got their debut album 'The Silence in Black and White'. He loves the CD. Then, he asked his friend if he could borrow their follow up album 'If Only You Were Lonely', so he could burn it. He did, and it is one of his favorite CDs.

GC(Good Charlotte)[edit]

The user's final favorite band is Good Charlotte. He got into them when his friend introduced him to one of their songs called 'Dance Floor Anthem'. He got 'Good Morning Revival', and loved it as well. A while ago, he bought 'The Chronicles of Life and Death', and it is a very very good CD in his opinion.