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Aldo Leopardi - Musician


Aldo Leopardi was born in Australia. From the age of ten, Aldo Leopardi knew in his soul that he wanted to be a musician. All it took was a little “Jail Break” by AC/DC on the television and he was hooked. Raised by his mother in Adelaide, Australia learning to play guitar was not going to be an effortless task. His mother made him a deal, do the research and find a guitar teacher and she would support him.[1]

By his teen years, he was playing gigs in Australia and by his early twenties, he was self producing and recording his music. At the same time, he was managing a successful career as a dentist. Aldo had a plan; quit dentistry, go to Los Angeles, and play music. However, he recognized the music industry stacked the odds against the artist. Not to be deterred, Aldo made a personal promise to increase his odds and take control of his musical destiny.

He moved to the United States and embarked on a new adventure. Begrudgingly, putting his music career on hold he worked endless hours to become a leader in his professional career as a specialist dentist (Prosthodontist). His music was always there though. Gnawing and pecking away at him. Aldo knew that this was the time to fulfill that promise. [2]

It took Aldo three years to record his self-titled album. With precise time management and an unwavering tenacity, Aldo was doing music on his own terms. He started his own record label, Backslash Records. He made a music video with producer, Mark Vargas and director Jordan Horowitz (of MTV fame) for the song “Always Be”. Finally, Aldo was living his dreams; recording music, performing elaborate live productions and creating a high caliber music video. Simultaneously, he was touring the country as a speaker and leader in dental circles![3] [4][5]