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Mary Rockefeller Morgan is an American activist in the fields of safe energy and a sustainable food system. She is a philanthropist in the arts, the author of When Grief Calls Forth the Healing, and a psychotherapist specializing in general bereavement as well as twin loss and identity. Born in New York City in 1938, she and her twin brother Michael Rockefeller are the youngest of five children from Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller's first marriage to Mary Todhunter Clark. Her three older siblings are Rodman Rockefeller, Ann Rockefeller, and Steven Clark Rockefeller.



Ms. Morgan attended The Madeira School (grad 1956), Vassar College (BA, 1960), and Columbia University School of Social Work (Masters in Clinical Social Work, 1991).


  • Graphics director and co-founder with Tom Morgan, Politicks & Other Human Interests (magazine, 1976-1978).
  • Instructor, Graphics in Journalism, School of Visual Arts, New York City (1979-1980).
  • Psychotherapist, Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (date TK).
  • Private practice psychotherapy, general psychotherapy as well specialization in losing a twin and general bereavement (1991-present).
  • Loss of a twin therapy group post-9/11 World Trade Center disaster (2002-2004), on surviving the death of a twin.
  • Co-Founder – Center for Food Safety (current) Cool Foods Campaign
  • Research on psychology of twinship and bereavement of twins, and involved in developing 2 research projects [NEED LINKS TO BOTH OF THESE]
  • Trainer (certified) in spontaneous in deep personal imagery through the Institution for Visualization Research (date TK)
  • Ms. Morgan conducted bereavement workshops at eight Twinless Twins Support Group International (TTSGI) conferences (2003 – 2011), and delivered the keynote speech in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2014.
  • Co-founder with Abby Rockefeller, The Cornerstone Campaign (2002). The Cornerstone Campaign supported the creation of the book, Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Changes in Your Food.



In 1961, Michael Rockefeller, son of then-governor of New York State, Nelson A. Rockefeller, disappeared off the remote coast of southern New Guinea. Amidst the glare of international public interest, the governor, along with Michael’s twin, Mary, set off on a futile search, only to return empty-handed and empty-hearted. What followed was Mary’s 27-year repression of her grief, an unconscious denial of her twin’s death, and a painful inner isolation that haunted her relationships and controlled her life.

When Grief Calls Forth the Healing is about experiencing and integrating deep personal loss. Seen through the unique lens of twin loss, this book magnifies and explores the grieving issues of any deeply bonded relationship. Mary Rockefeller Morgan struggles to claim an individual identity, which enables her to face Michael’s death and the huge loss it engendered. With remarkable honesty, she shares her inspiring healing journey and her story of moving forward into a life of new beginnings and meaning, especially in her work with others who have lost a twin.



Executive producer, forthcoming film, “The Gene Myth: The Evolution of a Dangerous Idea,” about the 100-year focus on the gene and the development, use, and risks of genetic engineering.




  • People Magazine [the link for this won’t be up for another couple of months]
  • Twinless Twins Support Group (Bereavement process for twinless twins) [1]
  • Rockefeller Family
  • The Cousins
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Museum of Primitive Art
  • Psychology Today A Loss Like No Other