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User:Lungameni M 200714589/Qualities of an ideal tertiary institution of education

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Technology, infrastructure and professional tutors should make a good university or college. With the right equipment and stationery students have more and easier chance of completing an academic qualification which they enrolled for.

Modern computers are quite essential for a high level tertiary institution. A study says that universities with the best technology have the best students generally. Besides textbooks and tutors from lecturers, students need external information from the Internet which can only be acquired with machinery like computers. Projectors also play a big role in universities. With projectors tutorials are more efficient, quicker and professional, plus with projectors lessons can be more presentable and exciting. It is also important to have modern technology at cashiers in universities as there is millions of students enrolled, and with the right equipment we can avoid long queues and the more efficient the cashier is the happier customers.

Excellent infrastructure is highly recommended for high level universities. I personally would go for a university with large lecturing theaters which can give me enough personal space and air to breath. Writing desks and student seats should be replaced on a regular basis for comfort; this will enhance student concentration and performance. Accommodation for students who comes from far away should come in very large quantities, with more students from different areas, the more interesting and educational the university can be.

Professional lecturers are compulsory. I believe that students should be taught by lecturers who are highly qualified and have excellent teaching abilities. Tutors should also have good communication skills and they should be friendly, able to control their anger, have parenting abilities because students can test their patients.

An ideal tertiary institution of education should basically be the proper place for students to build the foundation of their career, at the same time feel at home.



