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User:Lucia Bova

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Lucia Bova is an Italian harpist, essayist and recording artist born in Naples.



After completing her musical studies in Italy at a young age, Lucia Bova studied with Elisabeth Fontan-Binoche for two years in Nice (France) at the Conservatoire where she was presented with a diploma in harp performance, gaining the 1990 "Premier Prix à l'Unanimité". For her masters degree she studied under, among others, Ursula Holliger.



Lucia Bova is Harp Professor at Conservatory of Music "Niccolò Piccinni" in Bari (Italy) and has devoted herself to the performance of and research into the repertoire for harp, both solo and in ensemble. On the one hand this has led to a strong interest in contemporary music and the new performing techniques, and has ensured that composers such as Ennio Morricone, Fernando Mencherini, James Dashow, Fabrizio de Rossi Re, Fausto Razzi, Eric Chasalow, Bill Smith, Bruce Saylor, Claudio Ambrosini, Maurizio Giri, Andrea Marena and Gianluca Podio would write works specifically for her; on the other hand it has made it possible for her to rediscover remarkable scores from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and to write a book (The modern harp. The writing and notation, the instrument and repertoire from the XVIth century to contemporary) dedicated to the repertoire for harp from sixteenth century to present day and to the new performing techniques. The modern harp « ... fills a gap, especially in regards to "new" music [... and] is of interest to students, professionals, musicologists, teachers and composers. The vast quantity of information and the wide span of time covered will probably make the book difficult to replace in the future. I wish that it will be soon translated and enrich the libraries of harpists, composers, and harp lovers». [1] Lucia Bova has given concerts in many prestigious Italian and international concert-halls such as the La Fenice Theatre in Venice, the Milan Concert Society, the Romaeuropa Festival, the Festival delle Nazioni in Città di Castello, the CyberArts Festival in Boston, the Festival of Nuova Consonanza in Rome, Festwochen Herrenhausen in Hannover, the Teatro Regio in Parma, the Italian Cultural Institutes of Montréal, New York, Rio de Janeiro and Tel Aviv, the Umbria Jazz Festival and the [[Warsaw International Festival of Contemporary Music]. On several occasions she has been invited by the Third Programme of the Italian RAI and by Radio Vatican to give live or recorded radio performances. Radio Montréal and the WFMT of Chicago have broadcast interviews with Bova and performances by her. She has worked with a variety of ensembles in the performance of contemporary music, including: Ex-Novo Ensemble of Venice, Ars Ludi, Alter Ego, the soloists of the Accademia Filarmonica of Rome and Ensemble Dissonanzen. Lucia Bova regularly makes disc recordings both as soloist and in ensemble.


  • Lucia Bova – Graziano Tisato, La faccia nascosta dell'arpa. Un percorso nello spazio timbrico delle nuove tecniche esecutive, in «Sonus - Materiali per la musica contemporanea», 1994, issue n. 13, pp. 43-82.
  • Lucia Bova, L'arpa moderna. La scrittura e la notazione, lo strumento e il repertorio dal '500 alla contemporaneità. Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 2008, Milan. ISBN 978-88-900691-4-7. (617 pp.) Foreword by Luis de Pablo.
  • Lucia Bova, Moments in mouvement, in «Gianluca Podio. La Collana di Cassandra». RaiTrade Edition, 2010. RTC 027. CD notes pp. 6-7.


  1. ^ World Harp Congress Review, Spring 2010, volume X, no. 4, p. 24.