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The Need for De-escalation Practices in Law Enforcement


Over the years, it has become increasingly necessary for de-escalation practices to be utilized in law enforcement. Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).Richards [1](2007) states that de-escalation is the act of moving from a state of high tension to a state of reduced tension. Bell [2](2018) points out that the reason there is heightened tension in law enforcement today than ever before is due to technology. Media reports on the use of force, racial unrest, riots and injustice make it seem like conflicts between police and citizens are happening everyday. Bell[2] notes that because people can so readily view these conflicts between police and citizens through technology, people have become resistant to or challenging of law enforcement. In response, the police have had to become engaged in social media, ethics training, diversity training and de-escalation programs. [2]

Bell [2](2018) notes that police are different from average citizens. He states that citizens have a “duty to retreat" while trained officers are expected to pursue and make arrests if need be. Sometimes officers have some discretion in how they will handle a situation such as when an encounter has the potential to become violent. It is at these times that “officers can turn to de-escalation tactics and still complete their mission to protect and serve.”[2] Oliva et al.[3] note, “As the role of police officers continues to expand from exclusively crime fighting to encompass other service-oriented functions, they must be able to recognize the characteristics of individuals in crisis in order to provide an effective and helpful resolution to the situation while reducing liability and risk of injury” (p.16.) Hence the need for de-escalation tactics on the part of law enforcement officers.

Types of De-escalation Practices


De-escalation tactics predominantly seem to involve securing the scene at hand and attempting to calmly communicate with the citizen involved. Bell [2](2018) describes several de-escalation practices to assist in a potentially violent situation:[2]

1. The Tactical Pause- entails stepping back, pausing to allow everyone involved a brief moment to think.

2. The Just-Be-Nice Tactic where the police officer speaks and gives commands in a friendly tone regardless of how the citizen is conducting themselves. Bell notes that there are occasions when the situation is not, in fact, what it appears to be and the citizen is not committing a crime or violation. The Just-Be-Nice Tactic is particularly helpful in such cases.

3. Be Aware, Understand, then React. Police need to avoid getting caught up in the moment so should take a moment to be aware, assess and understand what is going on around them before they react.

Oliva et al.[3] (2010) suggest the following basic de-escalation techniques: securing the scene, remove distractions or disruptive people from the area. Further, “The officer should remain calm and speak slowly, in short sentences, to encourage communication. The responding officer should also present a genuine willingness to understand and help” (p. 18.) Oliva et al.[3](2010) go on to outline the following specific de-escalation techniques:

1. Effective Communication so that the officer and individual can understand each other

2. Active Listening Skills such as reflecting statements like “I understand that makes you angry” (p. 20)

Use of minimal encouragers- brief responses, like saying ‘OK,’  that let the person know the officer is listening

    Introducing oneself

    using “I” statements

    restating statements the individual says



3. Use of Open-Ended/Closed-Ended Questions

Oliva et al. [3](2010) also note behaviors that officers should avoid when attempting to de-escalate a situation which include: Not asking “why” questions as it makes the person defensive, they shouldn’t rush the person, never speak too loudly, they should keep their feelings from interfering, they shouldn’t challenge a person if they are having delusions or hallucinations but neither should they agree they are real.

The Memphis Model


One of the most prominent de-escalation programs was developed by The Memphis Crisis Intervention Team or CIT [4]. This program, which has come to be known as the Memphis Model, provides law enforcement with crisis intervention training to particularly help those with mental illness. This program is aimed at diverting those in a mental health crisis from ending up in jail. The goal of the program is to improve the safety of officers, family members and people in the community and to direct people with mental illness away from the judicial system and into the healthcare system. Through this program, offices are given 40 hours of comprehensive training that includes de-escalation techniques. Officers engage in role-playing various scenarios as part of this program.

According to The Memphis Crisis Intervention Team[4], research on the efficacy of CIT shows that it helps officers feel more confident, increases jail diversion for those with mental illness, increases the likelihood that those with mental illness get treatment, and injury to officers is significantly reduced. Compton et al.[5] (2008) conducted a comprehensive review of the existing research on the effectiveness of the Memphis Model of the Crisis Intervention Team. While research is limited, the authors note that there is preliminary support that the Memphis Model may be helpful in connecting those with mental illness to the psychiatric services that they need. The authors further note that police officers knowledge and confidence improves with such training. Arrest rates also appear to be lower by officers trained in the CIT model. According to PBS [6], the Memphis Model has expanded to approximately 3,000 law enforcement agencies across the United States. However, there are shortcomings to the research done on the effectiveness of the CIT programs such as lack of control groups and small sample sizes[5]. Furthermore, as noted above, the CIT programs around the country seem limited to addressing instituting de-escalation interventions with the mentally ill and not with the broader range of offenders that law enforcement officers may encounter. Furthermore, not all officers are trained in CIT; only self-selected police officers participate in this specialized training.[7] In addition, while the Memphis Model is quite prominent among police de-escalation programs, it is focused on police working with the mentally ill.

Apex Officer


There are other training programs, most notably the Apex Officer's Virtual Reality Training[8] that addresses other de-escalation situations and is not limited just to work with the mentally ill. This training follows many of the basic de-escalation approaches noted above (e.g. effective communication, assessment of the scene) but is done through a virtual reality simulator. This model was just recently introduced to the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) at their 126th Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago, Illinois in October 2019[9]

  1. ^ Richards, K. J. (2007). De-escalation techniques. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. pp. 160–174.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Bell, Andrew (April 25, 2018). "Policing When Faced with Resistance: When to Use De-Escalation Tactics". Public Safety.
  3. ^ a b c d Oliva, Janet R.; Morgan, Rhiannon; Compton, Michael T. (2010). "A Practical Overview of De-Escalation Skills in Law Enforcement: Helping Individuals in Crisis While Reducing Police Liability and Injury". Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations. 10 (1–2): 15–29.
  4. ^ a b The University of Memphis CIT Center. "A Resource for CIT Programs Across the Nation". The University of Memphis CIT Center. University of Memphis.
  5. ^ a b Compton, MD, MPH, Michael T.; Basora, MPH, Miasma; Watson, PhD, Amy C.; Oliva, PhD, Janet R. (February 2008). "A Comprehensive Review of Extant Research on Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Programs". The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 36 (1): 27–55.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ PBS New Hour Weekend. "How Memphis changed the way police respond to mental health crises". pbs.org. PBS. Retrieved November 7, 2015.
  7. ^ Rogers, Michael S., McNiel, Dale E., and Binder, Renee L. (September 2019). "Effectiveness of Police Crisis Intervention Training Programs". The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online. 47.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ "Apex Officer Deescalation Training". Apex Officer.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ "Apex Officer Showcases New Virtual Reality Police Training Technology at IACP 2019 Conference". ReleaseWire. October 15, 2019.