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User:Lord Cornwallis/List of Hazell episodes

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List of episodes for the British television show Hazell staring Nicholas Ball, which aired on ITV between 16 January 1978 and 5 July 1979.

Series 1

Episode # Title Directed by Written by Original airdate
1"Hazell Plays Solomon"Jim GoddardTerry Venables
Gordon Williams
16 January 1978
Hazell is employed by Gregory and his firm of solicitors to act for Georgina Gunning, a wealthy British-born woman who lives in Los Angeles. She wants him to gain information on the Abreys, a family living in a tower block in East London which he does by pretending to be a television documentary maker. Gunning believes that her daughter was switched with the Abrey's at birth, and is hoping to broker a deal to swap them back over. Hazell is horrified by this suggestion, and his feelings are further complicated by the fact that he has begun an affair with Mrs Abrey. It soon emerges that Gunning is unstable, and she makes an attempt to kidnap the Abrey's daughter. Features Jane Asher, George Innes, Susan Littler and Daphne Heard.
2"Hazell Pays a Debt"Alastair ReidGordon Williams23 January 1978
A man named O'Rourke who seriously injured Hazell's father some years before is released from prison swearing revenge. O'Rourke and Hazell meet in a pub one night and O'Rourke threatens to attack him. Hazell leaves, and hopes that things can calm down without violence. Meanwhile he has been given a job of debt collection for Vinnie Rae with whom he strikes up an instant rapport. His attempts at collecting a debt from the cunning elderly businessmen Dornford show he still has a lot to learn about the trade. His antagonism with O'Rourke eventually comes to a head with a violent clash between the two and Hazell possibly facing a murder charge. Features Derrick O'Connor, Richard Murdoch and Maurice O’Connell.
3"Hazell and the Walking Blur"Brian FarnhamRichard Harris30 January 1978
Hazell is engaged to work for a minor Scottish civil servant in town for a conference. The Scot explains he had gone out for the evening before and come back hours later, after a "walking blur" with a large sum of money in his pocket. Despite his efforts to portray himself as a model citizen, it quickly becomes apparent that he consumes large amounts of alcohol whenever he is in London and enjoys a wild time. Hazell retraces his steps for the previous evening and discovers he has indeed had a good time. Hazell could see someone taking a large amount of money from him in that state, but not giving it to him. Eventually he manages to work out that the answer lies in the man's coat, which has been mistaken for another identical one. Unfortunately the other one belongs to a man working for a firm of London gangsters who urgently want their money back. Features Bill Henderson, Katherine Schofield, Michael Elphick, Kevin Lloyd and Stewart Harwood.
4"Hazell Settles the Accounts"Jim GoddardTony Hoare
Gordon Williams
6 February 1978
Hazell goes to work as a barman in an upmarket casino where large sums of money have been defrauded. Initially he finds it very hard to spot where the thefts are taking place. While serving drinks he notices one man, Dobson, is spending drinking heavily and gambling recklessly. Eventually, he can barely stand up, and Hazell is instructed to take him home to allow him to recover. The next morning the man has disappeared. Hazell investigates and discovers that he has been doing the accounts for a firm of gangsters who he has been cheating. He is now on the run from the heavies they have sent after him. With the help of his friends in the police, Hazell is able to arrange a deal in which Dobson will turn Queen's evidence against the gangster. Features John Rhys-Davies, Freddie Jones, Alan Lake and Pamela Stephenson.
5"Hazell Meets the First Eleven"Moira ArmstrongTony Hoare
Gordon Williams
13 February 1978
Hazell is brought in to check out Jonathan Clayton an elegant young property developer about to marry into the wealthy Courtney family. Hazell goes to their Chelsea home for a party pretending to be a successful fruit and vegetable merchant. While there he agrees to invest in a property deal that he suspects may be a bit dodgy. After digging around Hazell discovers that the property development is legitimate, but Clayton isn't. He has made up a glamorous fictional background for himself, hiding his humble roots and the fact that he has made his fortune from the pornography business. He is, also, Hazell discovers having an affair with Mrs Courtney. Features David Robb, Bryan Coleman, Elizabeth Power, Lalla Ward and David Gooderson.
6"Hazell and the Rubber-Heel Brigade"Peter DuguidRichard Harris20 February 1978
Hazell comes under investigation from A10, the anti-corruption squad, known as the 'rugger-heel brigade' for activities that occurred when he was in the Metropolitan Police a few years earlier. Hazell denies the allegation and begins to set out to hunt for witnesses who can prove it is a lie. In the process he meets with his ex-wife who has now remarried and started a new family. He also meets his ex-colleagues many of whom have a low opinion of him. He is eventually able to demonstrate his innocence through the help of a prostitute. Features John Phillips, Colin Burns, Belinda Sinclair, David Daker and Suzan Farmer.
7"Hazell Goes to the Dogs"Jim GoddardTony Hoare27 Febuary 1978
Hazell is hired by a wife to investigate if her husband is having an affair. Hazell begins a surveillance of the man, a very successful bookmaker, at the greyhound racing track. When Hazell accidentally runs into him in a pub he offers to buy Hazell a drink and they end up having a long conversation. The following day Hazell goes to his house on the pretext of repaying the money he gave him for the drinks. He discovers the man's wife has left him. Hazell is initially sympathetic and also confused because the wife still hasn't settled his bill. He then begins to develop a growing suspicion that the man has murdered his wife so he can marry his Greek mistress. Despite Hazell's pleas, Inspector Minty refuses to believe his theory. Features Dave King, Marjie Lawrence, Marina Sirtis, Frank Coda, Irlin Hall and Kenneth Colley.
8"Hazell and the Weekend Man"Don LeaverRichard Harris6 March 1978
A widowed landlady has developed an attachment with one of her lodgers, a mysterious man who only turns up at the weekend having spent most of the week as a travelling salesman. At the urging of her overprotective son she has hired Hazell to investigate the man, to discover if he is who he said he is. Hazell tails the man who looks harmless enough. However he gives Hazell the slip in the toilets at a railway station, and Hazell is then mistakenly arrested for loitering much to the amusement of his ex-colleagues in the police. The next time he follows him he discovers his target works in a bank, rather than as a travelling salesman as he'd claimed. Disappointed at being passed over for promotion he appears to be planning a bank robbery and has begun staying at Mrs Bradley's as part of his escape route. Features Pat Heywood, Roger Sloman, Gwen Taylor, George Waring and Martin Neil.
9"Hazell Works for Nothing"Moira ArmstrongPeter Ransley13 March 1978
While visiting his mother at hospital, Hazell discovers she has promised the dying woman in the next bed that he will find her son for a last visit. The difficulty is that her son is on the run with half the police in the land looking for him after recently taking part in an armed robbery. Agreeing to work for nothing Hazell at first makes little headway, but soon picks up on a remark about the old woman's daughters back in the East End of London. He travels to the Docklands and discovers that the "daughters" she refers to are prostitutes. He begins visiting the prostitutes in turn trying to find out information about the missing man, but they refuse to co-operate as they think he is working for the police. Eventually he locates the man, sheltered with a prostitute who he intends to run away with, and gives him the message. The problem for Hazell is Inspector Minty is now hot on his heels. Features Lorraine Brown, Alibe Parsons, Gretchen Franklin, Michael Graham Cox and Alexandra Dane.
10"Hazell and the Maltese Vulture"Colin BuckseyTrevor Preston20 March 1978
While doing a routine surveillance job on an executive for an American multinational, Hazell comes across a photograph of a prostitute who looks familiar. He goes back to his office and discovers he had been engaged six months earlier to find her by her father, after she had run away from her Derbyshire home. Hazell tries to trace her through one of her prostitute acquaintances, and discovers she is now living in Knightsbridge with a violent gangster Vic Preece. Hazell meets her in Hyde Park and tries to warn her to stay away from Preece, but she ignores his advice. When Preece is murdered the next day it appears she is the only witness, and she goes to ground. With both the police and the rival firm of gangsters, led by a Maltese man, searching for her, Hazell has to find her before they do. Features Tina Marian, Luke Hanson, Ben Aris and Nick Edmett.

Series 2

Episode # Title Directed by Written by Original airdate
11"Hazell and the Baker Street Sleuth"Brian FarnhamTerry Venables
Gordon Williams
19 April 1979
After a chance meeting, Hazell goes to work for Fitch a once reputable private detective whose business, located just off Baker Street, is on its last legs. Fitch has been hired by a millionaire businesswoman to try and gain evidence that her Irish husband has a mistress, with Fitch being paid his £1,500 fee only if he produces a mistress. Hazell soon observes that while the husband is a very heavy drinker, he is faithful to his wife. The desperate Fitch, however, is determined to go to any length to produce a woman and claim his fee. Features Clive Swift, Ken Hutchison, Lorna Helibron, Dawn Rodrigues, Alan Chuntz and Chris Webb.
12"Hazell and the Deptford Virgin"Alan GrintLeon Griffiths26 April 1979
Hazell is engaged by a woman to go to Deptford to recover a statue which she claims to be a family heirloom of little value. When the man he is to meet with is killed and he discovers that there are several interested parties, Hazell begins to question the truth behind the statue. He is engaged by a consortium to find for them the statue which contains many of the Polish crown jewels smuggled out of Warsaw by Polish officers shortly before Stalin's Red Army captured the city during the Second World War. Features Charles Gray, Mel Martin, Steve Plytas, Peter Miles, Ralph Watson and Richard McNeff.
13"Hazell Bangs the Drum"Brian FarnhamJim Hawkins3 May 1979
An Indian doctor hires Hazell to help her cousin who she believes is being blackmailed because he is an illegal immigrant. Hazell monitors the pay-off at an Indian Restaurant, but is unable to establish exactly what is going on. He begins to receive threats telling him to abandon his interest. Posing as a drummer he gains the confidence of a small-time pop group who he believes to behind the blackmail ring. While taking the case he is forced to confront the possibility that he is himself prejudiced. Features Kenneth Watson.
14"Hazell Gets the Boot"Carol WilksWillis Hall10 May 1979
After gangster David Castle's Bentley is stolen while he was eating breakfast in a cafe, he tells Hazell to find it within a week. Hazell tracks it down to a rival gangster who runs a breakers yard, with whom Castle has had a recent dispute, but is badly beaten when he tries to retrieve it. With Scotland Yard now on his tail, he tries to resign from the assignment but Castle refuses him permission. Instead he wants him to pick up the Bentley, now held in the Metropolitan Police vehicle pound. The only problem being it may have a dead body in the boot. Features Billy Murray.
15"Hazell Gets the Bird"Baz TaylorStan Hey
Andrew Nickolds
17 May 1979
16"Hazell and the Big Sleep"Baz TaylorTrevor Preston24 May 1979
17"Hazell and the Suffolk Ghost"Mike VardyJim Hawkins31 May 1979
18"Hazell and Hyde"Baz TaylorPeter Hammond7 June 1979
19"Hazell and the Happy Couple"Marek KanievskaRichard Harris14 June 1979
20"Hazell Gets the Part"Mike VardyDave Humphries21 June 1979
21"Hazell and the Greasy Gunners"Gerry MillBrian Glover28 June 1979
22"Hazell and the Public Enemy"Marek KanievskaMurray Smith5 July 1979