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In his book The Globalization of Nothing (2004), Ritzer quotes that globalization consists of glocalization and grobalization.[1] Grobalization, a term coined by Ritzer himself, refers to “imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations, organizations, and the like and their desire, indeed need, to impose themselves on various geographic areas”.[2] As opposite to glocalization, grobalization aims to “overwhelm local”.[3] Its ultimate goal is to see profit grow through unilateral homogenization, thus earning its name grobalization. Capitalism, Americanization, and McDonaldization are all parts of grobalization.[4]

Ritzer provides American textbook as an example of grobalization. In his book, The Globalization of Nothing, he quotes that textbooks are “oriented to rationalizing, McDonaldizing, the communication of information.”[5] Students, rather than evaluating the competing ideas, instead absorb the information given to them. Yet, these textbooks are surprisingly sold out worldwide, only to be slightly revised to reflect local standards.[6]


  1. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. Xiii
  2. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. p.73
  3. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. Xiii
  4. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. p.73
  5. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. p.175
  6. ^ Ritzer, George (2004). The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press. p.175