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a5/1 aacs encryption key controversy abductive logic abstraction academe academic discipline access control systems access control accessible computing accord.net accounting software accuracy paradox ace encrypt ace-kem acer acorn action model learning activation function active appearance model active contour active filter active learning activity recognition adaboost adaline adam back adaptive filtering adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system adaptive resonance theory adaptive systems additive smoothing adele goldstine adjusted mutual information advanced encryption standard adware affine cipher affine transform agent-oriented agile software development air conditioner air force cyber command (provisional) air traffic control airline aiva aixi akat-1 alan kay alan turing alberto broggi alchemyapi alexnet algol 58's influence on algol 60 algol 60: comparisons with other languages algol 68: comparisons with other languages algorithm characterizations algorithm selection algorithmic efficiency algorithmic inference algorithmic information theory algorithmic learning theory algorithmic probability algorithmically random sequence algorithms aliasing alice and bob all things d almeida–pineda recurrent backpropagation alopex alphabetical list of programming languages alphago zero alphago altera alternating decision tree amazon machine learning amazon web services amdahl corporation american national standards institute ammeter amplifier ampère's law analog computer analog electronics analog-to-digital converter analogical modeling analysis of algorithms analytical engine analytics andrei knyazev andrew grove andrew mccallum andrew ng animation anisotropic diffusion anne o'tate annie anton anomaly detection anonymous function anonymous functions anonymous remailer anova answer set ant colony optimization algorithms anthony levandowski anti-patterns anti-unification (computer science) antivirus software anubis anuraag jain aol ant apache flume apache giraph apache mahout maven apache mxnet apache singa apache spark apache systemml apdex alliance aphelion (software) apple inc. apple application programming interface application response measurement application security application software application software application-specific integrated circuit applications of machine learning applied science apprenticeship learning apriori algorithm arabic speech corpus archetypal analysis architecture arm armin b. cremers array array programming array arthur zimek articulated body pose estimation artificial ants artificial bee colony algorithm artificial development artificial immune system artificial intelligence artificial neural network neural networks arts aspect-oriented programming aspect-oriented assembler assembly assembly language assembler association for computing machinery association rule learning fp-growth algorithm association rules associative array astrostatistics asus atbash cipher atmel atomtronics attack model attribute-oriented programming attrition auction audio electronics audio-visual speech recognition audit augmented reality-assisted surgery augmented reality aural australian information security association authentication authorization autokey cipher automata theory automata-based automated optical inspection automated teller machine automatic image annotation automatic number plate recognition automatic programming automatic summarization automatic target recognition automatic taxonomy construction automation electronics automatix automotive electronics automotive software automotive autonomic computing autonomous car avalanche diode avaya averaged one-dependence estimators avionics software avionics ayanna howard list of "hello world" programs backpropagation bag-of-words model in computer vision bag-of-words model balanced clustering ball tree banking bar code scanner barney pell barry boehm base rate bat algorithm battery (electricity) baum–welch algorithm bayesian belief network bayesian hierarchical modeling bayesian interpretation of kernel regularization bayesian network bayesian optimization bayesian statistics bayesian structural time series beale ciphers bear bees algorithm behavioral clustering ben goertzel ben taskar bendix corporation bernhard schölkopf bernoulli scheme bertrand meyer biquinary-coded decimal bias-variance dilemma bias–variance tradeoff biclustering big o notation bigml bill gates bill joy binary classification binary classifier binary decision diagrams binary weighted resistor converter binary-coded decimal bing predicts bio-inspired computing bioelectronics biogeography-based optimization bioinformatics biomedical informatics biplot bipolar junction transistors bipolar transistor birch birthday attack black box testing black-bag cryptanalysis blob detection block-structured blowfish bmgl bond market bondy's theorem bongard problem books on cryptography boolean algebra boomerang attack boosting boosting (meta-algorithm) bootstrap aggregating bradley–terry model brian d. ripley brian kernighan brian lamacchia british computer society brown clustering brownboost bruce schneier brute force attack bsd router project bug fix release build tools bundle adjustment burroughs corporation burst error analyst business computer operations business software business support systems business buyer c c c++ c4.5 algorithm c5.0 algorithm cabal cache language model cades caesar cipher caffe calculator calendar calibration (statistics) camellia canadian cyber incident response centre canadian information processing society canny edge detector canonical correlation analysis canonical correspondence analysis canopy clustering algorithm cmm capacitance meter capacitance voltage profiling capacitor cascading classifiers case-based reasoning cast-128 cast-256 category utility

causal markov condition cbcl (mit) ccse cellcognition cellular evolutionary algorithm cellular phone center for internet security central heating central processing unit processor cerias cert coordination center cert-ee certificate authority certificate revocation certificate-based encryption certificateless cryptography certification (software engineering) chacha20 chameleon change management chaocipher chaos model charge carrier charge distribution dac charge-transfer complex charles babbage check weigher cheque chi-square automatic interaction detection chi-squared automatic interaction detection chor-rivest chosen-ciphertext chosen-plaintext christopher g. atkeson chromosome (genetic algorithm) ciml community portal cipher ciphersaber ciphertext indistinguishability ciphertext-only ciphertext cipherunicorn-a cipherunicorn-e cisco systems citrix systems clarifai class class-based classic mac os classification and regression tree classifier chains cleanroom cleverbot clock generator clonal selection algorithm closed-circuit television closure clothes dryer cluster analysis clustering cluster-weighted modeling clustering high-dimensional data clustering illusion cma-es cmea cmos cn2 algorithm cnet co-training coaching coboosting cobweb (clustering) code codebook coding theory cognex corporation cognitive computer cognitive communications cognitive robotics cognitive science cold boot attack collaborative filtering collaborative workspace collostructional analysis color appearance model color management system color mapping color matching function color model color profile color space combinational logic combinatorics combinatory logic commerce commitment scheme common-method variance communication technology communication theory of secrecy systems communication communications security establishment compaq comparator comparison of algol 68 and c++ comparison of c and java comparison of c and visual basic .net comparison of deep learning software comparison of java and c++ comparison of object pascal and c comparison of pascal and c comparison of pascal and borland delphi arrays associative arrays basic instructions functional instructions list comprehension object-oriented programming string functions string operations basic syntax languages with dependent types comparison of programming languages general comparison programming language comparisons comparison of type systems comparison of visual basic and visual basic .net compatibility of c and c++ competitive learning compilation error compiled language compiler optimization compiler theory compiler compilation complete-linkage clustering complex programmable logic device complexity component-based software engineering comptia computability theory computability computational chemistry computational complexity theory computational engineering computational linguistics computational logic computational neuroscience computational physics computational science computer access control computer and network surveillance computer appliance computer architecture computer crime computer emergency response teams computer engineering file computer graphics computer hardware keyboard computer lock computer magazine computer measurement group computer memory multitasking computer network networks computer performance by orders of magnitude computer program computer programming in the punched card era computer programming programming computer science computer scientist computer security simulation computer software computer stereo vision computer surveillance computer user satisfaction computer virus computer vision computer worm computer-aided design computer aided design (cad) computer-aided dispatch computer-aided manufacturing computer aided manufacturing (cam) computer-automated design computer-induced medical problems computer business machine computational concatenative concept class concept drift concept learning concept conceptual clustering concurrency (computer science) concurrent computing concurrent constraint logic concurrent logic concurrent oop concurrent cvs if-then-else if-then conditional conditional random field conference on artificial general intelligence conference on computer vision and pattern recognition conference on knowledge discovery and data mining conference on neural information processing systems configuration management confirmatory factor analysis confusion matrix congruence coefficient connect (computer system) consensus clustering constrained clustering constrained conditional model constraint logic constraint constructing skill trees constructive cooperative coevolution object-oriented constructors consumer electronics consumer protection contact analysis contact manager content-based filtering content-based image retrieval context-based access control contextual image classification contour detection control data control flow control systems control theory converters convolutional neural network corinna cortes correlation clustering correspondence analysis cortica coulomb's law counters (digital) coupled pattern learner cray credit card cross-correlation cross-entropy method cross-validation (statistics) crossover (genetic algorithm) crypto system cryptographer cryptographic key cryptography and law enforcement cryptography laws in different nations cryptography cryptologia cryptology cryptool cryptrec crystal oscillator cs-cipher cste cuckoo search cultural algorithm cultural consensus theory cure data clustering algorithm curse of dimensionality customer interaction customer relationship management cyber security and countermeasure cyber spying cyberwarfare cycloconverter cynthia dwork cypress semiconductor d'agapeyeff cipher dadisp daniel j. bernstein dark mail alliance darkforest darlington transistor darpa lagr program dartmouth workshop darwintunes data acquisition data analyst data compression data encryption standard data exploration data general data loss prevention software data loss data management data mining extensions data mining data pre-processing data protection act data scientist data security council of india data security data stream clustering data structure data structures type data warehouse data-driven database management system database database dataflow datagen dataiku data type david chaum david parnas davies' attack davies–bouldin index dawn song dbscan dc to dc converter de morgan's laws deal debian deborah estrin debugger debugging decimal decision boundary decision list decision stump decision support system decision table decision theory decision tree learning decision tree model decision tree declarative programming declarative decss deductive classifier deep belief network deep learning deep web technologies deep-level transient spectroscopy deepart deepdream deeplearning4j deepmind defence signals directorate defensive programming defining length dehaene–changeux model dell dell delta-sigma adc demis hassabis dendrogram denial-of-service attack dennis ritchie density of states department of defense cyber crime center dependability state model depletion region des-x patterns design desktop computer desktop replacement computer detailed balance determining the number of clusters in a data set deterministic algorithm detrended correspondence analysis development stage beta developmental robotics device driver device fingerprint dhs cyber security division diac dialog system dictionary attack diffbot differentiable programming differential amplifier differential cryptanalysis differential evolution diffie-hellman diffie–hellman diffusion map digital bibliography & library project digital circuit digital computer digital currency digital electronics digital equipment corporation dec digital filter digital millennium copyright act digital potentiometer digital research digital rights management digital signal processing digital signal processor digital signature digital video fingerprinting digital-to-analog converters dimensionality reduction dining cryptographers problem diode modelling diode direct band gap direct linear transformation dirty paper coding discrete mathematics discrete phase-type distribution discriminative model dishwasher dissociated press distbelief distortionmeter distributed algorithm distributed computing distributed control systems (dcs) distributed denial-of-service attack distributed r distribution learning theory dlib document classification document mosaicing documenting hate domain adaptation domain engineering domain knowledge domain name system domain-specific language dominance-based rough set approach donald knuth dorabella cipher doubly stochastic model douglas lenat dual-homed dual-phase evolution dual-slope adc dunn index dynamic bayesian network dynamic markov compression dynamic programming language dynamic random-access memory dsdm dynamic time warping dynamic topic model dynamic unobserved effects model e democracy e-health e-mail eager learning computer and network eavesdropping ebay ecdh ecies-kem ecies eclat algorithm ecml pkdd ed yourdon edge detection edge linking edge recombination operator editing edlut edsger dijkstra educator eeprom effective fitness epoc eigenface el gamal elaine weyuker elastic map elastic matching elastic net elbow method (clustering) electric energy meter electric power conversion power electrical engineering electrical network electromechanical electronic band structure electronic book electronic circuit simulation electronic data processing electronic design automation electronic design automation (eda) electronic engineering electronic instrumentation electronic letters on computer vision and image analysis electronic noise oscillators electronic packaging electronic voting voting electronic warfare electronics industry element management system elki elliott brothers elliptic curve cryptography email filtering embedded computer embedded systems embedded emergent (software) empirical algorithmics empirical risk minimization encog encryption software encryption encyclopedia of cryptography and security end-to-end reinforcement learning end-user development energy harvesting energy level engadget engineering disastersfailure due to software engineering traditional engineering english electric company enigma ensemble averaging ensemble learning ensembles of classifiers enterprise resource planning entropy rate enumerated types epipolar geometry eprom erasable programmable logic device eric xing erkki oja ernst dickmanns error tolerance (pac learning) error-driven learning esoteric programming language espionage estimation estream ethics eurisko european conference on artificial intelligence european conference on computer vision european network and information security agency evaluation of binary classifiers evaluation strategy evaluation event-driven programming event-driven evolution strategy evolution window evolutionary algorithm for landmark detection evolutionary algorithm evolutionary algorithms evolutionary art evolutionary computing evolutionary multimodal optimization evolutionary music evolutionary programming evolvability (computer science) evolved antenna evolver (software) evolving classification function exception handling excess-3 exciton execution expectation propagation expectation-maximization algorithm expectation–maximization algorithm expectation–maximization (em) explanation-based learning exploit exploratory factor analysis export of cryptography expression expression-oriented extensible programming language extreme learning machine extreme programming f.l. bauer f1 score facebook facial recognition system factor analysis of mixed data factor analysis factor graph factor regression model factored language model factorization michael fagan failure modes of electronics faraday's law of induction farthest-first traversal fast-and-frugal trees fastica fbi criminal, cyber, response, and services branch fbi cyber division feal feature feature engineering feature extraction feature hashing feature interaction problem feature learning feature scaling feature selection toolbox feature selection feature vector feature-oriented feature federal information processing standard federal office for information security federation against software theft feedback amplifier feedforward neural network feistel cipher ferranti field effect transistor field-effect transistors field-programmable gate array file deletion file sharing file synchronization filters filter bank finance finfet firefly algorithm firewall firewall pinhole firewalls and internet security firmware first development first-difference estimator first-order inductive learner first-order logic fish wwii 'fish' cyphers fish school search fisher kernel fisher's linear discriminant fitness approximation fitness function fitness proportionate selection fixed point flame clustering flash memory flexible ac transmission system flexible electronics floating point floating-gate mosfet floating-gate floppy disk flow-based fltk fluentd folding@home foldoc: the free on-line dictionary of computing for loop for loops formal concept analysis formal methods formal semantics of programming languages formal semantics formal verification forward algorithm forward anonymity forward secrecy forward–backward algorithm fowlkes–mallows index fred brooks frederick jelinek free speech freebsd freescale freezer frequency analysis freshness frrole ftp fujitsu function-level functional decomposition functional logic functional principal component analysis functional programming functional fundamental matrix futures market fuzzy clustering gabor filter game theory game gamma correction gary bryce fogel gate turn-off thyristor gateway computers gatto gauss's law gaussian adaptation gaussian naive bayes gaussian process emulator gaussian process regression gaussian process gazopa gdes geheimfernschreiber gene expression programming gene prediction gene spafford general architecture for text engineering general electric generalization error generalized canonical correlation generalized filtering generalized iterative scaling generalized multidimensional scaling generational list of programming languages generative adversarial network generative adversarial network generative model generative topographic map generec generic genetic algorithm for rule set production genetic algorithm scheduling genetic algorithm genetic algorithms in economics genetic fuzzy systems genetic memory (computer science) genetic operator genetic programming genetic representation genomics geoffrey hinton geographic information system geographical cluster geometric feature learning geometric hashing georgia tech information security center gerald weinberg gesture description language gesture recognition geworkbench git glimmer global internet freedom consortium global trust center global trust council glossary of artificial intelligence glossary of computer science glottochronology glove gnu arch go goal setting golem (ilp) google brain jax google matrix google government communications headquarters grace hopper gradient boosted decision tree gradient boosting gradle grady booch grafting (decision trees) gramian matrix grammar checker grammatical evolution grand cru granular computing graph (data structure) graph graph cut segmentation graph kernel graph theory graphical model graphical graphics processing unit graphics processor graphlab greedy algorithm gremlin (programming language) grille group method of data handling groupe bull growing self-organizing map growth function gtk+ gtri cyber technology and information security laboratory gui hacker hackers hacking tool halting problem hammersley–clifford theorem hands-on machine learning scikit-learn, keras, and tensorflow handwriting recognition hans-peter kriegel hard disk drive failure hard drive hardware description language hardware engineer register hardware virtualization harmony search harris corner detector hartmut neven hash table hebbian theory heikki mannila helix hewlett-packard hi-tech crime enquiry cell hidden markov model hidden markov random field hidden semi-markov model hierarchical classifier hierarchical clustering hierarchical hierarchical hidden markov model hierarchical temporal memory hierocrypt-3 hierocrypt-l1 high frequency high-level programming language higher-order factor analysis higher-order logic highway network hill cipher hime(r) hcl hinge loss histogram equalization histogram of oriented gradients history of artificial intelligence history of artificial intelligence history of compiler writing history of computer animation history of computer graphics history of computer hardware in eastern bloc countries history of computer networking history of computer science history of computer vision history of computing hardware (1960s–present) history of computing hardware history of computing hardware history of computing history of electronic engineering history of general purpose cpus history of ibm magnetic disk drives history of laptops history of machine learning history of macos history of microsoft windows history of operating systems history of operating systems history of personal computers history of programming languages history of radar history of radio history of software engineering history of television history of the floppy disk history of the graphical user interface history of the internet history of the world wide web history of video games hitachi, ltd. hmac holland's schema theorem home automation home computer home computers home entertainment system home robot homography (computer vision) homoiconicity homophonic substitution cipher honeywell hopkins statistic hoshen–kopelman algorithm hospital information system hough transform http cookie huawei huber loss huffington post human error human resource management system human resource management human visual system model human-centered computing human-computer interaction humant (humanoid ant) algorithm human–computer interaction hvdc hybrid integrated circuit hyper basis function network hyperparameter ian goldberg ian goodfellow ibm 1400 series ibm 700/7000 series ibm pc compatible ibm system/360 ibm business machine icmp hole punching icsa labs id-based cryptography id3 algorithm idea nxt idistance igbt ilastik illinois security lab ilya sutskever image collection exploration image compression image denoising image histogram image processing image recognition image retrieval image segmentation image signal processor image-based modeling and rendering immunocomputing imperative programming imperative imperialist competitive algorithm implementation impossible differential cryptanalysis in-circuit programming inauthentic text incremental decision tree independent component analysis index of coincidence index of software engineering articles indistinguishability obfuscation induction of regular languages inductive bias inductive logic programming inductive logic inductive probability inductive programming inductor industry connections security group inferential theory of learning influence diagram information appliance information bottleneck method information card foundation information engineering information gain in decision trees information gain ratio information harvesting information networking institute information privacy information science information security awareness forum information security forum information system information systems security association information systems information technologies information technology engineering information technology information visualization infragard inheritance (genetic algorithm) inheritance initiative for open authentication inpainting input devices inspecvision installer instance selection instance-based learning instant messengers institute for applied network security institute for information infrastructure protection institute of electrical and electronics engineers institution of electrical engineers instruction integral cryptanalysis integral data type integrated circuit integrated circuits integrated development environment integrated mail processing intel corporation intel realsense intel intellectual property intelligence intelligent character recognition intentional interacting particle system interaction designer interactive machine translation ibm international computer security association icl international conference on computer vision international conference on machine learning international conferences in central europe on computer graphics, visualization and computer vision international data encryption algorithm international electrotechnical commission international information and communication technology council certification program international joint conference on artificial intelligence international journal of computer vision international meeting on computational intelligence methods for bioinformatics and biostatistics international multilateral partnership against cyber threats international organization for standardization international semantic web conference internet crime complaint center internet crimes against children internet engineering task force memes internet police internet privacy internet security internet watch foundation internet interpreted language interpreter interpreters introduction to algorithms intrusion detection system intrusion prevention system inverted pendulum inverter inverters ipfilter ipfirewall ipsec iraqi block cipher ircf360 iris flower data set iris recognition isaac isaca island algorithm iso 15504 iso 9000 iso/iec 12207 iso/iec 24744 isotropic position isra vision istqb consulting it item response theory iterative dichotomiser 3 iterative viterbi decoding jabberwacky jaccard index jacek m. zurada jackknife variance estimates for random forest jaime carbonell japanese cryptology from the 1500s to meiji java java grammatical evolution javascript jean ichbiah jeannette wing jef raskin jeremy slovak jerome h. friedman jn-25 joan feigenbaum john backus john d. lafferty john mcafee john platt joone joseph nechvatal journal of cryptology jpeg 2000 jubatus julia (programming language) julie beth lovins junction tree algorithm juniper networks jürgen schmidhuber k q-flats k-means clustering k-means++ k-medians clustering k-medians k-medoids k-nearest neighbors algorithm k-nearest neighbors algorithm k-svd kadir–brady saliency detector kaggle kalman filter karl steinbuch karnaugh maps kasiski examination kasumi katia sycara katz's back-off model kent beck keras kernel adaptive filter kernel density estimation kernel eigenvoice kernel embedding of distributions kernel method kernel methods for vector output kernel perceptron kernel principal component analysis kernel random forest kevin mitnick key derivation function key escrow key strengthening keyboard technology keyed-hash message authentication code keylogger keyword cipher khazad khufu and khafre kinect kinesense kirchhoff's circuit laws current law voltage law cooker klaus-robert müller kneser–ney smoothing knime knowledge engineering knowledge integration maintenance decision support systems knowledge vault known-plaintext kuznyechik kxen inc. kyber küberkaitseliit l. jean camp labeled data lis landesk language identification in the limit language model language-oriented languageware laptop computer laptop theft laptop large margin nearest neighbor larry constantine laser diode latent class model latent dirichlet allocation latent semantic analysis latent variable model latent variable lattice miner lawful interception lawrence a. gordon layered hidden markov model lazy learning lcr meter leabra leadership lean software development learnable function class learning automata learning classifier system learning rule learning to rank learning vector quantization learning with errors least absolute shrinkage and selection operator least squares support vector machine least squares estimation least-angle regression legal lenovo leo breiman leo leslie p. kaelbling level-set method leviathan lexical grammar library libsvm licensing light-emitting diode lili-128 linde–buzo–gray algorithm linear classifier linear cryptanalysis linear discriminant analysis linear genetic programming linear predictor function linear regression linear regulator linear separability lingyun gu linker linkers linking linkurious linus torvalds linux professional institute linux lion lior ron (business executive) lise getoor lisp machines, inc. list list of algorithm general topics list of algorithms list of antivirus software list of artificial intelligence projects list of basic information technology topics list of computer criminals list of computer graphics and descriptive geometry topics list of computer hardware manufacturers list of computer scientists list of computer scientists computer terms etymology list of cryptographers list of cryptographic file systems list of datasets for machine learning research list of firewalls list of genetic algorithm applications list of metaphor-based metaheuristics list of pioneers in computer science list of programmers list of programming languages by type list of router and firewall distributions list of software development philosophies list of text mining software static code analysis tools list of transistorized computers list of unsolved problems in computer science list of vacuum-tube computers listening literate loaders local area network local case-control sampling local independence local outlier factor local shared object local tangent space alignment locality-sensitive hashing lock log-linear model logic families logic gate logic learning machine logic minimization logic programming logic logic simulation logic synthesis logic logistic model tree logistic regression logistics logitboost lois haibt loki97 loki89/91 long short-term memory (lstm) loop schlusselzusatz lorrie cranor loss function loss functions for classification low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy low-level programming language low-power electronics low-rank approximation low-rank matrix approximations lpboost luca maria gambardella lucifer léon bottou m-theory (learning framework) m0n0wall macau computer emergency response team coordination centre machine programming language machine learning control machine learning in bioinformatics earth sciences machine learning machine translation machine vision machine macro macrocell array magenta magnetic-core memory mainframe computer mainframe mainframes major release make malcolm baldrige national quality award malleability mallet (software project) malware man-in-the-middle attack man in the middle management information system mis manager managers manifold alignment manifold regularization manufacturing marconi marcus hutter margaret hamilton margin margin classifier margin-infused relaxed algorithm marine electronics mark v. shaney marketing markov chain geostatistics markov chain monte carlo markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) markov information source markov logic network markov model markov random field markovian discrimination mars mary jean harrold mary shaw massive online analysis material requirements planning induction mathematical logic mathematical methods in electronics mathematics for machine learning mathematics matlab matrix (computer science) matrix regularization matthews correlation coefficient maximum-entropy markov model maxwell's equations mcafee, inc. mceliece cryptosystem md5 mean shift mean-shift mean squared error mean squared prediction error measurement invariance medial axis medical device software medoid meemix meet-in-the-middle attack mehryar mohri melomics memetic algorithm memristor mercurial merge algorithm merkle tree merkle–hellman knapsack cryptosystem mesh networking message authentication code meta ai meta-learning meta-optimization metacomputing metadata metal–semiconductor junction metaprogramming method engineering metropolitan area network mexican international conference on artificial intelligence michael a. jackson michael collins michael i. jordan michael kearns (computer scientist) michael l. littman micro instrumentation and telemetry systems microarchitecture microchip technology microcomputer microcontroller microelectromechanical systems microelectronics microprocessor microsoft .net microsoft azure machine learning studio cntk microsoft corporation microsoft digital crimes unit microsoft pixelsense visual studio team services microsoft microwave oven microwave power meter microwave midrange computer drill military mimic (immunology) minhash minicomputer minimum message length minimum redundancy feature selection minor release mips misty1 misty2 mixture model mixture of experts mlpack mlpy mobile computer mobile computer mobile mapping mobile robot mobile security mobileye mod-n cryptanalysis models of dna evolution modular molecular electronics monica s. lam monolithic integrated circuit moral graph mos-controlled thyristor mosfet mos integrated circuit mosfets motherboard moti yung motion field motion vector motivation motor controller 6800 mountain car problem mouse movidius mugi multi expression programming multi-armed bandit multi-factor authentication multi-gate field-effect transistor multi-label classification multi-paradigm programming language multi-s01 multi-task learning multiuser dungeons multiclass classification multidimensional analysis multidimensional scaling multifactor dimensionality reduction multilinear principal component analysis multilinear subspace learning multimedia multimeter multimodal learning multinomial logistic regression multinomial naive bayes multiple correspondence analysis multiple discriminant analysis multiple factor analysis multiple instance learning multiple kernel learning multiple sequence alignment multiple-instance learning multiplicative weight update method multiprocessing bag multispectral imaging multispectral pattern recognition multivariate adaptive regression splines multivariate cryptography music sequencer music synthesis music mutation (genetic algorithm) mxnet mysql mysteryvibe n-gram n-type semiconductor naive bayes classifier naive bayes named entity recognition nancy leveson nando de freitas nanoelectronics nant nat hole punching national cyber security alliance national cyber security division national cyber security hall of fame national cyberdefence centre national cybersecurity center national information assurance training and education center national infrastructure security co-ordination centre national security agency national security operations center national software testing laboratories national white collar crime center native-language identification deduction natural disasters natural evolution strategy natural language processing natural language programming natural language toolkit naval cypher 3 nearest centroid classifier k-nearest neighbor nearest neighbor algorithm nearest neighbor search nearest-neighbor chain algorithm nec corporation needham–schroeder neighbor joining nessie nest labs netapp netminer netowl network administrator network analyzer network management system network management network security toolkit network security neural designer neural engineering object neural modeling fields neural network software neuroevolution neuroph neurosolutions never-ending language learning news corp next-generation firewall niederreiter cryptosystem niki.ai nimbus nixdorf computer nmos noekeon noisy channel model noisy text analytics nominate (scaling method) non-english-based programming language non-negative matrix factorization non-structured non-volatile memory nondeterministic nonlinear dimensionality reduction nonvolatile memory normalized cut segmentation norsis norsk data nortel norwegian cyber defence force nosql novell novell novelty detection np completeness ntruencrypt nuclear electronics nuisance variable number theory number numerical analysis nush nxp semiconductors object object object detection object management group object oriented programming delphi/object pascal object recognition object-based language object-oriented programming object-oriented objective-c oblivious pseudorandom function obsolescence occam learning ofer dekel off-side rule programming language office suite official secrets act offline learning offline private key ohm's law ohmmeter olivetti one-class classification one-time pad onion routing online machine learning online onnx open hardware open port openai opennlp openpgp openvpn operating system operating systems timeline operational amplifier operations support system operator opnsense optical braille recognition optical character recognition optical fiber optical flow optical storage optics algorithm optimal discriminant analysis optimization optoelectronics oracle corporation oracle oracle data mining orange (software) ordinal classification ordinary least squares regression ordination (statistics) oren etzioni organic electronics organic semiconductors osborne oscilloscope otway–rees oulu university secure programming group out-of-bag error outline of artificial intelligence outline of c++ outline of computer engineering outline of computer programming outline of computer science outline of computer security outline of computer vision outline of computers outline of computing outline of cryptography outline of databases outline of electrical engineering outline of free software outline of google outline of perl outline of robotics outline of search engines outline of software development software development outline of software engineering software engineering outline of software outline of the internet outline of web design and web development overfitting owasp p-type semiconductor pac learning pachinko allocation packard bell packet analyzer packet storm pagerank paillier cryptosystem pair programming palm panama panasonic parallax propeller parallel algorithm parallel computing parallel metaheuristic parity benchmark parity learning parser parsing part-of-speech tagging partial least squares regression particle filter particle swarm optimization passive filter passphrase password cracking password-authenticated key agreement password patents path dependence pattern language (formal languages) pattern recognition paul allen paul kocher payload paypal pedestrian detection pedro domingos peltarion synapse people counter perceptron performance engineering peripherals perl permutation cipher perplexity perq persian speech corpus personal computer pcs personal digital assistant pdas personnel peter flach peter g. neumann peter gutmann pfsense phase-locked loop phil zimmermann phil zimmermann phoenix labs photoelectric effect photonics photovoltaic system php physical computing physical security picas (app) pierre baldi pietro perona piezotronics pike pin diode pinhole camera model pipeline pilot piranha (software) pitman–yor process plaintext planar process plate notation playfair cipher pmos poker police central e-crime unit policy-based design polyalphabetic substitution polygraphic substitution polynomial kernel pop music automation population process population-based incremental learning portable computer portable format for analytics poseidon drowning detection system post-quantum cryptography power amplifier power analysis power electronics power factor power mosfet power supply powerpc predictive learning predictive model markup language predictive state representation preference learning preference regression prefrontal cortex basal ganglia working memory premature convergence preprocessing presentations pretty good privacy prime computer principal component analysis principal component regression principal geodesic analysis printed electronics prior knowledge for pattern recognition prisma (app) privacy proactive learning probabilistic action cores probabilistic classifier probabilistic context-free grammar probabilistic latent semantic analysis probabilistic logic probabilistic probabilistic soft logic probability matching probably approximately correct learning probit model procedural process management process-oriented processor design product product cipher product lifecycle management product of experts progol program structure program synthesis programmable array logic programmable logic array programmable logic controller programmable logic device programmable read-only memory programmable rom programmer programmer (software developer) programming language dialect programming language theory programming language programming language pragmatics programming productivity programming software programming tool programming with big data in r project management project safe childhood projection keyboard projection pursuit projective geometry proof of correctness proper generalized decomposition protocols prototype-based provable security proximal gradient methods for learning pruning (decision trees) psec-kem pseudocode pseudonymity psipred psophometer public key certificate public key infrastructure pulse width modulator punched card punched cards purely functional purple pushmeet kohli pushpak bhattacharyya pvlv image pyramid python pytorch p–n junction q q meter q methodology q-cert q-learning qloo qt toolkit quadratic classifier quadratic unconstrained binary optimization brew quality assurance quality control and genetic algorithms quantization quantum algorithm quantum artificial intelligence lab quantum computing quantum cryptography quantum electronics quantum tunneling query-level feature question answering queueing theory quick, draw! quickprop r (programming language) r rabbit 2000 rabin cryptosystem rabin-saep rada mihalcea radar rademacher complexity radial basis function kernel radial basis function network radio electronics radon transform rake ram rand index random forest random forests random indexing random oracle model random projection random sample consensus random subspace method random-access memory randomized algorithm randomized weighted majority algorithm ranking svm rapid application development (rad) rapidminer rational number rational unified process rattle gui ray kurzweil rayid ghani raymond cattell raytheon rc2 rc4 rc5 rc6 rca reactive read-only memory rom real data type real-time reasoning system recommendation system hybrid recommender systems reconstruction filter hiring rectifier recurrent neural network recursion red hat red light camera reduction refactoring reflection reflective programming language refrigerator regression regular expression regularization perspectives on support vector machines regulation of investigatory powers act 2000 reinforcement learning related key attack related-key attack relational data mining relational databases relational relationship square relativistic programming relevance vector machine relief (feature selection) remote sensing renesas renewable energy renjin repeated incremental pruning to produce error reduction (ripper) repertory grid replay attack representer theorem requirements gathering / analysis researcher keywords and reserved words reservehandverfahren resistor retinex reverse auction reverse engineering reverse image search rcs reward-based selection richard stallman richard zemel ridge regression right to explanation ripemd-160 ripple down rules risk management road traffic control robert noyce roboearth robotic vacuum cleaner robotics robust principal component analysis role-oriented roll-up keyboard rongorongo rootkit ross j. anderson ross quinlan rot13 router routing royal mcbee rprop rsa rsa-kem rsa-oaep rtr0 rubber-hose cryptanalysis ruby rule induction rule-based machine learning rule-based programming ruleml symposium rules extraction system family runtime system rust safer safernet sage (organization) sales salsa20 salt salvatore j. stolfo sammon mapping sample complexity sample exclusion dimension sampling sans institute santa fe trail problem sap sas (software) savi technology sc2000 scale space scale-invariant feature transform scantron corporation schema (genetic algorithms) schematic capture schottky diode science scientific computing computer mathematics scientific data systems scikit-learn script kiddie scripting language scrum scytale ship traffic control seal search algorithm searching search engine optimization search engine search-based software engineering sebastian thrun second system syndrome secret sharing secure coding secure key issuing cryptography secure multiparty computation secure trusted operating system consortium securiteam security alarm security bug security by design security engineering security guard security practices and research student association secure operating systems security securityfocus selection (genetic algorithm) self-organizing map self-service semantic suite selmer bringsjord semantic analysis semantic folding semantic mapping (statistics) semantic security semantic-oriented semi-supervised learning generative models graph-based methods low-density separation semicolon semiconductor chip semiconductor consolidation semiconductor detector semiconductor device fabrication semiconductor industry semiconductor memory semiconductor semidefinite embedding sense networks sensor resolution sensor sensorium project separation of concerns sepp hochreiter sequence labeling sequence sequential algorithm sequential logic sequential minimal optimization serial communications serial interface serpent server service-oriented architecture service-oriented modeling set (computer science) sha-1 sha-256 sha-384 sha-3 sha-512 shacal-1 shacal-2 shadowserver shafi goldwasser shane legg shark shattered set shogun (toolbox) shugborough inscription side channel attack siemens sigaba signal analyzer signal generator signal processing silhouette (clustering) silicon graphics silicon laboratories silicon-gate simhash similarity learning similarity measure simple matching coefficient simple programmable logic device simrank simulation simultaneous localization and mapping sinclair research single-linkage clustering sinkov statistic six sigma skill chaining sliced inverse regression slide attack smart camera smart tv smartphone snakes and ladders snefru snns snow sober-t16 sober-t32 sober social engineering social engineering social media soft computing soft independent modelling of class analogies soft output viterbi algorithm software architect software architecture software brittleness software cracking cracking software development methodology software development process life cycle phase software development documentation software engineer software engineering demographics software engineering economics software engineering professionalism software engineering development software inspection software maintenance metrics software optimization software patent software quality alpha gold master release software reliability software reuse software suite software tester software testing tester testing software defined radio (sdr) software solar cell solaris solarwinds solid-state drive solomonoff's theory of inductive inference solveit software sorting algorithm sorting sound effects source code editor editors source code escrow source code source coding sourcefire vulnerability research team sparse dictionary learning sparse pca visualization special communications service of russia special effects spectral clustering spectrum analyzer speech emotion recognition speech processing speech recognition speech synthesis spem sperry spike-and-slab variable selection spintronics spiral model spreadsheet spss modeler spyware sql/xml sql square ssadm stability (learning theory) stacked auto-encoders stacked generalization state machines stateful firewall statement state–action–reward–state–action static random-access memory classification classifiers statistical learning theory statistical learning statistical machine translation statistical relational learning statistical semantics statistics stefan brands stefano soatto steganography stephen muggleton stephen wolfram stepwise regression steve jobs steve omohundro steve wozniak stmicroelectronics stochastic block model stochastic cellular automaton stochastic diffusion search stochastic gradient descent stochastic grammar stochastic matrix stochastic universal sampling stock market strategic enterprise management streebog stress majorization string string algorithms string kernel structural equation modeling structural risk minimization structured knn structured prediction structured programming control structures structured structured sparsity regularization structured storage structured support vector machine style transfer subclass reachability subclu subject-oriented subroutine subversion successive approximation adc sufficient dimension reduction sukhotin's algorithm sum of absolute differences sum of absolute transformed differences sun microsystems super computer super-resolution imaging supercomputer superscalar supervised learning supply chain management support vector machine surface acoustic wave swarm intelligence swebok swift case and switch statements switched-mode power supply switching kalman filter southweat technical products corporation sybase symbian os symbolic computation symbolic regression symbolics symmetric-key algorithm synchronous context-free grammar synchronous dram synchronous programming language syntactic pattern recognition syntax administrator software development lifecycle system software system systems engineering systems integration t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding tablet computer tablet tabula recta tacit taguchi loss function tanagra tcp hole punching td-gammon teacher teaching dimension team foundation server teamwork techcrunch support teledyne dalsa telemetry telephone wiretapping telephone telephony television template metaprogramming temporal difference learning tensor processing unit tensorflow terahertz technology term frequency–inverse document frequency teuvo kohonen texas instruments text editor text mining text recognition text simplification text to speech synthesis textual case-based reasoning the hundred-page machine learning book the open group the r2r ladder theano theft recovery software theory of computation theory of conjoint measurement thermal management thermal management of electronic devices and systems thin film thin-film transistor thomas g. dietterich thomas j. watson thomas watson, jr. threaded coding three-dimensional integrated circuit threshold cryptosystem thurstonian model thyristor tiger tight-binding model tim berners-lee time-driven timeline of algorithms timeline of apple products timeline of artificial intelligence timeline of computer security hacker history timeline of computing 1950–1979 timeline of computing 1980–1989 timeline of computing 1990–1999 timeline of computing 2000–2009 timeline of computing hardware 2400 bc–1949 timeline of computing timeline of cryptography timeline of dos operating systems timeline of file sharing timeline of machine learning timeline of openbsd timeline of operating systems timeline of programming languages timeline of quantum computing timeline of the apple ii series timer timing attack timit tea titkosítás tom gilb tom m. mitchell tone mapping tool topic model torch toshiba tlcs toshiba total quality management tournament selection trade traffic enforcement camera traffic sign recognition training, test, and validation sets training transduction transfer learning transformer transformer transiogram transistor computer transistor model transistor tester transistor translation transparent latch trax image recognition tree tree trees trevor hastie triac trifocal tensor trigram tagger triple des trojan truncation selection trusted computing group trusted paper key truth tables ttmac tube tester tucker decomposition twofish type theory typex ubuntu udp hole punching ugly duckling theorem uima uk cyber security community ultimate++ ultra umac uncertain data underwater computer vision sub-unified command unified modeling language uniform convergence in probability uniloc uninterruptible power supply unique negative dimension unisys unit record equipment department of defense univac universal portfolio algorithm unsupervised learning upgma us-cert uscybercom use case user user account user behavior analytics user interface engineering user stories users' group utility computing utilities v-model vacuum-tube computer validation set value value-level vapnik–chervonenkis theory variable variable frequency transformer variable kernel density estimation variable rules analysis variable-order bayesian network variable-order markov model varian data machines variational message passing varimax rotation vasant honavar vc dimension vc theory vector quantization vectorscope vehicle infrastructure integration velocity moments venona project verilog hardware description language version space learning very high-level programming language vliw very-large-scale integration vhsic hardware description language vic cipher vicarious (company) victor basili video content analysis video game console video game video hardware video signal generator vietnam information security association view engineering view synthesis vigenère cipher vigra village area network virtual design and construction virtual firewall virtual keyboard virtual machine virtual private network visage sdk vision processing unit vision classic visual basic visual basic .net visual cryptography visual perception visual visual sensor network visual word viterbi algorithm vladimir vapnik vmware voip volatile memory voltage converter voltage regulator voltage stabiliser voltmeter vowpal wabbit voynich manuscript vu meter vulnerabilities vyatta vyos waca clustering algorithm waffles wake wake-sleep algorithm walsh–hadamard transform wang war driving ward's method warden machinery warp (information security) washing machine water heater water remote sensing waterfall model wattmeter watts humphrey wearable computer weasel program browsers web bug web engineering servers weighted majority algorithm (machine learning) weka west coast labs while loop while loops whirlpool white box testing white papers whitening transformation wide area network wide mouth frog example will tracz wind power windows winnow (algorithm) winston w. royce win–stay, lose–switch wire wired.co.uk wired.com wireless keyboard wireless local area network wiretapped.net witness set wolfram language wolfram mathematica word processor workstation world war i cryptography world war ii cryptography world wide web consortium world wide web security world wide web wpgma writer invariant wxwidgets x.509 xgboost xml certification program xsl attack xtea xtr yacc yahoo! yann lecun yasuo matsuyama yooreeka yoshua bengio zdnet zend technologies zener diode zero-day attack zeroday emergency response team zeroth (software) zivid zone alarm zoubin ghahramani