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About Me


This is me - LibraryCJH (otherwise known as Chris or CJ!)

I graduated in 2003 from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth and then went on to work for two years at the Museum of English Rural Life as a Library and Archives Assistant.

Originally from Reading, Berkshire, I now live in Aberystwyth, Wales, and work as a shop manager for Aberystwyth Students' Union.

I think my User Box bar along the right of this page summarises me pretty well but feel free to get in touch if you want!

Wikipedia and Me


This page is a work-in-progress as I get used to this Wiki malarkey - I've made a few contributions to the encyclopedia already, but nothing too drastic. Maybe through getting used to using the system through this page that will change.

I'll probably be a back-seat Wikipedia user for a while (well I have been already I guess). Wikipedia's helped me out with some difficult questions, so I feel it's time to give something back. I'll start by just contributing where I can to existing articles, before building up the confidence (and finding out how!) to start new ones. If you come across articles of mine, or ones I've contributed to, and find mistakes or anything you'd like to comment on, please do let me know so that I can improve and become a better Wiki-citizen!

Update: Done it!! I've just created my first article on a village near to my hometown which I have strong connections to: Grazeley.

Articles I have...
written contributed to *
Grazeley Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Museum of English Rural Life
University of Wales, Aberystwyth

* - excluding minor edits