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Multi-accounting browser (or antidetect) browsers are browsers that can change, spoof, or mask their digital fingerprint by changing information about the user’s device and operating system that is available to websites through browser API[1].

How multi-accounting browsers work[edit]

As a rule, multi-accounting browsers are based on open-source web browsers. Besides functioning as classic web browsers, antidetect browsers have features that allow changing the device fingerprint to prevent the user’s identification. Usually the most important parameters that are crucial for the fingerprint are changed.

Parameters that are changed or hidden:

  • Canvas, an HTML5 element that rasterizes 2D images using JavaScript;
  • WebGL, a cross-platform API for 3D graphics in the browser developed by Khronos Group. WebGL uses GLSL shading language and is implemented as an HTML5 element that is a part of the browser document object model;
  • User Agent, a browser identification string that contains OS and browser versions;
  • HTTP Client Hints. These are a set of HTTP-headers containing parameters of the user’s system (screen size, OS type, etc.);
  • Geoposition, which shows the user’s location to a Web application if the user has given permission to share it;
  • Information about CPU и GPU, which can be obtained both directly through WebGL GL_RENDERER, and indirectly through benchmarks and tests performed with JavaScript;
  • The screen resolution and the browser window size, including parameters of the second screen if applicable;
  • A list of installed fonts, obtained by getComputedStyle API;
  • Information about installed extensions. Such extensions (e.g., ad blockers) modify web pages in a traceable way that allows identifying the extension and its parameters.

The way multi-accounting browsers work depend not only on the parameter spoofing itself, but on its technical implementation as well. Different browsers performing similar functions can leave digital fingerprints entirely differently from the perspective of tracking scripts and ad networks.

Multi-accounting browsers[edit]

  • Octo Browser
  • Indigo Browser
  • AntBrowser
  • Undetectable
  • GoLogin
  • Linken Sphere
  • Incogniton
  • Multilogin
  • Ghost Browser[2]

Supported OS[edit]

The first fingerprint spoofing attempts were made in Mozilla Firefox extensions and were implemented through javascript. Today an open-source browser kernel is most commonly used to power multi-accounting browsers.

Use cases[edit]

Affiliate marketing[edit]

In affiliate marketing multi-accounting browsers are used to create and control ad accounts for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Google Ads. Using these accounts the user registers a large number of ad accounts and directs the purchased traffic to their partners’ landing pages, thus scaling up ad campaigns by increasing the number of advertisers.


Multi-accounting browsers are used on such marketplaces as Amazon, Ebay, and Shopify to create multiple accounts for sellers or buyers. Seller accounts are needed to create web shops and increase the amount of product positions, and buyer accounts are used to write product reviews, which increases conversion and target group trust.

Internet marketing[edit]

Media companies and online advertisers use multi-accounting browsers to configure digital ads to test ad ideas. To do so they create accounts imitating real users configured to simulate specific target groups.


Fingerprinting taking is dangerous for user anonymity, as it combines identifying the browser by its fingerprint and cookie analytics. Thus, methods effective against identification by cookies alone might not be effective against more complex forms of fingerprinting taking. For instance, the incognito mode blocks some potentially compromising scenarios, but it does not change the browser fingerprint and, in fact, makes the browser more recognizable. Plug-ins and extensions are usually also not effective, as they are not significantly different from special browser modes and only increase the browser’s uniqueness[3].

Privacy protection[edit]

Multi-accounting browsers allow creating different profiles with unique digital fingerprints and cookie files. Identification systems think of such profiles as separate users visiting a website. In this manner it becomes impossible to cross-link a user’s actions on different services, which is one of the ways to protect user privacy and anonymity from digital tracing using cookies[4].

См. также[edit]


Category:Internet privacy Category:Internet privacy software

  1. ^ "What Are Anti-Detect Browsers?". 2022-07-23.
  2. ^ "Virtual Multi-profile Browser: Anti-Fingerprinting Browser for Multi-account Management". 2022-07-28.
  3. ^ "Как защититься от фингерпринтинга в интернете. Часть 2" (in Russian). 2021-10-27.
  4. ^ Kramár, Tomáš; Barla, Michal; Bieliková, Mária (2013-02-01). "Personalizing search using socially enhanced interest model, built from the stream of user's activity". Journal of Web Engineering. 12 (1–2): 65–92. ISSN 1540-9589.