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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This user is no longer active on Wikipedia.

Hi. I used to edit here occasionally.

I left because I think the community here is toxic. In my brief interactions with Wikipedians:

  • I've been called "succinctly under-educated" (a phrase which doesn't even make sense - the irony) because I wasn't aware of every single obscure Wikipedia policy.
  • I've been threatened with a ban because a long-established editor didn't like how I was doing things and thought he could push me around.
  • I've had people pettily point out typos that I've made in discussions, as if they think that somehow gives my points less credibility.

If everyone on Wikipedia put the same effort into interpersonal skills that they put into trying to prove how smart they are, then this might be a good place.

Until then, I'm out.