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Hello, my name is Mike, this is my first article so you can't expect it to be good. I design, I use Photoshop CS3, and I make tags or as such call it "sigs". My skills grew in a helpful community called GFX.CAWs.ws. For all who want to know here is my profile, as you may see I am very active there. If you want to see my work you might want to check my Photobucket. I do not allow people using my tags unless you ask me, anyone caught ripping will be reported. I have 11 months of experience with GIMP and two months with Photoshop. I am learning at a slow pace but I am generally a fast learner. I also use Cinema4D. I design effect renders to enhance my tags, although they look extremely bad I have never been known as a quitter. I have a year of experience on forums, especially IPB. I am looking forward to becoming a professional designer, as of now I am moderate, some call me high novice though.

Onto the computer, my computer is in really bad condition, it only has 2 gigabytes left but I'll be getting a new one soon, my current goal right now is to have my computer under ace security.

I of course listen to music, my favorite genres of music are:

1. Hip-Hop
2. Rap
3. Rock (Sometimes)

I do have an iPod but I barely have any songs, it is an 80 GB video iPod, I do not put it to good use due to the space on my computer. I hope this is good enough for a first article. It also wouldn't hurt to register on GFX.CAWs.ws. It will redirect you to CAWs.ws which obviously means that GFX.CAWs.ws is a sub-domain. If the last paragraph does not abide with the rules feel free to take it off.