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Han Weiji (16?? - ?) was born in Xiaotian Village, Zichuan County, Shandong Province, China (now Fujia Town, Zhangdian District, Zibo Prefecture), was served as a government officer in Qing Dynasty. [1]



Han Weiji (traditional Chinese: 韓維基; simplified Chinese: 韩维基), style name Zhenzi (traditional Chinese: 貞子; simplified Chinese: 贞子) became a Juren (imperial examination) in Shunzhi ear (in 1660), and a Tong Jinshi and ranked in the third class in the palace examination in earlier Kangxi era (in 1664). After the imperial exmination, Han was named as county magistrate of Wenxi County, Shanxi and Boye County, Zhili. As a magistrate, he was honest and upright, and the crime rate had decreased while he was on duty.

Family Background


Han Weiji is grandson of Han Maocai, son of Han Guangzhai. [2]



Inline Citition 《淄川縣志·卷五》頁十七:舉人 韓維基,字貞子,同庚子科,見進士,茂材孫。</ref> 《淄川縣志·卷五》頁十:進士 韓維基 同甲辰榜,授聞喜知縣,補博野知縣。 《聞喜縣志·卷之三·職官》頁三二:知縣 沈光瑀,浙江鄞縣舉人,康熙九年任,詳宦績。韓維基,山東淄川進士,康熙十三年任。王士美,江西金谿人舉人,康熙十五年任。 《博野縣志·卷三·職官》頁三:知縣 趙君訪,泗州歲貢。韓維基,山東淄川進士,康熙二十年任,清正廉明,嚴處竊盜,賊不入境。以上見舊志。羅士吉,舉人,康熙二十六年任……。

  1. ^ [[1]]
  2. ^ [[[2]]
  • 中國國家圖書館藏)张鸣铎、张廷寀、王佳宾 纂修,《淄川縣志》,清乾隆四十一年(1776年)刻本。
  • 李遵唐 纂修,《聞喜縣志》,中國方志叢書,據乾隆三十年刊本影印,成文出版社印行。
  • 中國國家圖書館藏)吴鏊、尹启铨 纂修,《博野縣志》,清乾隆三十二年(1767年)刻本。
  • 《淄博历史人物》,新世界出版社。
