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User:JosebaAbaitua/sandbox/References/DHum1920/ISUSI DA CONCEIÇAO, Diego

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  • Brophy (1987) states that, students, should be protected from premature concern about performance adequacy by structuring most activities to promote learning rather than to evaluate the performance.
  • Karniol and Ross (1969) state that, while some individuals aim primarily to avoid or eliminate negative states, other focus on achieving or maintaining positive states.
  • Weiner (1979) states that, research in the attributional domain has proven definitively that causal ascriptions for past performance are an important determinant of goal expectancies. For example, failure that is ascribed to low ability or to the difficulty of a task decreases the expectation of future success more than failure that is ascribed to bad luck, mood, or a lack of immediate effort.
  • Dörnyei (1994) states that, extrinsically motivated behaviors are the ones that the individual performs to receive some extrinsic reward (e.g., good grades) or to avoid punishment, with intrinsically motivated behaviors the rewards are internal (e.g. the joy of doing a particular activity or satisfying one's curiosity)





  1. ^ Brophy, J.H. (1987). "Synthesis of Research on Strategies for Motivating Students to Learn". Trade Journals. 45 (2): 40.
  2. ^ Karniol, R; Ross, M (1996). "The motivational impact of temporal focus: Thinking about the future and the past". Annual review of psychology. 47: 593.
  3. ^ Weiner, B (1979). "A Theory of Motivation for Some Classroom Experiences". Journal if Educational psychology. 71 (1): 3-25.
  4. ^ Dörnyei, Z (1994). "Motivation and motivating in the foreign language classroom". The modern language journal. 78 (3): 273-284.