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User:Johnny Pez/Early Foundation Timeline

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Early Foundation Timeline


"The Portable Star" was accompanied in the Winter 1955 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories with a timeline of the Foundation series which included the story, along with a number of others. A notable detail of the timeline is that it does not include any of the stories from I, Robot or The Caves of Steel, since at this time Asimov considered the Robot Series separate from the Foundation Series. The following timeline is a modified version of the Thrilling Wonder timeline, with dates adjusted to better reflect the story backgrounds, and with later stories added.

Year Story Events
Revised Thrilling Wonder Timeline
A. Exploration of the Solar System
1965 (Franchise) Multivac constructed.
1968 (Franchise) First use of Multivac to extrapolate election results.
1973 to 1978 Trends First man-carrying flight to the Moon, against social resistance.
1985 (The Singing Bell) Settlement of the Moon proceeds; mining operations set up. Luna City established in Tycho Crater. Lunar Dominion organized. First landings on Mars and Venus.
1990 Waterclap Ocean-Deep established in the Puerto Rico Trench.
1995 (The Martian Way) Mars and Venus settled. Continued opposition to settlement of other planets.
2008 Franchise Norman Muller of Bloomington, Indiana chosen by Multivac as the year's Voter.
2015 All the Troubles of the World Multivac becomes suicidal.
2020 Ring Around the Sun First flight of the United Space Mail ship Helios from Earth to Venus.
2025 My Son, the Physicist A missing expedition to Ganymede is discovered on Pluto.
2028 For the Birds Space habitats constructed in Lunar orbit.
2030 to 2032 The Martian Way Anti-Waster campaign on Earth. Martian colonists begin transportation of ice from Saturn's rings to the inner Solar System.
2033 (The Singing Bell) Use of the psychoprobe on criminal suspects legalized.
2035 The Singing Bell, The Talking Stone Albert Cornwell murdered on the Moon by Louis Peyton. H. Seton Davenport meets Dr. Wendell Urth. Freighter Robert Q. destroyed in Asteroid Belt.
2036 The Dying Night Romano Villiers murdered after inventing mass transference.
2037 Time Pussy Gold rush in Asteroid Belt.
2039 The Dust of Death The head of Central Organic Laboratories is murdered by a disgruntled employee.
2040 The Key Telepathic amplifier discovered on the Moon.
2050 (The Callistan Menace) New Chicago settlement established on Ganymede.
2055 (The Callistan Menace) First expedition to Callisto lost.
2060 (Christmas on Ganymede) Ganymedan Products Corporation granted franchise to exploit natural resources on Ganymede.
2070 Key Item Multivac continues to grow more complex and unpredictable.
2075 Christmas on Ganymede Ganymedan natives demand visit from Santa Claus.
2076 To Tell at a Glance Space habitats form political union.
2080 The Callistan Menace Scoutship Ceres survives Callistan lifeforms, returns to Ganymede.
2090 The Billiard Ball Discovery of anti-gravity.
2100 (Heredity) Carter twins separated at birth.
2125 Heredity Carter twins reunited on Mars.
2130 Marooned Off Vesta Wreck of the Silver Queen in the Asteroid Belt.
2150 Anniversary Survivors of the Silver Queen find the anoptikon. Multivac terminals in private homes.
2157 The Fun They Had Education process is completely computerized.
2500 Exile to Hell Exile to Earth becomes the most extreme punishment meted out to criminals on the Moon.
2700 Good Taste Space habitats become culturally isolated.
3000 Dreaming Is a Private Thing Recorded dreams become a form of popular entertainment.
3500 Someday Extreme computerization of society. Disappearance of literacy.
4500 The Greatest Asset Species diversity on Earth dwindles as the human population rises.
B. Exploration of the Galaxy
5000 The hyperspatial drive is discovered.
5200 Green Patches, Each an Explorer Organized space exploration begins.
5400 Founding Father Terraforming of marginal planets takes place.
5500 The Portable Star Flights to other stars become feasible in small space cruisers. Very little of the Galaxy explored.
6500 Strikebreaker Mankind begins spreading outward.
7000 Take a Match Exploration of the Galaxy continues.
7500 Profession, I'm in Marsport Without Hilda Growing interstellar commerce. Earth maintains economic power by producing education tapes for other worlds.
8500 Sucker Bait Population has increased to the point where the inner regions of the Galaxy are overcrowded. Government-sponsored emigration to the outer reaches are begun. Most of the Galaxy now mapped and well-known. The old political structure is now incapable of handling the vast number of worlds.
10000 Star Light Earth’s last atomic wars render its crust largely radioactive and that is the last straw. The Galaxy breaks up into numerous political organizations.
C. Galactic Empire
30000 The Stars, Like Dust The star-regions begin to agglomerate into larger groupings. The empire of Tyrann grows and declines. Trantor grows less spectacularly, but more solidly.
34500 The Currents of Space Trantor has grown until half the Galaxy is under its sway. The Squires of Sark, with their control of the kyrt-rich Florina, are the last independent group to seriously contest Trantor’s hegemony.
35000 Trantor becomes the Galactic Empire officially. Earth is all but forgotten.
35827 Pebble in the Sky Galactic Empire is at its height. Earth completely forgotten as origin of humanity. Slowly the Empire grows static and decadent.
35977 to 35978 Blind Alley Aliens escape from the Galactic Empire.
46988 (The Psychohistorians) Hari Seldon born on Helicon.
47067 The Psychohistorians Members of the Psychohistory Project are sentenced to exile on Terminus.
47069 (The Psychohistorians) Death of Hari Seldon. Foundation established on Terminus.
47119 The Encyclopedists Salvor Hardin seizes power on Terminus during the first Seldon Crisis.
47149 The Mayors Salvor Hardin thwarts attempt by Anacreon to conquer Terminus during second Seldon Crisis.
47204 The Traders Limmar Ponyets frees a Foundation agent on Askone, and blackmails the Grand Master of Askone into accepting Foundation missionaries.
47223 to 47229 The Merchant Princes Hober Mallow becomes Mayor of the Foundation, wins Korellian War during third Seldon Crisis.
47264 to 47265 The General War between the Foundation and the Galactic Empire during the fourth Seldon Crisis.
47379 to 47380 The Mule The Mule conquers the Foundation during the fifth Seldon Crisis.
47385 Search by the Mule The Mule is neutralized by the Second Foundation.
47435 to 47436 Search by the Foundation War between the Foundation and Kalgan. Second Foundation apparently destroyed.